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Joe Paterno dead at 85

Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

Karma's a bitch.

Yes, I know he wasn't the one doing boys and he said he reported it up the chain of command but a decent human would have called the cops, especially after months/years of inaction.
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Chiller</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Sad that he passed and will be tarnished by the Penn State issue. </div></div>

Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

His own fault. He should have stood on the university president's desk and screamed in his face to have the guy arrested. He should have threatened to go to every major newspaper if they didn't prosecute the guy. Instead, he told the next guy in the chain in the command and nothing else. Think of it this way: if it had been his son getting raped in the shower, would he have done the same thing?
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: High Binder</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Karma's a bitch.

Yes, I know he wasn't the one doing boys and he said he reported it up the chain of command but a decent human would have called the cops, especially after months/years of inaction. </div></div>

My thoughts exactly.
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

Sad that he passed but you wont hear me singing his praises. He picked a college athletics program over those boys that his assistant coach was raping. Think about what that did to them mentally. Now, in Paterno's eyes it wasn't big enough for him to blow the whistle and jeopardize his college's legacy.
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

Goddamn its good to know I'm not alone with the hard feelings I have for this individual.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mj2evans</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Burn in hell for letting kids get abused. No mercy for a coward. </div></div>
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TBannister</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Goddamn its good to know I'm not alone with the hard feelings I have for this individual.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mj2evans</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Burn in hell for letting kids get abused. No mercy for a coward. </div></div> </div></div>

HELL NO TBannister, you are not alone. Watching these people have rallies supporting him makes me sick. Karma's a mother fucker as far as I'm concerned.
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TBannister</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Goddamn its good to know I'm not alone with the hard feelings I have for this individual.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mj2evans</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Burn in hell for letting kids get abused. No mercy for a coward. </div></div> </div></div>

You are definitely not alone!!
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

You are correct he has a "Duty to Act!!! fucker burn in hell
"<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: krummarine</div><div class="ubbcode-body">His own fault. He should have stood on the university president's desk and screamed in his face to have the guy arrested. He should have threatened to go to every major newspaper if they didn't prosecute the guy. Instead, he told the next guy in the chain in the command and nothing else. Think of it this way: if it had been his son getting raped in the shower, would he have done the same thing? </div></div>
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

This my friends is a perfect example of what happens when you fail to do the right thing. He has convicted him self by his own words and actions for eternity.

Any moral adult knows what the appropriate action should be when dealing with a person praying on kids. STOP the Abuser at all cost! (And if there is anything left of the abuser)Then CALL the police and report it.

To standby, and do nothing as a child's being abused. Is the same as condoning the action as if your doing it your self. There Is No, and I repeat No excuse for not stopping child abuse.

If it was your kids, how would you respond to an adult that just stood by and watched your child being raped.

My response to the abuser and the spectators would always be the same "Quickly Make your peace with the lord, you'll be seeing him shortly".

There are times in your life when you must take a stand.
no matter what the personal cost. Right is Right, and Wrong is Wrong. It's really that simple.

A football metaphor in closing:

He has failed in the most basic game of life. He miss the tackle. Then he fumbled the pass. mostly because he lost touch with his quarterback. And think, all of this in the last few yards to the end zone. What........ a legacy.

Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

Actually, the ONLY witness was McQueary, who upon witnessing Sandusky raping a minor did NOTHING. He did not beat that old man's head into the ground and he did not call the police to report that he beat that old man's head into the ground.

And what he told Paterno, who knows. What he witnessed did not reflect the actions of a 6'4" former athlete, though.

Not saying Paterno was innocent but Paterno was not a witness. And neither was Sandusky's wife, apparently. And neither was Sandusky's children, apparently. And neither is the rape victim in that particular instance since he hasn't been found.
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: fx77</div><div class="ubbcode-body">And now his prior testimony in sht case against Sandusky is inadmissable.
Only "witness" is now McQuary</div></div>

He couldn't testify against Sandusky in the first place. He didn't wittness anything. McQueary's statement to Paterno, what ever it was, is hearsay. If he testified at all it would have been in the trials of the 2 Penn State officials accused of lying to the grand jury.

I doubt very much that he is burning in hell.

Do any of you internet tough guys think that McQueary, a 28 year old grad assistant and former Penn State football player, told his father and then Paterno that he saw Sandusky butt fucking a little boy but didn't do any thing but get distraught and leave immediately (grand jury report page 6 and 7). Do you actually think that he would have admitted to his father and then to Paterno that he was such a coward? (Remember McQueary has already lied and said that he went to the police) It is much more likely that he told his father (who didn't call the police either) and Paterno that he heard something that sounded inappropriate, that sounded sexual. Paterno did what he thought he was supposed to do. He acknowledged that he could have done more; that he wishes that he had done more. But burn in hell as an accessory to child rape? You guys are crazy.
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

lealge - you really think Paterno didn't know what was going on? The police were called in 1998 so I *know* Paterno had an idea. Seems you are easy on child rape - nice job. Sandusky should be hanged with piano wire and anyone that did nothing to stop him (and a phone call is NOT stopping him) need, at the least, a horse whipping. Tough guy - no .... father - yes .... human being? 100% Anyone with a spine knows what needs to be done here.
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

So, you're saying the 1998 police need to be horsewhipped along with Sandusky's wife and kids and all his family members?

I could live with that. Let's horsewhip the kids parents, too, especially the parents that let Sandusky take their kid to New Mexico.

The fact the prosecutor let Sandusky slide in 1998 was a disgrace. He should be horsewhipped, too.

We all know what they all knew.

I want to see Jim Boeheim drawn and quartered. He's obviously guilty of something.

If only there were more coaches like, Mark Wahlberg.
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

Refusing to join a mob bent on vilifying the memory of a decent man, based on the word of a lying, self serving coward, hardly makes me "easy on child rape". Sandusky deserves everything that he has coming to him. (Personally I think he'll off himself before trial. He should be locked up now and under watch if for no other reason than to prevent the ultimate escape from earthly justice) but my post was not about Sandusky.
How do you "know" what Paterno knew about the 1998 report? He testified to the grand jury (his testimony was read into the record at Curley and Shultz's preliminary hearing) that the only thing he ever heard about Sandusky was what McQueary told him. It appears that the grand jury believed him because they didn't indict him like they did Curley and Shultz.
What makes you think that all Paterno did was make a phone call? The grand jury reported that Paterno called Curley (the Athletic Director who, as his boss, was the person to whom Pa law required the report be made) the same day that he met with McQueary. That call was followed up with a face to face meeting with Curley the next day. Sometime after that, according to Shultz's grand jury testimony, Paterno met again with Curley, with Shultz present this time, and again reported what McQueary had told him. Understand that Penn State is a city within a small town. It has its own 46 man police force that, under Pa law, has the same powers and responsibilities as any municipal police force in the Commonwealth. What McQueary reported to Paterno happened on campus within the jurisdiction of that police department. Also understand that, as constituted, the campus police department answered to Shultz. If I sat down and made a report to the police commissioner of my town I'd think that I was talking to the police.
Should he have done more when he saw Sandusky still walking around campus? Paterno acknowledged he could have done more: should have done more. But you're going to horsewhip a 75 year old man (he was 75 at the time) because he didn't? That's 100% stupid. Because my post was about Paterno, not Sandusky, and because you obviously have a spine and know what needs to be done, what should be done here in regard to Joe Paterno?
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

Was Joe Pa wrong? YES. Should he have done more? YES. But unlike the majority of the posters on here, I personally didn't sit in on the conversation between Paterno and McQueary and Im not going to cast judgement on someone to hell. Ill leave that to another being. I don't know what was or was not said. He made a mistake and deserves punishment, but hell?
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

I've read the comments posted here for a few days now. Guys somehow think they know the inside story. And anyone who doesn't agree with them gets labeled.

I don't know, maybe it's because I've always had a little bit more compasssion for the elderly than I do for other folks but I think Joe Paterno was an old man. Maybe he couldn't fully comprehend (or wasn't fully told) what had happened. I don't know what happened so I can't speak with authority but then again, neither can you. 10,000 people were supposed to have shown up for his funeral. Numbers don't make right - that's been proven in political elections. But all those people say the same thing - Joe Paterno was a good man. I leave you with a video clip of Phil Knight eulogizing Joe. He makes some really good points. And no, I never went to Penn State. But I sure wish I had.

Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

Ok ... I was associated with child sexual abuse as a minor (well know childcare giver busted). I was not molested but a firend was and I spotted that guy the moment I saw him and several adults made comments he was too "friendly" with the kids. Here his a case of ANOTHER grown man having sleep overs for childern (a la michal jackson sick-o). So yes, Paterno saw the signs and asked Sandusky to step down from coaching due to all the time he was spending on kids! And yes, some of the parents share responsibility - NO GROWN MAN should be that inerested in kids that are not his own family. Don't get me started on the revolving door of the "criminal justice system." The fact the 80% of inmates have been in prison before shows you that: the system does not reform, we don't have a huge lawless populaiton only a small group of reoffenders, and if you really wanted to make society safer you would NEVER release violent offenders. Period. The sad reality is all the damage of Sandusky is done and even killing him won't fix the children he has damaged - but he still needs to hang.
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: leagle</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Should he have done more when he saw Sandusky still walking around campus? Paterno acknowledged he could have done more: should have done more. But you're going to horsewhip a 75 year old man (he was 75 at the time) because he didn't? That's 100% stupid. Because my post was about Paterno, not Sandusky, and because you obviously have a spine and know what needs to be done, what should be done here in regard to Joe Paterno? </div></div>

At what age are we no longer responsible for doing the right thing? To think that to see Sandusky still pandering kids around campus on tours and do nothing is somehow excused by age is "100% stupid".

Every defender of Paterno tries to excuse his behavior on some half assed logic that he did other great things, or he was too old, or blah blah blah. Bottom line, that hero you argue taught excellence, and made men..... shit the bed when he had the chance to do something really great.

It's not lost on anyone that a decision was made somewhere along the line that tattling on child molesters does not offer near the amount of positive press that a glowing win/loss column does. And even if Paterno opposed that decision he obviously went along with it. And that, like it or not, is the legacy Paterno earned.
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

I haven't seen in any of the accounts that Sandusky was seen with kids on campus again or that Paterno saw Sandusky with kids on campus. Can you point outr to me where you learned that so that I can read it myself?
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

While you are looking that up, can you also point out where I defended Paterno on the basis of his age? I merely pointed out that an internet tough guy threatening to "horsewhip" a 75 year old man was stupid.
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: leagle</div><div class="ubbcode-body">While you are looking that up, can you also point out where I defended Paterno on the basis of his age? I merely pointed out that an internet tough guy threatening to "horsewhip" a 75 year old man was stupid. </div></div>

My misread...

As to Sandusky and other kids, it was widely reported that his foundation Second Mile continued to bring kids around the program (gamedays, campus trips etc).

Sandusky is Creepy Article
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

leagle good luck...I already tried to make the same arguments but people just want to use hearsay and just assume that Paterno had to know becuase of who Sandusky was despite not having been an active coach for a few years and actually not having a good relationship with Paterno (which some people do not know, they were not buddy buddy as far as I know and Sandusky has been stated as talking shit behind his back). It doesn't matter what you say, they have already made up their mind.

Mind you there has been no mention of the Dr. that was a family friend of McQueary's that was at the father's home when McQueary came home and told his father what happened. The Dr. that was there asked several times if he had actually seen anything and made an emphasis to make sure. Several times McQueary confirmed he actually hadn't seen anything but only heard what he THOUGHT were sex sounds and that was it. So if that was all he told his father, then wonder what he told Paterno. Remember MCQueary now has been caught lying several times and stated several different stories.

Like I said before I am not gonna cast someone out that has done so much good over hearsay, what ifs, I "knows" etc. I wanna hear the facts. If it comes out that it was then all of you are correct but until then I will save all my stones for Sandusky in the meantime.
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: smokshwn</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: leagle</div><div class="ubbcode-body">While you are looking that up, can you also point out where I defended Paterno on the basis of his age? I merely pointed out that an internet tough guy threatening to "horsewhip" a 75 year old man was stupid. </div></div>

My misread...

As to Sandusky and other kids, it was widely reported that his foundation Second Mile continued to bring kids around the program (gamedays, campus trips etc).

Sandusky is Creepy Article </div></div>

Yh the dude was creepy obviously and a pedophile but who says he did it in front of Paterno. I have been an athlete and been sitting there and a coach sit next to me and slap my on the thigh (notin a creepy fashion lol) but if there was another coach there I am sure he didn't sit there and stare at us to see what continued to unfold or he was doing something else and did not notice...or like i said who says that he even did that in front of Paterno??? Doesn't mention that in the article.
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: anthony20031</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: smokshwn</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: leagle</div><div class="ubbcode-body">While you are looking that up, can you also point out where I defended Paterno on the basis of his age? I merely pointed out that an internet tough guy threatening to "horsewhip" a 75 year old man was stupid. </div></div>

My misread...

As to Sandusky and other kids, it was widely reported that his foundation Second Mile continued to bring kids around the program (gamedays, campus trips etc).

Sandusky is Creepy Article </div></div>

Yh the dude was creepy obviously and a pedophile but who says he did it in front of Paterno. I have been an athlete and been sitting there and a coach sit next to me and slap my on the thigh (notin a creepy fashion lol) but if there was another coach there I am sure he didn't sit there and stare at us to see what continued to unfold or he was doing something else and did not notice...or like i said who says that he even did that in front of Paterno??? Doesn't mention that in the article. </div></div>

Are you really this stupid.

Paterno himself has already admitted he knew what was going on and should have followed up or done more. So it really doesn't matter what fantasy you have in your head about him not actually witnessing the act or any other puzzle pattern you are using to absolve Paterno of guilt.

That article was used to show Sandusky continued to have access to the football program with underage children after the incident in question.

So again, for all the Paterno fans prognostications that he was a man who taught practiced excellence, he failed in the most crucial situation of his life....but fear not he won a lot of football games YAY!
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

"That article was used to show Sandusky continued to have access to the football program with underage children after the incident in question."

The person interviewed in the story you linked to is 33 years old and stated that his contact with Sandusky took place when he was 10 years old. That pretty much means that it happened 23 years ago. That would place the contact approximately 13 years before the McQueary incident.

When you say that Paterno "admitted he knew what was going on" can you link me to a site that has the quote from Paterno as to what he actually knew and when he knew it? Thanks
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: leagle</div><div class="ubbcode-body">"That article was used to show Sandusky continued to have access to the football program with underage children after the incident in question."

The person interviewed in the story you linked to is 33 years old and stated that his contact with Sandusky took place when he was 10 years old. That pretty much means that it happened 23 years ago. That would place the contact approximately 13 years before the McQueary incident.

When you say that Paterno "admitted he knew what was going on" can you link me to a site that has the quote from Paterno as to what he actually knew and when he knew it? Thanks </div></div>

The following is a quote from Paterno himself.

“As my grand jury testimony stated,” Joe Paterno said in the statement, “I was informed in 2002 by an assistant coach that he had witnessed an incident in the shower of our locker room facility. It was obvious that the witness was distraught over what he saw, but he at no time related to me the very specific actions contained in the Grand Jury report. Regardless, it was clear that the witness saw something inappropriate involving Mr. Sandusky. As Coach Sandusky was retired from our coaching staff at that time, I referred the matter to university administrators."

So you got me he claims he didn't know any specifics. Only that a member of his staff witnessed "acts" which were serious enough to pass up the chain, but certainly not serious enough to warrant a followup question or two to ascertain the specifics. Certainly an excellent performance.

Keep teabagging Paterno's sack all you want. At the end of the day all those that defend Paterno have is excuses made for a man who chose the BARE MINIMUM instead of his famed excellence. In doing so he failed this kid and likely dozens of others by his inaction. That's a fact.
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: smokshwn</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: anthony20031</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: smokshwn</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: leagle</div><div class="ubbcode-body">While you are looking that up, can you also point out where I defended Paterno on the basis of his age? I merely pointed out that an internet tough guy threatening to "horsewhip" a 75 year old man was stupid. </div></div>

My misread...

As to Sandusky and other kids, it was widely reported that his foundation Second Mile continued to bring kids around the program (gamedays, campus trips etc).

Sandusky is Creepy Article </div></div>

Yh the dude was creepy obviously and a pedophile but who says he did it in front of Paterno. I have been an athlete and been sitting there and a coach sit next to me and slap my on the thigh (notin a creepy fashion lol) but if there was another coach there I am sure he didn't sit there and stare at us to see what continued to unfold or he was doing something else and did not notice...or like i said who says that he even did that in front of Paterno??? Doesn't mention that in the article. </div></div>

Are you really this stupid.

Paterno himself has already admitted he knew what was going on and should have followed up or done more. So it really doesn't matter what fantasy you have in your head about him not actually witnessing the act or any other puzzle pattern you are using to absolve Paterno of guilt.

That article was used to show Sandusky continued to have access to the football program with underage children after the incident in question.

So again, for all the Paterno fans prognostications that he was a man who taught practiced excellence, he failed in the most crucial situation of his life....but fear not he won a lot of football games YAY!

So when you don't agree with people you call them all stupid? Joe Paterno never said he knew what was going on...way to comprehend. Again people have selective hearing. He stated that even IF he knew what was going on, ie if McQueary told he that he actually saw what was happening, he wasn't sure if he would have been able to comprehend it because he couldn't fathom it.

Please learn to read/comprehend what people actual say please before referring to things as fact.
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

I have no idea what "teabaggin Paterno's sack" means, Can you point out to me where, in this thread, I made an excuse for Paterno? I've only pointed out that the reord does not indicate that Paterno witnessed anything or was told the specifics of what McQueary saw. The record indicates that Paterno didn't "just make a phone call" but, on the day he spoke to McQueary, telephoned his superior with what he'd been told. Followed that up with a face to face meeting the next day with his superior and then in a subsequent meeting made the same report to his superior and the person to whom the University police answer. The record does not indicate that, after making the report Paterno ever saw Sandusky with a child.
In your opinion, after making the reports that he did, to the people that he did, on the information that he had, what should Paterno have done next?
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: smokshwn</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: leagle</div><div class="ubbcode-body">"That article was used to show Sandusky continued to have access to the football program with underage children after the incident in question."

The person interviewed in the story you linked to is 33 years old and stated that his contact with Sandusky took place when he was 10 years old. That pretty much means that it happened 23 years ago. That would place the contact approximately 13 years before the McQueary incident.

When you say that Paterno "admitted he knew what was going on" can you link me to a site that has the quote from Paterno as to what he actually knew and when he knew it? Thanks </div></div>

The following is a quote from Paterno himself.

“As my grand jury testimony stated,” Joe Paterno said in the statement, “I was informed in 2002 by an assistant coach that he had witnessed an incident in the shower of our locker room facility. It was obvious that the witness was distraught over what he saw, but he at no time related to me the very specific actions contained in the Grand Jury report. Regardless, it was clear that the witness saw something inappropriate involving Mr. Sandusky. As Coach Sandusky was retired from our coaching staff at that time, I referred the matter to university administrators."

So you got me he claims he didn't know any specifics. Only that a member of his staff witnessed "acts" which were serious enough to pass up the chain, but certainly not serious enough to warrant a followup question or two to ascertain the specifics. Certainly an excellent performance.

Keep teabagging Paterno's sack all you want. At the end of the day all those that defend Paterno have is excuses made for a man who chose the BARE MINIMUM instead of his famed excellence. In doing so he failed this kid and likely dozens of others by his inaction. That's a fact. </div></div>

So what was stated to Paterno? That is all I want to know before I crucify him. What is wrong with that? It has been testified to that McQueary told his father and another person that he didn't see anything just heard odd noises of which COULD have been sexual sounds. So what if that was what was told to Paterno? Paterno obviously could have been told any number of things. Possibly he thought there was just horseplay (not saying if that is the case or not) and while deemed something inappropriately was going on and decided to sit with the head of the police Schultz and AD Curley to let them investigate, but did not realize what really was happening....remember it is not like he saw this it was all hearsay to him. That is even more revelant if McQueary told him he didn't see anything actual happening.

I just don't see the rational to jump on people who choose to wait on the facts. I understandable will crucify and demonize etc Sandusky because there are multiple witnesses, stories that corroborate etc. However with Paterno, one he did not commit the acts (not that that makes it any better), two we have no clue what was actual said to him and three the person whose testimony that people have been using to crucify him has already proven to be a liar and there is other testimony that goes against what he has stated. So why not wait til the fact comes out. I kind of compare it to the Duke incident where those lacrosse players were crucified left and right, expelled, spent time in jail etc and after all the facts came out it was shown that the kids were innocent. Our society has become a society of quick speedy results rather than waiting to find out everything first.

I am not as you put it teabagging his sack, I am merely witholding judgement until I get all the facts, see indisputable proof of his trangressions and that can't happen until we know exactly what was said to him and clear up the conflicting testimonies (you have essentially 4 guys, Paterno, Curley, Schultz, the family friend etc that have all said that McQueary did not tell them what he stated in the Grand Jury testimony). In time maybe it does come out that he did know or knew enough that he should have done more as a result of the info that he had. If that is the case I will line up right behind you but until then I want to find out cold hard facts, not I "know" he had to have known, or this guy who has proven to be a liar said he said this to him etc.
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

Plain and simple Paterno lied. "No specifics were told to me" like he wouldn't have asked and if he didn't, then double shame on him the coward.

If there is a hell, then I'd wager the Devil is balls deep in Paterno yelling, "Specific enough for you Joe?!?"
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: leagle</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have no idea what "teabaggin Paterno's sack" means, Can you point out to me where, in this thread, I made an excuse for Paterno? I've only pointed out that the reord does not indicate that Paterno witnessed anything or was told the specifics of what McQueary saw. The record indicates that Paterno didn't "just make a phone call" but, on the day he spoke to McQueary, telephoned his superior with what he'd been told. Followed that up with a face to face meeting the next day with his superior and then in a subsequent meeting made the same report to his superior and the person to whom the University police answer. The record does not indicate that, after making the report Paterno ever saw Sandusky with a child.
In your opinion, after making the reports that he did, to the people that he did, on the information that he had, what should Paterno have done next? </div></div>

Leagle, not everything I have written is directed specifically at you. There are a couple of other posters and a couple who IM that my posts are directed at. If something doesn't seem to apply to you as a reference or citation of your posts please don't take as a direct comment to you.

That said, the bottom line is this. Paterno was recognized as being a very driven man, one who drives others in his organization to higher achievement. This was most certainly the legacy he could have left.

Instead he did the bare minimum when he was told of the situation that McQueary witnessed. If we believe his statement, he could not be bothered to ask even the most rudimentary followup questions and subsequently only reported ambiguous, non specific information up the chain.

On the other hand if like any half competent breathing person on the planet, he asked even the simplest followup questions he's a liar.

At the end of the day, he had an opportunity to change the outcome of a situation that allowed a predator to do an untold damage to a number of children. All that was required of him was a little more thorough questioning or more aggressive followup. Both well within the supposed "excellent" performance envelope he espoused. He failed.
Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

This is an interesting article that I found on why words matter in this case.


It isn't an excuse but may be an explanation of why McQueary didn't report the details of what he saw and why Paterno didn't ask more questions.
By all accounts Paterno was a compassionate man.Both McQueary's account and Paterno's account describe how distraught McQueary was in making his report to Paterno. Paterno's account includes that he tried to reassure McQueary by telling him that he had done the right thing. The sin of omission in not asking that additional question, of not pressing McQueary for more details doesn't make him evil. It doesn't make him a coward (as others in this thread have alleged). Clearly he should have been more concerned about the little boy than he was about the blubbering grown man in front of him. In hind sight if he presses for details, because he is Joe Paterno, Curley and Shultz can't sit on it. The cowardice is McQueary's; the evil is Sandusky's for the act, and Shultz's and Curley's because they covered it up. (McQueary, if he is to be believed, told the grand jury that he told them that he saw the child being anally raped. They denied this and were indicted for lying).
The failure to press for further details is part of Paterno's legacy. Only time will tell if it is his only legacy.

In regard to Event's post....on the issue of stupidity, I rest my case.

Re: Joe Paterno dead at 85

Paterno was "shocked and saddened," McQueary recalled, and "kind of slumped back in his chair."
"Well, I'm sorry you had to see that. It's terrible," he said Paterno told him.

And later, when called to account for his lack of follow up what did Paterno say?

"I should have done more."

Thanks Leagle, but you're more a duck than you are an eagle.

You can rest your case, but it isn't made in the least.