John McCains life- according to one historian

I don’t know about the others but USMA should be a one year program akin to sandhurst, and all Army officers should complete it.

That might not be a bad idea. Although the thought of having a popularity contest to be an officer.... one only needs to look at the failed armies to realize that is a bad idea. If every PFC had a better idea than the order they got they'd all be generals. The problem is PFC have NO idea what the big picture is. You might be doing a useless maneuver because its a feint. You might be on a hill in BFE getting shot at as part of a bigger strategy to show the world we can put a guy on a hill in BFE supply him and you can't knock him off... now can THEY do that? No! I just get so sick of some dude with less than 2 years in with all of zero minutes spent in tactics and strategy telling people that spend years learning and who also have a massive support of intel and such flowing at them to make the right call. Yes people make bad calls but most of the grand ideas from the lower ranks have been tried since the first 4 cavemen decided to throw rocks at the 5 other cavemen in a better cave.... and they failed.

Anyways. If you do go to a SA you should leave your parents rank and priviledge at the door, you want your kid to be the best he can and he isnt going to do that knowing he has a safety net when he screws up.
One damning thing about his action on the Forrestal is an account I read of his actions immediatly after bailing from his plane........

While others were fighting to save the ship he went to the ready room to watch the disaster on TV.

He met a NY reporter and provided a hero's report of the events.

Shortly after he got on a helicopter and went to Saigon for RR with the reporter. It was the start of a careers worth of fawning reports by the reporter.

Leaving the ship at that time was something only a "Prince" of the Navy would be allowed to do.

That might not be a bad idea. Although the thought of having a popularity contest to be an officer.... one only needs to look at the failed armies to realize that is a bad idea. If every PFC had a better idea than the order they got they'd all be generals. The problem is PFC have NO idea what the big picture is. You might be doing a useless maneuver because its a feint. You might be on a hill in BFE getting shot at as part of a bigger strategy to show the world we can put a guy on a hill in BFE supply him and you can't knock him off... now can THEY do that? No! I just get so sick of some dude with less than 2 years in with all of zero minutes spent in tactics and strategy telling people that spend years learning and who also have a massive support of intel and such flowing at them to make the right call. Yes people make bad calls but most of the grand ideas from the lower ranks have been tried since the first 4 cavemen decided to throw rocks at the 5 other cavemen in a better cave.... and they failed.

Anyways. If you do go to a SA you should leave your parents rank and priviledge at the door, you want your kid to be the best he can and he isnt going to do that knowing he has a safety net when he screws up.

Problem is our country's leaders dont even know how to spell "strategy".......

Global War on Terror?
Problem is our country's leaders dont even know how to spell "strategy".......

Global War on Terror?
Because they spent their lives training for the russian tanks. To start with the apaches were getting shot up one air Cav has 2 helos without holes within 3 days of arriving. Why because they were using the popup tactics.
Then you have something like Anaconda where they screwed the pooch due to trying to rush the op to meet a timeline. Or even earlier when they were so cautious, took days to strike troops in the open because they though the Taliban had a working IADS. Like i get the initial strike on a conventional foe. I flew the B-52. but the old generals don't understand and had to learn on the fly about that fight. Unfortunately they are still holding onto getting back to the easy wars. My conspiracy is this is why you have all this Russia crap. People want a known enemy its easier.
Getting back to mcCain being part of the old guard he wanted the same thing. This GWOT thing is killing these guys that want to fight a standing army.
Because they spent their lives training for the russian tanks. To start with the apaches were getting shot up one air Cav has 2 helos without holes within 3 days of arriving. Why because they were using the popup tactics.
Then you have something like Anaconda where they screwed the pooch due to trying to rush the op to meet a timeline. Or even earlier when they were so cautious, took days to strike troops in the open because they though the Taliban had a working IADS. Like i get the initial strike on a conventional foe. I flew the B-52. but the old generals don't understand and had to learn on the fly about that fight. Unfortunately they are still holding onto getting back to the easy wars. My conspiracy is this is why you have all this Russia crap. People want a known enemy its easier.
Getting back to mcCain being part of the old guard he wanted the same thing. This GWOT thing is killing these guys that want to fight a standing army.

Give the military a clearly defined, limited strategic goal and step back to let them develop tactics to get there.

Than end it.

Go back to Congress before mission creep can set in. You can not move beyond the initial strategic goal once met.
Give the military a clearly defined, limited strategic goal and step back to let them develop tactics to get there.

Than end it.

Go back to Congress before mission creep can set in. You can not move beyond the initial strategic goal once met.
You cant do that because everything is based off the Election Cycle. unlike the russians and chinese whose politicians dont run everything, and they have 5 -10-25-50 year plans. We like having 2 year plans that drastically change.
You cant do that because everything is based off the Election Cycle. unlike the russians and chinese whose politicians dont run everything, and they have 5 -10-25-50 year plans. We like having 2 year plans that drastically change.

Yet we have an establishment that has carried what should have been a war of retribution followed by immediate extraction into its 17th year while allowing it to spread to another region, well because, those guys were mean.

We may have elections but the establishment marches on.
Yet we have an establishment that has carried what should have been a war of retribution followed by immediate extraction into its 17th year while allowing it to spread to another region, well because, those guys were mean.

We may have elections but the establishment marches on.

Which is why this whole debacle is going on. They say you too can be president if you want. But that is a lie, you can only be president if you are one of them. If you arent they try to destroy you and when that doesnt work they destroy those around you. Anything goes and no one even tries to hide their bias.
There too much money to be made doing these war things, so why do it the right way?
Which is why this whole debacle is going on. They say you too can be president if you want. But that is a lie, you can only be president if you are one of them. If you arent they try to destroy you and when that doesnt work they destroy those around you. Anything goes and no one even tries to hide their bias.
There too much money to be made doing these war things, so why do it the right way?

Bring back universal service and make some pols kid a PFC.
SO they can get him a fighter he wants when he can barely fly it? I say change the structure that politics is a career. Its not, its service and treat it like that.

So they will actually have some skin in the game and instead of war being about kick backs from Raytheon it will be about their kid carrying a rifle.

Agreed the idea of term limits would be an improvement.
So they will actually have some skin in the game and instead of war being about kick backs from Raytheon it will be about their kid carrying a rifle.

Agreed the idea of term limits would be an improvement.
True also add no jobs in the defensive industry for 5 years if you are a GO. Too many of those dudes set up contracts for companies they magically work for upon retirement. Yes yes i know they have laws that say you cant work on THAT program but Lockheed isnt stupid they will pay you 300k to lick stamps while they wait for the 18 months to expire.
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True also add no jobs in the defensive industry for 5 years if you are a GO. Too many of those dudes set up contracts for companies they magically work for upon retirement. Yes yes i know they have laws that say you cant work on THAT program but Lockheed isnt stupid they will pay you 300k to lick stamps while they wait for the 18 months to expire.

Or have them work an adjacent program, where officially, they aren't working that program, but still pass along info and contacts. I've seen it. We (the company I work for) tends to avoid this, but the other big boys (LM, NGC, Boeing & Raytheon) have no qualms walking the gray area.
Or have them work an adjacent program, where officially, they aren't working that program, but still pass along info and contacts. I've seen it. We (the company I work for) tends to avoid this, but the other big boys (LM, NGC, Boeing & Raytheon) have no qualms walking the gray area.
Nope THEY have NO issues in that gray area....... In 2003 the general in charge of 556 procurement didnt not enter in any contracts with ammo suppliers when the Army was paying .1-.2 cents a round. He retired and in 04 the price jumped to .4cents and the run on 223/556 ammo started when people couldnt buy a SRP let alone powder. Guess who took a job with Federal.... yup the general the didnt buy knowing there was going to be a war and a need. Guess who raised the price? The General....
They feel they are OWED for their service. Kinda like the topic of this thread
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I hope this uploads. My brother sent me this and I laughed on and off all day.


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I never liked him and if that stuff is true, then I like him even less. It wouldn't surprise me though. Fucksticks in the army with generals for daddy's do get special treatment. Fact. I've seen it happen. A high enough CSM (like the post CO's CSM) can also make shit happen and his kids will be treated special at that post. This is regardless if you're a an officer or enlisted, having a daddy high enough up can make army life different.
I never liked him and if that stuff is true, then I like him even less. It wouldn't surprise me though. Fucksticks in the army with generals for daddy's do get special treatment. Fact. I've seen it happen. A high enough CSM (like the post CO's CSM) can also make shit happen and his kids will be treated special at that post. This is regardless if you're a an officer or enlisted, having a daddy high enough up can make army life different.
Nepotism doesnt just happen in the military.