Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Carter Mayfield</div><div class="ubbcode-body">That works... design the chamber around the dies... but with a Tac Ops, one of the main reasons to go with Tac Ops is that they are designed around FGMM... so you are "stuck" with the reamer that Mike uses.</div></div>

Yes, well in that case you're always using the same chamber reamer specs, so it amounts to the same. There will be some variation anyway. Plus, chambers tend to get larger the more they are fired.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Carter Mayfield</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
FWIW, I neck turn and cut a bit into the shoulder to avoid donuts. Isn't not sizing the last 1/16" just putting off the donut? In other words, it is still there, it is just not being pushed in until it gets to 1/16" from the shoulder? </div></div>

It really depends on your chamber's neck dimensions and the thickness of the brass where the donut occurs. As long as the donut isn't interfering with the pressure ring on the bullet or squeezing it, I find it doesn't really hurt anything. I haven't had any donuts creep up that far yet before my cases died for other reasons, but it would depend on a lot of factors (caliber, <span style="text-decoration: line-through">neck</span> shoulder angle, brass hardness, pressure, etc...), so yes, it could.

One of the best simple tests you can do is take a fired case and stick a bullet in it. It should slide freely in the neck. If it doesn't, you either have a donut or a burr around the case mouth (outside, inside or both), which can act like a donut. If either area is really tight, some fairly larger pressure spikes will occur.
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kombayotch</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I haven't had any donuts creep up that far yet before my cases died for other reasons, but it would depend on a lot of factors (caliber, neck angle, brass hardness, pressure, etc...), so yes, it could.

That's a good point... the case is dead by the time the donut migrates that far. Did you ever start turning necks? If you are going to bother annealing, you might as well.
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

I now turn necks when something like donuts warrant it (got the K&M tool). I haven't so far with my latest batch of Lapua 308 brass. I try to avoid it and when I do it, I only take off the bare minimum amount of material required.

I ended up doing it with my 6mm Crusader cases because my last batch had necks that were thicker in the base and there was noticeable pressure on the bullet when I tried to push one into the fired cases.
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Thanks! Still loving it!</div></div>

<span style="font-weight: bold">Carter</span> it was a pleasure to build you your kilo 51 I'm pleased you are enjoying your platform. I am also pleased you did not call me 10 thousands times like some other people ( you know who you are lol ) asking when it was going to be ready. Those customers always get a special engraving on the floor plate;)

<span style="font-weight: bold"> Mike
Tac Ops</span>
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Carter Mayfield</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Tyler, I went with an Anschutz rail and am using an Accu-Shot AFAR Adapter.

Mike had to machine the bolts down to get it to fit in the rail because the !#!@#$$ things don't fit in a standard Anschutz rail. I have bought 3 AFAR kits and I have had to grind all of them down to get them to work, but once you get them on, they work like a champ. I am robbing one from another gun right now. The one Mike worked on is at Birdsong's right now getting finished.</div></div>
Carter, I just got three (3) BT28 AFAR Kits yesterday - two for me and one for a friends's lefty X-Ray 51. The SHORT screws are too short and fit flush with the bottom of the nuts (the pieces that fit in the rail), so they are too short to be used with anything and still have good thread bite.

The LONG screws are too long, and there is a good chance that they will chew the top of the Rail when you torque them down. This is why the LONG screws have to be shortened. They started-out about 30/64ths' long, and I shortened them about 1/16th to 26/64ths. They protrude slightly from the bottom of the nuts, ensuring full thread bite.

Rather than have Mike turn the LONG screws down I ground them down with a Dremel, stoned them square, then finished them with 600 grit & oil. I'm going to send them to Mike to send to Birdsong for Black-T coating, but below are some teasers for you.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Carter Mayfield</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I like the Anschutz rail for adjustability and have one on 3 of my guns now, but honestly, I just throw on the AFAR kit. All of my bipods have Pic rail quick attach/detach (DLOC and ARMS), so I own a couple of Harris's in different sizes and an Atlas. For pure target shooting, I like the Harris, for anything else, I like the Atlas and I don't have to own an Atlas for each of my guns. </div></div>
I use a Larue LT-706 BRM-S & PodLoc on my LWRC M6A2-S, and will use one on my X-Ray 51, but I'd like to try an Atlas now that I have the BT28.

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">ACCU-SHOT BT28 AFAR Kit</span></span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">Notice how the screws are roughly flush with the bottom of the nuts? Once installed in a rail the "thread bite" is questionable:</span></span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">The LONG screws protrude about 5/64ths through the bottom of the nuts after being shortened and being torqued:</span></span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">BT28 Accessory Rail installed in Anschutz Rail of Tac Ops X-Ray 51:</span></span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">Closeup of BT28 Accessory Rail installed in Anschutz Rail of Tac Ops X-Ray 51:</span></span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">Low-angle side view of BT28 Accessory Rail installed in Anschutz Rail of Tac Ops X-Ray 51:</span></span>

Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">Closeup of BT28 Accessory Rail installed in Anschutz Rail of Tac Ops X-Ray 51:</span></span>

Well done Keith, thanks for the pix too. That's gonna be a great setup, CAN'T WAIT!

Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well done Keith, thanks for the pix too. That's gonna be a great setup, <span style="font-weight: bold">CAN'T WAIT!</span>


<span style="font-weight: bold">Tyle</span>r your just about ready

<span style="font-weight: bold"> Mike
Tac Ops</span>
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Aries64</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Carter Mayfield</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Tyler, I went with an Anschutz rail and am using an Accu-Shot AFAR Adapter.

Mike had to machine the bolts down to get it to fit in the rail because the !#!@#$$ things don't fit in a standard Anschutz rail. I have bought 3 AFAR kits and I have had to grind all of them down to get them to work, but once you get them on, they work like a champ. I am robbing one from another gun right now. The one Mike worked on is at Birdsong's right now getting finished.</div></div>
Carter, I just got three (3) BT28 AFAR Kits yesterday - two for me and one for a friends's lefty X-Ray 51. The SHORT screws are too short and fit flush with the bottom of the nuts (the pieces that fit in the rail), so they are too short to be used with anything and still have good thread bite.

The LONG screws are too long, and there is a good chance that they will chew the top of the Rail when you torque them down. This is why the LONG screws have to be shortened. They started-out about 30/64ths' long, and I shortened them about 1/16th to 26/64ths. They protrude slightly from the bottom of the nuts, ensuring full thread bite.

Rather than have Mike turn the LONG screws down I ground them down with a Dremel, stoned them square, then finished them with 600 grit & oil. I'm going to send them to Mike to send to Birdsong for Black-T coating, but below are some teasers for you.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Carter Mayfield</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I like the Anschutz rail for adjustability and have one on 3 of my guns now, but honestly, I just throw on the AFAR kit. All of my bipods have Pic rail quick attach/detach (DLOC and ARMS), so I own a couple of Harris's in different sizes and an Atlas. For pure target shooting, I like the Harris, for anything else, I like the Atlas and I don't have to own an Atlas for each of my guns. </div></div>
I use a Larue LT-706 BRM-S & PodLoc on my LWRC M6A2-S, and will use one on my X-Ray 51, but I'd like to try an Atlas now that I have the BT28.

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">ACCU-SHOT BT28 AFAR Kit</span></span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">Notice how the screws are roughly flush with the bottom of the nuts? Once installed in a rail the "thread bite" is questionable:</span></span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">The LONG screws protrude about 5/64ths through the bottom of the nuts after being shortened and being torqued:</span></span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">BT28 Accessory Rail installed in Anschutz Rail of Tac Ops X-Ray 51:</span></span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">Closeup of BT28 Accessory Rail installed in Anschutz Rail of Tac Ops X-Ray 51:</span></span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">Low-angle side view of BT28 Accessory Rail installed in Anschutz Rail of Tac Ops X-Ray 51:</span></span>


Nice setup Keith. I am gonna go the same route with the AFAR kit on my xray-51 to use an atlas with.
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

Wow! I really like this set up. I'm going to have to get me one for my Tango.
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Aries64</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Carter, I just got three (3) BT28 AFAR Kits yesterday - two for me and one for a friends's lefty X-Ray 51. The SHORT screws are too short and fit flush with the bottom of the nuts (the pieces that fit in the rail), so they are too short to be used with anything and still have good thread bite.

That's a nice setup Keith... just like mine. Are you really worried about the thread engagement, though? We are talking about a bipod mount... if an optic moves even a thousandth of an inch on recoil, it is a big deal. If the bipod moves a little, it won't affect the next shot. I am currently using nuts that I hand-filed down (it took forever) and the short screws and haven't really had an issue with the bipod coming loose on recoil.

I can appreciate the OCD factors that take over when setting up one of Mike's rifles:) You are being as anal as he is.
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Black Ops</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Thanks! Still loving it!</div></div>

<span style="font-weight: bold">Carter</span> it was a pleasure to build you your kilo 51 I'm pleased you are enjoying your platform. I am also pleased you did not call me 10 thousands times like some other people ( you know who you are lol ) asking when it was going to be ready. Those customers always get a special engraving on the floor plate;)

<span style="font-weight: bold"> Mike
Tac Ops</span>

Mike, awesome rifle!

Rome wasn't built in a day, so I can't expect my rifle to be.

The best thing about the Tac Ops rifle is that when I blow a shot, I know without a doubt it was me, not the rifle. That helps me to improve my skills a lot. I have become a better shooter already.
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

"Mike had to machine the bolts down to get it to fit in the rail because the !#!@#$$ things don't fit in a standard Anschutz rail."

Glad you like the AFAR and I apologize for the trouble with the screws. We intend to ship them with two each 10-32 x 1/2 and 10-32 x 3/8 flat head screws. To my knowledge there is not a option for a common screw between these two lengths. The reason we ship two lengths is the AFAR (BT28) is for the following accessory rails:

Accuracy International Rail

Freeland Rail

Anschutz Rail

(And I'm tempted to conclude most people call any such rail a Anschutz rail. And further, I'm afraid that just like the "standard" 1913 Picatinny Rail, there is no standard "Anschutz" rail!)

As I understand it, the TRG has a Anschutz rail, I use the 3/8 long screws on it.
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kasey</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Glad you like the AFAR and I apologize for the trouble with the screws. We intend to ship them with two each 10-32 x 1/2 and 10-32 x 3/8 flat head screws. To my knowledge there is not a option for a common screw between these two lengths. The reason we ship two lengths is the AFAR (BT28) is for the following accessory rails:

Accuracy International Rail

Freeland Rail

Anschutz Rail

(And I'm tempted to conclude most people call any such rail a Anschutz rail. And further, I'm afraid that just like the "standard" 1913 Picatinny Rail, there is no standard "Anschutz" rail!)

As I understand it, the TRG has a Anschutz rail, I use the 3/8 long screws on it.


Kasey, thanks for the reply. I said "bolts" in my original post. I meant "nuts." The square nuts are too deep/tall for my Anschutz rail. This applies to the rail I have on my Anschutz gun as well as my 22LR. I wasn't able to try my Tac Ops gun with your standard nuts yet, as I robbed one of my other rifles for the parts. I will actually be ordering another AFAR soon. I can't complain... you are the only guy making an Anschutz/ picatinny adapter, so you get points for putting something out there that can work. It just takes a little shoe-horning to get it to work.
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

Ahh, the "Shoulder" on the nuts has been reduced, check the drawing here; AFAR NUTZ

The original ones, while they worked on all three types of rails we have, they were too thick for other "standard" Anschutz rails....

BTW, Great rifle you have there, thanks for including our stuff!
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

lol, I think they are "fixed" but please check the drawings in link to verify the new nuts are indeed "geldings" and will work for your application...:)
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

Well, they are ordered, so I guess I will find out. I didn't take enough off of some of my nutz, and they are now stuck in the rail on my Annie 1517. The nutz from my 22LR and now on my Tac Ops are just plain sloppy. I didn't even know what I needed to file down to make it fit, so it has file marks all over the place. It will be nice to replace it with a clean one...
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Northland</div><div class="ubbcode-body">These Tac Ops rifles are awesome!!

What kind of bottom metal is that, Williams?</div></div>

Yeah, that is a Williams. It is nice with the Birdsong finish.
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

Carter, please let me know about fit on the new set. Regarding the old set that is stuck. Maybe oil the slot/nutz up and let stand for awhile, then take a wood block or dowel rod that fits into the slot and use a hammer on the wood to tap it out?
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Aries64</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Carter, I just got three (3) BT28 AFAR Kits yesterday - two for me and one for a friends's lefty X-Ray 51. The SHORT screws are too short and fit flush with the bottom of the nuts (the pieces that fit in the rail), so they are too short to be used with anything and still have good thread bite.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Carter Mayfield</div><div class="ubbcode-body">That's a nice setup Keith... just like mine. Are you really worried about the thread engagement, though? We are talking about a bipod mount... if an optic moves even a thousandth of an inch on recoil, it is a big deal. If the bipod moves a little, it won't affect the next shot. I am currently using nuts that I hand-filed down (it took forever) and the short screws and haven't really had an issue with the bipod coming loose on recoil.</div></div>
Concerning the thread engagement - the provided short screws are too short to be used on the Anschutz Rail on my X-Ray 51 - there aren't enough threads "grabbing-on" for me to not worry about holding power. While its' not going on the Space Shuttle I don't want to worry about the threads stripping or the screws backing-out because the screws didn't have sufficient holding power. I dropped a bunch of points in an F-Class match last year when the stud in the Harris #6 adapter shot loose and allowed the bipod to rotate. I was shooting "10"s' and "X"s' when I threw several shots into into the "7" ring (and IIRC a "6") before I realized the bipod was rotating. I thought <span style="font-style: italic">"WTF?"</span>, but just wrote it off as me and the wind.

The problem was caused by the combination of the Harris bipod's curved "platform"/"saddle" and the wide, flat fore arm of the A5. The Harris bipod's curved "platform"/"saddle" (which bears against the bottom of the fore arm) is too narrow to mate well with the A5's wide, flat fore arm and isn't well supported. As a result, no matter how tight you crank the Harris's attachment thumbscrew the Harris can still move, allowing the front end to wander under recoil. My repeated cranking of the Harris's thumbscrew apparently put too much load on the Harris #6's stud, and it loosened-up and backed-out. That caused the bipod to rotate a lot upon firing. After that I switched over to the BT28 and LT706 + BRM-S and haven't had any rotation problems.

Also, the three (3) BT28 AFAR Kits I received last week must be newer production, as the Nuts in my Kits worked fine without modification, although one of the nuts wasn't flat - it is very noticibly tapered (thinner) on one side. It isn't the side that contacts the rail, so I don't think it will affect function.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Carter Mayfield</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I can appreciate the OCD factors that take over when setting up one of Mike's rifles:) You are being as anal as he is. </div></div>
I can't help it - I've always been one OCD MF'er who always wants the best. Thats' why I own and shoot what I do...

Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Carter Mayfield</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well, they are ordered, so I guess I will find out. I didn't take enough off of some of my nutz, and they are now stuck in the rail on my Annie 1517. The nutz from my 22LR and now on my Tac Ops are just plain sloppy. I didn't even know what I needed to file down to make it fit, so it has file marks all over the place. It will be nice to replace it with a clean one... </div></div>
Hey Carter,

Something else I didn't mention in my earlier two posts is that <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">while the heads on the LONG screws in two of my BT28 Kits sit within the countersink machined into the Rail (see closeup photo below), the finish on them was kind of crappy.</span> The finish on those four screws is sort of an oxidized brownish color and the top of the heads are scratched.</span> The screws do, however, fit nicely in the countersink holes in the Rail. <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">See photo below:</span></span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">Closeup of BT28 Accessory Rail installed in Anschutz Rail. The screws fit nice & snug in the countersunk holes but the screw heads are scratched and oxidized:</span></span>

<span style="font-weight: bold">However</span>, on the LONG screws in my third BT28 Kit, the finish is good, but <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">the heads are too large to drop into the countersink fully and the screws don't sit below or flush with the top surface of the rail.</span></span> The screws <span style="font-style: italic">protrude</span> a bit more than 1/64" above the Rail surface. This is not due to under-size countersink holes, as I tried all six LONG screws and all six SHORT screws in all three of my BT28 Kit rails, and only the two LONG screws that have a nice BLACK finish don't fit right. All six SHORT screws and the four LONG screws with the crappy brownish finish sit slightly below flush with the surface on all three Rails.

To remedy the oversize screw heads on the LONG BLACK screws I sanded-down the diameter of the screw heads as well as the countersink contact area on the oversize screws. This scratched them up. As such the screws may be subject to rust and corrosion. I'm going to have all three of my BT28 Kits coated in Birdsong to match my X-Ray 51 and other guns coming, but a lot of end users won't bother to refinish or coat their parts.

Also, as mentioned above the surface of one of the Nuts in my third BT28 Kit is tapered (not "flat") on one side. I don't think it will affect performance, but I spoke with Kasey a few minutes ago and at my request not only is he sending me a replacement nut but he is also sending me some of the brownish screws. This is much appreciated, as getting those particular screws will require sorting the screws, some of which may be packaged in Kits. Wonderful Customer Service!

Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LRI</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> God it's nice to see REAL groups. Thanks for posting. </div></div>

I guess that means I need to work on my shooting. I was hoping for a little disbelief:)

I know some people were calling BS on what I was getting out of my 22 at 100 and 200.

After shooting with this rifle for a while, I have no doubt that it is outshooting me. And that is both a good and a bad thing.
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Carter Mayfield</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LRI</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> God it's nice to see REAL groups. Thanks for posting. </div></div>

I guess that means I need to work on my shooting. I was hoping for a little disbelief:)

I know some people were calling BS on what I was getting out of my 22 at 100 and 200.

After shooting with this rifle for a while, I have no doubt that it is outshooting me. And that is both a good and a bad thing. </div></div>

I don't know what <span style="font-style: italic">LRI</span> meant by <span style="font-style: italic">"God it's nice to see REAL groups"</span>, but seeing that you were shooting in 15 MPH winds that were probably a little gusty, those groups are fine. However, in less windy conditions and once you have more time with your Kilo 51 I'm sure you'll see those groups shrink <span style="font-style: italic">a lot</span>.

And yes, your rifle is definitely out-shooting you - it almost assuredly always will. And as you said <span style="font-style: italic">"that is both a good and a bad thing."</span> The pressure is on, as there are no excuses now...

Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

Keith, I was kidding around. Shooting a 5 X 5 is tough. It really is tough to shoot 25 consecutive shots without 1 or 2 getting away from you, especially when "getting away from you" is only half an inch away.

I need to relax a bit more. I was shooting the other day and had a few fliers and I could feel the tension in me, so I decided to see how small a group I could make in 10 seconds... I shot a group in the .3's with no fliers (5 shots). It shows I just need to relax and have fun. I have been shooting way too tight to the point that it is affecting my form. What is nice about the Tac Ops is that it will point out your flaw right away and not leave you guessing as to whether it was the rifle/ammo or you.
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Northland</div><div class="ubbcode-body">These Tac Ops rifles are awesome!!

What kind of bottom metal is that, Williams? </div></div>
As <span style="font-style: italic">Carter</span> said, that is a Williams bottom metal. Below are some photos of the Williams bottom metal on my X-Ray 51. For more photos please see <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">My Tac Ops X-Ray 51 is here!!!</span></span>.




I believe <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">rasheed</span></span> recently received his X-Ray 51, and that his X-Ray has a Tac Ops bottom metal on it. Maybe <span style="font-style: italic">rasheed</span> will post some photos when he gets a chance.

A friend of mine is getting a lefty X-Ray 51, and his rifle definitely has the Tac Ops bottom metal on it. I'll post some photos of it at some point.

Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

I also would like to see a photo of Tac Ops bottom metal. My Tango has the Williams bottom metal and it works great.
Re: Just in time for Christmas: Tac Ops Kilo-51

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Aries64</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I believe <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">rasheed</span></span> recently received his X-Ray 51, and that his X-Ray has a Tac Ops bottom metal on it. Maybe <span style="font-style: italic">rasheed</span> will post some photos when he gets a chance. </div></div>

I have just received my <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">Tango-51</span></span> with the new Tac Ops bottom metal on it... I am witing up my review of the rifle and will have it up by the weekend.

Unfortunately, the weather here in Houston isn't cooperating and I have only had the chance to get a few rounds down range. I could only view the shots through my spotter as the range is still flooded. Very small cloverleaf groups with low light, swirling 10-15 mph winds, and slight drizzle.

I am VERY excited, as this Tango-51 looks like a 'one-holer' reminiscent of my benchrest days...

It is now clear to me why all the fuss over Mike's builds!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: D Keefer Wetzler</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I also would like to see a photo of Tac Ops bottom metal. My Tango has the Williams bottom metal and it works great. </div></div>

Photos will be up with my post...