Re: Kaboom! AR Failure
Many years ago my wife was shooting one of my AR's and had a catastrophic failure. The upper receiver looked like a banana peel, the bolt and carrier were ruined, as was the magazine. Barrel, lower were fine.
The failed cartridge case looked as if the primer pocket had been EDM machined out toward the extractor. Otherwise, it looked fairly normal. I sent about 20 of the reloaded rounds to be tested, and the results said that the loads were not the cause.
The manufacturer said that the powder being used was specifically designed so that you couldn't possibly stuff enough of it into a 5.56 case to cause an overpressure blow up. If normal working pressure for that power was 56,000 CUP, my loads were running consistently at around 48,000, and the testing lab said that the loads were extremely consistent in pressure.
All we could figure is that I got one of those one in a lifetime bad cartridge cases. In the 14 years since that accident, and the 30 years before it, I have never had anything similar happen. It would be nice to know what the hell caused the problem. I kept the blown up parts for years, don't know if I still have 'em or not though.