one of the big reasons i bought the scar was the piston system, and knowing it will keep running after hundreds of rounds without slowing down.
if i had opted for a more compact weapon instead of something that would reach out to 1000 yds, i would have chosen the HK MR762. those things are nail guns out to ~900yds, and like the scar, are clean running piston guns.
i had to come up with all sorts of rationalizations to spend that kind of money on a rifle i can't even shoot very often (distance to range).
possibly having to fight zombies pouring over a wall or bridge was the kicker.
but like i said, i am practically one of the poors, and this was my choice for one rifle to do everything i could need to defend our lives and freedoms.
i didn't tell my wife about spending another $5k for a scope, case, bipod, rangefinder, rear bag....

/not that she would care or say anything.
anyway, i would gladly let anyone shoot my scar. i think it must be pretty good if i can hit everything i shoot at.
i plan on getting a 6.5CM barrel if i can get out to the range more.