I keep a log for each precision rifle noting which ammo I shot, how many rounds, total rounds for the rifle, who was shooting the rifle, where/when it was shot, when it was last cleaned. I keep another more detailed notebook with 8.5"X11" notebook paper where I record all sorts of other data such as environmental conditions, specific load, scores from any match, cold bore hits, any variations in anything...which ammo the rifle was last zeroed or tested with, velocity of the ammo. All load testing, distances at which rounds were fired, and pretty much everything else I can think of, including who else may have been at the range with me goes in the detailed log book.
It is surprising how often this book comes in handy. Just this morning I was looking at it for some load data for a 260 Remington that I fired about 4 years ago... Everything was in that detail log book...even the last time my brother was at the range with me, which rifle he fired, and how many rounds.
That way, I can look back and see which rifles were shot on which days, how many rounds, weather on that day, environmental conditions from my Kestrel, etc.