Took the Hornady Kestrel out this am and had first round hits at 520 yds second round hits at 918yds and 965yds with my 6BR using of all things the one berger 243 bullet that is in the solver (the 105 hybrid) I have switched over to the 108eldm but had those loaded. I had my wind direction off a little I need the weather vane now lol. Works good, although I had some kind of stupid weird error where it literally took 30 times to connect to my Pixel 3, then all of the sudden decided to work...
Connected good with my Bushnell ConX rangefinder (which I will probably put in the equipment exchange later today...a leica found its way to my doorstep, although havent tried to connect it or know if it will).
My Kestrel doesn't get here until Wednesday, but I've got a Leica I'll be connecting up. Hope it works, having the ballistic solution readout on the Leica is all kinds of awesome. That the same model you're using? Let us know how it works for you.