Kestrel AB vs Sig 10k AB ???


Full Member
Feb 11, 2020
San Diego, CA
Curious why this would happen - I've been running the Kestrel 5700 for years. Last year converted the the Sig 10k for 90% of my applications. Once I get all the rifle profile info and variables aligned, the the AB Elite Kestrel and 10ks provide pretty close to the same solutions out to about 1,000 yards -- in this case shooting a 105 Berger Hybrid Target -- .275 BC seems most consistent, altho sometimes I'll have to run .280 or .285 to get them dialed in exactly.

However, going past 1,000 this weekend the two AB solutions started to diverge. By 1200 yards they were off by about .5 mil -- the Kestrel outputting a 11.9 mil solution, and the 10k's an 11.4 -- all the same variables for gun profile, BC, etc, environmentals, wind input. Even when I zero'd out the wind - ironically they gave the same wind correction. I was meticulous in checking AJ, Corialis, spindrift, etc.

Only by changing the Sig BC to .270 did -- with the Kestrel at .275 -- did the Sigs then match up with the Kestrel at 1,000 -- 1,100 -- and 1,200. And the differences inside 1,000 were negligible.

Seems strange that both AB had this significant divergence. The Envir differences between the devices wasn't enough to cause even .1 difference in solutions.

I went to Pigg River for the CR course, and experienced the same thing, only between the Kestrel and the Garmin Pro 7 AB.

It was close out to ~800, but after that I was not getting good info. The Kestral tied to the 10K was spot on... the Garmin, not some much.

The question is: What would cause this?
Maybe. However, I will check that for sure going forward. (I did all of that prior to the event, but I didn't verify it was still spot on.)
The binos update temp/pressure slower due to being a sealed unit. So you might also look into locking the enviro data on the binos and manually updating it off the Kestrel unless the Kestrel is the host device.