The action is fine, nothing is as slim or lightweight. Shouldered barrels, no such thing as prefits for these. Also, just be warned, Kimber CS and as a company in general, fucking suck. They’ll be all nice and stuff, they’ll fix your stuff, then charge you through the nose for it. To top it off, whatever configuration they receive the rifle, it’ll leave there in a factory one with you paying for parts to return it to said factory, and you probably won’t get your other parts back. Oh, and if they think anything on your rifle is worn or doesn’t look right, regardless of actual mechanical condition, it’ll get replaced, and you’ll be charged for it. It’s pretty much the old auto shop up selling services and parts telling you your vehicle isn’t road worthy, illegal, and they can’t release it to you without it being fixed because safety, routine. You’re far better off dealing with whatever problems you might have on your own with a smith.