I will give you this, Krieger....despite some serious criticism (deserved or not is not something I want to address here), you have remained invariably polite and civil which is more than can be said of many members (incl me) or threads.
Hello Baron23,
I'd like to thank you for taking the time to post a message in this series. I don't claim to know everything about everything, or even necessarily a lot about anything. I do know some things, I've been exposed to some things and I've had some GREAT instructors. Information sharing is the goal. When I'm wrong, and I have been wrong, I actually appreciate the correction. If we could, as a unified group work to provide the most correct information available, I would like to believe that each of us could advantage ourselves of that information. I try to keep the goal of my posts in mind when I read the replies.
I also consider the consternation that is sometimes demonstrated in the replies. That consternation and displeasure comes from somewhere... While there are many "somewheres", I believe that each of those somewheres has a motivating factor and that factor is called passion. I appreciate an individual who is passionate about fact checking my information, about challenging my use of call signs, of using red in my posts, of (supposedly according to some) being a former Green Beret but writing very basic information. That passion may be wrapped up in some... how shall I say... displeasurable (not sure if that's a word or not) remarks, but the premise (I like to believe and hope) is that the individual himself or herself is actually seeking to ensure that the information being disseminated is correct and appropriate.
I appreciate that. I really do.
In fact, I changed many things because of the replies. I try to ensure that the beginning of each post details the facts that the post (and entire series) is based on MIL dot and Duplex style reticles, that the information is basic and the target audience is beginner marksmen and marksmen with very little didactic or tactical experience.
Each of these changes are due to (not so pleasant) replies to my posts!
Sorry for so long of a reply. Just kinda got onto my soap box...
Thank you Baron23.
You are a class act.