Krieger_Tactics: Long Range Precision Marksmanship - Part 4 - Teaching NEW dogs OLD tricks.

I will give you this, Krieger....despite some serious criticism (deserved or not is not something I want to address here), you have remained invariably polite and civil which is more than can be said of many members (incl me) or threads.


Hello Baron23,

I'd like to thank you for taking the time to post a message in this series. I don't claim to know everything about everything, or even necessarily a lot about anything. I do know some things, I've been exposed to some things and I've had some GREAT instructors. Information sharing is the goal. When I'm wrong, and I have been wrong, I actually appreciate the correction. If we could, as a unified group work to provide the most correct information available, I would like to believe that each of us could advantage ourselves of that information. I try to keep the goal of my posts in mind when I read the replies.

I also consider the consternation that is sometimes demonstrated in the replies. That consternation and displeasure comes from somewhere... While there are many "somewheres", I believe that each of those somewheres has a motivating factor and that factor is called passion. I appreciate an individual who is passionate about fact checking my information, about challenging my use of call signs, of using red in my posts, of (supposedly according to some) being a former Green Beret but writing very basic information. That passion may be wrapped up in some... how shall I say... displeasurable (not sure if that's a word or not) remarks, but the premise (I like to believe and hope) is that the individual himself or herself is actually seeking to ensure that the information being disseminated is correct and appropriate.

I appreciate that. I really do.

In fact, I changed many things because of the replies. I try to ensure that the beginning of each post details the facts that the post (and entire series) is based on MIL dot and Duplex style reticles, that the information is basic and the target audience is beginner marksmen and marksmen with very little didactic or tactical experience.

Each of these changes are due to (not so pleasant) replies to my posts! :) If we take a moment and look past the language and receive the message... and don't let our egos get in the way... we might be able to see the truth of what's being shared.

Sorry for so long of a reply. Just kinda got onto my soap box...

Thank you Baron23.

You are a class act.

I will give you this, Krieger....despite some serious criticism (deserved or not is not something I want to address here), you have remained invariably polite and civil which is more than can be said of many members (incl me) or threads.


Some of it was definitely deserving!

And with it I made the appropriate corrections. It is my hope that the result is an even better product for those who are reviewing the posts and possibly considering or applying the TTPs.

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Yeah he really has. Pretty impressive considering the heat hes gotten. I thought for sure it was a committed troll at first but it's clearly not. Dude seems like a nice guy and has taken the shots repeatedly, while keeping a pleasant demeanor and being polite in his responses.

Writing a series (especially one regarding Long Range Precision Marksmanship) is new to me. I'm not even sure what a "troll" is. I thought a troll is a person who goes to other people's posts and derides them. Which I wasn't doing at all.

I try to be a nice guy. Even if I'm correct in an argument, if I display a nasty attitude that is going to turn people off from the series. That's counter productive. If I have to take a little bit of heat in order for the series to reach those who are looking for it... I view that as a very small price to pay.

"Gracious in Victory... Gracious in Defeat" I once read.

My intent has been and will be pretty simple and basic based on certain premises: 1. MIL dot (or Duplex) style reticle. 2. Basic information. 3. Beginner marksmen or marksmen with very little didactic knowledge or tactical experience.

I have met many people who have great guns and do lots of shooting. Some of them did not have very much knowledge about the zeroing process, the use of their scope or gathering their data. I wanted to assist those persons and those like them. Hence the beginning of the series and the (primary) reason that I don't write about the Horus Tremor style reticles and those like them. Caveat, I think that the Horus Tremor 3 is phenomenal! But the people that I'm looking to help aren't using that piece of equipment.

Ron here, again, call sign a hole (to go with my rank if first class smart aleck.) Krieger has been more than patient and accurate. I also agree that if a person doesn't want to read about mil dot ranging, then don't go in a thread about mil dot ranging.

If I wanted to counter it, I would start my own thread. Judging by statements by Krieger, I have a feeling that we are close in age. Better to spend energy bring a solution. I mean, sure, fighting has its uses but must be used sparingly. Reasoning should be option one.

Hello Ronws,

I as well as I'm sure you have met some very "capable" people in life. Reasoning was their first option and fighting was their last.

Thank you for your post and your notations regarding reading the series or starting one to counter the points. It is very much appreciated!

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Rock on Man!

I have literally read all your posts and you have been the cyb3r beat down challenge of the century and have not been phased in any way shape or form.

You are from a time lost among time.

Just like the bud light commercials- we salute you MILDOT bringer back to lifer guy.

Hello Eric32!

I really REALLY appreciate your post! I miss those Miller light commercials! I miss the Bud Light commercials too and I miss those GIGANTIC Clydesdale horses! That was from a different time in history.

It's good to see that there are some of us from that era still around!

I would very respectfully invite you to continue reading. We'll get into some wind call stuff and some comparison between the Tremor style reticles and the MIL dot reticles regarding adjusting the point of aim due to wind effect.

It won't be a "class" per se on the Tremor style reticle at all. It'll be more of a demonstration about how much more is demanded of the marksmen himself or herself who is using the MIL dot reticle - which is why I love the MIL dot system... I enjoy the personal challenge. Spoiler alert: I don't have a red dot on any of my pistols either! (but that's a different forum!) We'll look at how to set up a data book - Not my method. I don't have one of my own, but how I was taught by my instructors who are so much smarter than I ever was or will be, and that I used and still use today, and many more TTPs.

Eric32... I salute you and those who have continued to review this series, who have posted their support and or thoughts... and those who have remained silent as well.


Rock on Man!

I have literally read all your posts and you have been the cyb3r beat down challenge of the century and have not been phased in any way shape or form.

You are from a time lost among time.

Just like the bud light commercials- we salute you MILDOT bringer back to lifer guy.


Love the ending of your post: "MILDOT bringer back to lifer guy!"

To Everyone,

I would like to say thank you to each of you whether you have supported this effort, derided these posts or me personally. Your passion and your determination to bring to light what you feel needs to be corrected is to be appreciated and admired.

I would like to challenge each of us and myself to do exactly as Ronws stated to: Be a part of the solution.

I realize that there are some superb marksmen on this forum. If that is you, then I would like you to know that I am in awe of you and your skills and abilities.

I would also like to note that there are many marksmen who are on this forum that aspire to be like you and to have even a portion of the skills that you possess. I would like for us to look for ways to assist those marksmen in their endeavor no matter what reticle they use or from what distance they zero their weapon or whether or not they boresight at 100 yards.

Finally, if we all take a moment and look at the situation that Ukraine finds itself in at this moment, whether you are a supporter of their plight or not, I think we could agree that a Well Armed and Well Trained society makes itself less palatable to those who might take freedoms from others by force.

Perhaps that's the ultimate effort that we should be dedicating each of our posts to accomplishing.
