Thanks for the feedback. First thing like this I've heard. The handle angle cannot be changed with the present handle design, as the internal hard stop is critical to the operation of the tool. It stops where it stops, as it were.

Changing the timing of the rotor will negatively affect the precision of the mechanism also.
Let me think on this some. I might be able to fashion a handle for you which could make it better for you. Would you be willing to give me a call so that we can discuss options? I'd like to get a firmer understanding of what's happening. We should be able to find a way to help with it!
Greg Dykstra - 605-554-1911
If the CPS doesn't give you all of those, I'd be surprised. If it doesn't give you at least one of those, I'd consider myself a complete failure. We've been blessed as a company. I've been blessed personally. PM me your address, and I'll send you a CPS. You can use it for the rest of the year. This Christmas, I want you to start a thread here, and I want you to give it away. If you're successful in that mission, I'll sell you your replacement for half price. I'll drop ship the one you give away, if you get attached to the one you get.

If you don't give one away to a worthy passionate shooter, that can't afford one, by midnight on December 25th 2021, you owe me $700. If you accept any money for the one you give away or if you give it away to someone that doesn't deserve it or need it... the shame will never leave you in this life. Deal?
Thanks for the shout out
@Halfnutz. My staff will get your new priming rod on route to you asap! If you don't have it within a week or two, please get a hold of us. Shipping has been a bit difficult lately... things wandering all over the country. lol Guess we can't take anything for granted in the modern world.