To OP, I had a bad case in April 2020.
At the time, not much was known and a lot of conflicting info was out. I had 1% Ivermectin at home that I use for the dogs heartworm preventative and would have taken it if the info was widely disseminated. I have a chart now just in case but just wanted to give my experience in case it helps others.
My daughter is a CNA and just happened to work for what eventually was known as ground zero in our county for covid. She tested positive about the same time I began to be sick. She and my wife were tested, my wife was a county supervisor and her getting tested and then quarantined was mandatory.
Both of them had the sniffles and mild headache. Me, well I was very sick. 9 days of the worst headache of my life, maddening awful headache. My bones hurt, like a growing pain when you’re a kid but all over. Nothing would touch the pain, nothing. I took so much stuff I was afraid for my liver and kidneys. I finally sent for some Goslings Black Seal 151 rum and got some relief.
My cough was inconsistent and dry in the beginning. My head cold symptoms were severe. My lungs began rattling slightly and I was afraid if I went to the hospital I wouldn’t come out. My doctor Facetimed me 2 times per day and was wonderful as I was her only covid patient. The county refused to test me, I called and spoke with multiple people. My doc got on the horn and threatened the SOBs and they finally tested me but I mean we already knew I had it.
My doc sent me Azithromycin, I took 500mg 3 times per day to head off the pneumonia that was coming. In a few days the almost constant 102-103 fever broke and the most insane shite you ever saw began coming from my lungs and head. I had a secondary bacterial infection that if it had continued would’ve led to pneumonia and probably my death.
My smell and taste was gone for about 11 weeks and then slowly began to come back. It still isn’t like before but I think my brain has learned to compensate. Things I used to love to eat are now meh. Some things I used to not care for I sort of like. Weird.
17 months later and I still haven’t gotten my stamina back and my breathing isn’t back to normal either. My joints are far worse than pre-virus and brain fog while better is still present. After a year of the ghost cigarette smell I followed some online advice and snorted aloe saline multiple times per day for several weeks and cured it. It had been maddening and I was so glad when it stopped.
I take Nattokinase and Benfotiamine on some other advice to help recovery and it is early but seems to be helping. It is my belief that we won’t know the full extent of the long term effects for some time. The spike protein has been shown to clog capillaries, cross the blood/brain barrier and enlarge hearts (this includes the “vaccine“).
I have not had it again. I don’t mask (we moved full time to our home in the mountains and our area is a place where everyone minds their business) and don’t social distance. We just live life as normal. My daughter is still a CNA/Med Aid and gets tested twice weekly so if any of us had it we would know quickly. This implies a long lasting natural immunity to me.
I will not take this ”vaccine”. Causing your body to manufacture spike protein in the millions is a recipe for disaster IMO. I hope in a few years we don’t see people dying from complications but at this point we simply cannot know because it simply hasn’t been in use for any real time.
I hope you feel better.