Laser Engravers


Bullet Engineer
Full Member
  • Jun 9, 2009
    Forgive the laziness, but Google searches for laser engravers are chock full of BS ads with wishy washy tech data...

    I'm looking for a laser engraver on the robust side of "hobby", if not something that's solid for full-time work, and was curious if anyone out there cares to divulge what they're using. US based tech support is a big plus, I'm not really interested in figuring out how to correct Chinese shit.

    Looking at doing barrel cartridge markings, Form 1 engravings (.003" depth requirement), etc... Fairly small work envelope that could handle fixed setups (don't think I necessarily need a rotational axis). Stainless/steel as the primary, Aluminum occasionally, and if polymer or wood works great, if not oh well.

    Lowlight posted up a thread about the one he bought a month or two ago.

    I'd like one just to mark my brass.
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    My wife has a Boss laser for crafts. They have good customer support in Florida. They helped me trouble shoot a problem we had and even sent a test resistor for free because we didn't get one because we bought it used. I'm not sure a C02 laser will do what you want you would have to call them but they also offer fiber laser that is more for cutting metal.

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