Anyone care to toss around interior/exterior ballistic thoughts concerning drastic POI shifts from one load to the next?
Yesterday, I was shooting at 400 yards with my new A3G. After printing a 6 round group of 2" with some 175smks over 45gr Varget in virgin Lapua brass, I switched ammo to FGMM 168. I was shooting at a target about 14"x14", and WRONGLY assumed I would still be on paper. I fired a 10 round "group"...only to find 2 shots just BARELY scratched the far right edge of the paper. They hit about 2" low, but probably 8 or 9" right.
I've seen this phenomenon before, so im not super surprised (disappointed with waste of ammo though), but wonder what dynamics are involved with causing it.
I assume it has to do with the torsion in the barrel caused by a bullet being forced to turn by the rifling...if so, im amazed that torsion would cause an 8" lateral shift in POI.
Yesterday, I was shooting at 400 yards with my new A3G. After printing a 6 round group of 2" with some 175smks over 45gr Varget in virgin Lapua brass, I switched ammo to FGMM 168. I was shooting at a target about 14"x14", and WRONGLY assumed I would still be on paper. I fired a 10 round "group"...only to find 2 shots just BARELY scratched the far right edge of the paper. They hit about 2" low, but probably 8 or 9" right.
I've seen this phenomenon before, so im not super surprised (disappointed with waste of ammo though), but wonder what dynamics are involved with causing it.
I assume it has to do with the torsion in the barrel caused by a bullet being forced to turn by the rifling...if so, im amazed that torsion would cause an 8" lateral shift in POI.