You cant see what you dont want ot see.
My experience, is that the problem exists mostly in the urban cities. The black folks I run into in counties and country are90% honest, friendly, hard working, individuals. The cities are different. Despite as said in another post here, that "Everyone has the same chance to jump for the gold ring" folks in the inner cities DONT really have the same opportunities. Poor schools = inferior education. Poor economies (that set in when white flight took all the money, jobs, and most decent business's). Yeah, positionally we all have the same opportunity,. Reality dictates that the guy who grows up in the burbs, went to a great high school, had a mommy to take him here and there, ate good foods from real grocery store rather than eating from 7/11 because the nearest grocery was s 40 minute bus ride. has a much better chance of hitting he golden ring. Its no guarantee.
An example. When I went to UVA at 40 I had graduated from a rural country high school with poor grades because it was dull as shit due to low caliber teachers. I was competing with kids fresh out of the best prep shchools whos mommy's paid for tutors in every subject. I was just as intelligent as they were, but they had 4 years of getting coached on how to write a paper. I couldt reall y compete, not because I wasnt a bright, but because I ddint hav the training.. The kids' in the inner cities have no education, no skills, and virtually no way to get them which leaves them with virtually no hope, so they sink into stupid. Add in lack of parenting, and its a recipe for failure..
I'm not excusing that, its just that I've lived around it and seen it. And Im not really blaming anyone. Mostly, with the exception of some sorry shit pulled by LBJ and crew, in the 60's, it just happened.
The cites and shit stirrers like the NAACP who spew venom with out real solutions, which I also see a lot of right here, are the problem, not the base capabilities of any race.