Lazy Susan


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Jan 27, 2021
Was downtown with some ppl and ended up saying the phrase"Lazy Susan" (talking about how to turn a car around: it'd be nice if we had a....but for a car).

I was just pummeled with ppl saying Im sexist and eventually racist and that's when I was like hold the fuck up racist?!

So I folded and left let them think they were all that n shit. typed it into Google and this comes up:
"It's a reference to the servants being lazy so they need a device to easily pass dishes around the table."

Does anybody see the fatal flaw here????
Why would the [master] allow a [servant] to not serve each guest individually? If it were allowed wouldn't that not be their servant then? If that's how everybody wants to think the term lazy Susan came around fine I got the backstory too -

Susan was an amazing servant and worked everyday till death for [master]. One day after Susans death, [master buys this new circular object and places it on the table. Wife says oh it's like Susan was here again it's just so easy and convenient! [master] says "yes I call it the Lazy Susan"
I would have said "Where are the police going? Look at the Paddy wagon!"

I hope you made them walk. If not shame on you.

Are you an Uber driver?
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I've always known a "Lazy Susan" to mean a turnstyle type corner cabinet...
Or a turntable put on a counter or table for ease of access to condiments. Or a turntable, often multi-tiered, that is placed in an upper cabinet for storage and easy access of spices.

But I do agree with OP that the definition is a recent role definition like so many other things these days. Designed to redefine what things mean and accomplished the further division of and destruction of this nation.
The big volume of ppl now I think is the 18-25yr olds its crazy. Same model though. It's loner vs pack mentality. They literally couldn't survive if alone truly. The don't hone any part of the loner mentality and instead are 100% in on pack mentality and what that means is no questions or your out of the group and that would mean their death so makes them fearful and subservient. But in a group they obviously win class lol sorry for the soapbox
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Was downtown with some ppl and ended up saying the phrase"Lazy Susan" (talking about how to turn a car around: it'd be nice if we had a....but for a car).

I was just pummeled with ppl saying Im sexist and eventually racist and that's when I was like hold the fuck up racist?!

So I folded and left let them think they were all that n shit. typed it into Google and this comes up:
"It's a reference to the servants being lazy so they need a device to easily pass dishes around the table."

Does anybody see the fatal flaw here????
Why would the [master] allow a [servant] to not serve each guest individually? If it were allowed wouldn't that not be their servant then? If that's how everybody wants to think the term lazy Susan came around fine I got the backstory too -

Susan was an amazing servant and worked everyday till death for [master]. One day after Susans death, [master buys this new circular object and places it on the table. Wife says oh it's like Susan was here again it's just so easy and convenient! [master] says "yes I call it the Lazy Susan"
Sounds like you need to move if you live in a city that gets so offended so easily
..bigger group overheard and it became a whole thing. Really I'm just astounded how they 1 come up with the lie backstory...then 2 how it's so quickly and easily
Basic Sociology 101.
Low IQ group mentality.

No critical thinkers.
Social acceptance by the herd trumps facts.

No accident that media and public schools control the information stream and reward immoral/ aberrant behavior. Elite are patient and will succeed via generational degradation of the populace.

Introduction of millions of militant 3rd world militant parasites will speed things along quite nicely.

Your group with a different catalyst introduced would stomp you to death or stand there with phones out videoing someone else doing it with zero inhibitions.

....quickly and easily indeed.

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A Lazy Susan here is a turntable sitting in the middle of a dinner table to easily pass food around.

I remember sitting at a table on the front deck of a house belonging to a Sergeant from work, shooting rabbits in a pile of hay bales about 40m away while the chips and dip and beers rotated around on the Lazy Susan.

I shot the rabbits with my suppressed BRNO .22 and Vicky provided the food and drink.

Vicky only had a .25-06 at the time and didn't want to upset the neighbors.