Lead Sled Modification Proposal... Any Thoughts?


Jun 13, 2019
’ve read all the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to lead sleds over the years. I know there’s both lovers and haters. I used to use one with slug guns. Started using one with magnum centerfire rifles years ago and some seemed to work with it and others didn’t like it. I eventually removed everything I could and never added any weight. I also installed Teflon furniture sliders to the base of the 3 legs to help it slide better on the bench. I played around with it again recently during load development for a buddy’s stock 300win mag and it performed well. No shift in POI from the sled to the shoulder. I have an older Lead Sled Plus model.

I usually shoot off bags but I got to thinking… the sled is so convenient to just toss in the truck and toss on the bench… what if I further modified it and cut the back of the rear bracket (the butt stock stop) out so the stock is against the shooter’s shoulder and shot it that way? The rear bracket would turn into a yoke of sorts to just make sure the rifle could be left in the sled and not tip over and all recoil would be off the shoulder and nothing against the sled. A small rear sand bag/support could even be added under the butt stock in the middle of the yoke??

Has anybody done this or heard of it being done? Good/bad experience? Does anybody see issues with it? It would seem to negate the 2 biggest issues with sleds (1) hard on equipment and (2) shifting POI from sled to shoulder.

The sled is just so easy to toss on the bench and very convenient.