Same gentleman who I just met also wanted me to call him by his nickname while we where talking, so I just called him Steve the whole time. He kept saying my name's not Steve, it's Sparky because I'm and electrician. I continued to call him Steve.6" at 200? That's more like an iron sighted 30-30 thing.
I was unhappy about a 2" horizontal group at 300 yds with a switchy 1-3:00 8mph wind today.
I did make up for it with a really nice 100yd .2 group right after that.
The fucked up part is the mirage was showing a .7 wind hold at 800, but the reality was .2.
Oh well...
I still got to go shooting with Torsten.

I ended up pulling his bolt and getting him on target at 200 yards before I packed up. Left saying have a great night Steve.