Leica 2700 beyond 2000 yards - doesn't slice it


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Jul 3, 2017
Thought maybe I could replace my PLRF15 (readings on reflective surfaces to 6400 yards with this) with the Leica 2700B, since I rarely shoot past 2000 yards. Tested it today and it does not cut the mustard past one mile. Up to 1 mile it's great, it will read to 2000 relatively consistently but beyond 2000 you better be aiming at a building if you want a reading. It's mostly sunny today in SLC, UT, and I'm ranging houses and hillsides behind the university. On a row of houses 2100 yards away, it will range them but not large rocks off to the side, or sloping mowed hillsides in front of the houses.

For hunting, you will never need more than this. If Extreme long range is your cup of tea, don't sell your PLRF.

Is it coincidence that the new Terrapin is also rated to 2700 and uses some Leica componentry? I hope so, because if it uses this laser, folks are going to be very disappointed past 2000 yards.
Got a return off a 2335 meter 20 inch plate 2 days ago with the Leica 2700 . It’s not
a Vectronix , but for the money it’s the best thing I’ve used . Will be shooting to
2700 meters in a couple of days (2952 yards ) , we plan to have 2 gongs for
targets , one with reflective tape and one without , will see how that works .

EDIT : will have a Garmin 701 AB as well so GPS range may be needed .
Check out the review I have posted on here for more info, but I have been able to get reads off trees to almost 2800 yards in full sun, but not every tree. Seems like if I find one that works, I can hit it over and over, but maybe the one right next to it, it will not give a return on. But yeah, it ranges the 2k targets easily, but past that, it has to be a good target, a sloped grassy knoll, for example, may or may not return in full sun. As the sun goes down, more and more things give good returns and that 'easy hit' range usually stretches to the 2300 yard or so range, and more and more 2600+ returns come back. In my past testing, I did not have a tripod mount, but while visiting with the Leica folks at NRA this weekend, I picked one up, so plan on doing some updated distance testing.

But yeah, if you are looking for a 4k RF, this is not it. Past 2k, you do have to have a good target. On a reflective target (in my case, a stop sign at a 30 degree or so angle) is easily hit at over 2300, so if you have reflective tape, I suspect you will get a good hit. Super interested to hear how it goes for you, clearlight.

BTW, also got to try out the Vec X this weekend in a limited fashion. They quoted 3300 yards for it's max range at a reflective target. I was not anywhere where I could make any sort of assessment, but the glass seemed nice (though lighting was very good, so not a good test). The display is pure Leica.

Also got to sit down with the Sig folks and go over the new line and play with the stuff....really interesting days ahead.....
Do you think the 2700B would hit a 66% IPSC at say, 1,500 and in? I don't shoot much further than that, and that's the biggest target we generally lug around. I've been racking my brain for months researching LRF's, and it's getting exhausting. The 2700B is about the closest thing to a pure LRF as I've seen. I for one don't care about Bluetooth linking between my phone, kestrel, vehicle, laptop, scope, and whatever the hell else their trying to integrate these days. I just want an accurate, reliable, and quick LRF.


I wish I could answer that question for you with certainty, but at this time, I can't. I don't have access to a range that long, and the one i do have access to only goes to 1125 and the targets are 2 MOA ish...20 inches actually. 66 percent IPSC targets are 12x18 IIRC. So at least width wise, you are talking sub MOA.

I can only guess, but I would guess first that you would have a devil of a time knowing if you are hitting the steel or something else. Though I don't know for sure (gotta check with Leica on this one), but I think that the center of the circular reticle is around 6 MOA.

So it would be swimming in the circle. And at that distance, you are trying to hit something that is less than 1 MOA...granted, the laser is huge at that distance, but considering the coarsensess of the reticle, the size of the beam and the narrow width of the target, if I had to guess, I'd say hitting a 66 percent IPSC target consistently is probably a no.

That said, I would say the same thing about any RF that I am familiar with (never used a PLRF etc). The only thing that might make that possible, and it's a long shot, but if it were a truely reflective surface...not painted steel, but stuff actually designed to ping light back.

That's my guess, but please take it with a huge grain of salt.
Yeah, the Terrapin will do. I've hit whitetail fawns at that range consistently. We had steel at 1508 yds in a dirt field. The deer were standing about 25 yds to the left, so we knew the reading was accurate. I was able to bounce it back and forth between the deer and the treeline 15 yds behind them.

Ozzy, sent you a message, btw.
I was able to get to 2440yds. consistently today at dusk, conditions overcast, but on a tripod and on a house. I just recently got mine and havn't had a chance to really check it out under all circumstances.
I think a tripod is the key. I use a cheap one ($15) without extending the legs, in prone. IPSC targets it (Leica 2700-B) wouldn't range off hand, it hits every time with support from the tripod. Furthest one I had access to was 1600 yrds. A really solid tripod will probably help even more.

Catorres1. What does Sig have up it's sleeve???

No issues hitting a 24 inch round gong at 2950 with a little reflective tape . We only had one 24 inch
availiable that day , there was a large square steel sheet off to the side of the target about 4 ft in size .
The Leica 2700 gave a return off the large plate after a few tries mounted on a tripod . For casual
recreational shooting , I’m impressed . If ELR is your job , don’t ditch your Vectronix ...
I have received solid returns ~2400yds off trees (evergreens, fir and pine) and rock faces. Used the vehicle to create a steady firing position for the laser.

FWIW, I have noticed that my beam is hitting off the top edge of the bottom of the donut. Once I figured out where the laser was hitting, I was able to get more consistent returns that made sense. At the SHTC, it was valuable information to have because Carl would have targets setup in a manner that were designed to trip up LRF's. If you weren't careful, you would be hitting branches on trees that were 50-150yds in front of the target.

Sorry, did not see this until today, but honestly, to my knowlege, the BDX releases are their focus at this point. Though they announced at NRA, nothing is really going to hit the market until June or July, and that only the lower level RF's. The real exciting products, to my mind...the 2400 and the 3000 BDX binos, don't come until August and September, respectively.

Following this, my understanding is that they will roll out additional scopes that integrate with the system. They wanted to start at the lower end of the price scale to allow more products to get into users hands, but I was told the plan is to move the integration up the optics scale.

What's in my mind is what Leica is going to release. I know some parts of it, but I have not been able to touch bases with my contact at Leica...been tied up with other gun problems....and non-gun (ie no fun) projects. But I know their response to the connected device drive has been coming for a while...and indeed is past due. I only hope they use their collaboration with Vectronix to their advantage, and also look to how full featured Sig's offering is. I personally, just me, don't care too much about the scope integration, though I can see how seemless that workflow is. But the connection and two way communication with the Kestrel is great stuff. Hope Leica gives us a competing product in that regard....competition is good for us shooters!