reading a biography of truman. i am embarrassed to admit that i have missed the historical parallel to todays billions to ukraine and the absolute corruption that took place in '40/41 during the big industrial push to gear up for ww 2. in fact,the same happened in '17/18 when wilson managed to drag us into ww 1. the abuse,corruption and greed were almost identical to today. goal,as many here believe,is also to drag us into a war that will aid our domestic enemies,enrich the MIC and further empower the elites. our current warmongers don't seem to realize that in '41 we still had a huge industrial base and were protected by the atlantic & pacific oceans. there was no way we were ever going to be invaded by japan or germany despite the related fear mongering at that time. today is very different. the oceans aren't a barrier and invasion is already underway. our industrial power is gone and unlikely to come back. the treachery,incompetence and greed are still present and greatly expanded. i still have mixed feelings about truman but he did have the countries interest at heart. the mistakes i think he made were made in an effort to help and protect america and it's people. no one is perfect or right all the time. and remember,he was not a "greatest" gen guy. he was from the generation before that when the war of northern conquest was still in living memory of many people.
there are parallels to today's disaster that are not confidence in the future inspiring.
there are parallels to today's disaster that are not confidence in the future inspiring.