My Liberty is 25 years old, has moved from Kentucky to Detroit to Texas, and now resides in North Carolina. It fell on two young and dumb studs who thought they could handle the weight. Wrecked the first guy’s leg, scared the second guy so bad he needed clean diapers. The S&G dial combination lock is slick, and no batteries needed. Purchase and install a nice, long Goldenrod before you install it, or suffer rust. Bolt the thing into concrete,or lag bolt it through the floor with some reinforcements under the floor. I put mine in its own closet, which is alarmed and dead bolted. The purpose of the Liberty is to slow down the drug addicted thieves looking for quick money, and to keep my NFA goodies away from prying eyes or sticky fingers. The purpose of my two Doberman Pinschers is to remove a few chunks of said thieves body parts. I have Personal Property Insurance so that if someone gets past the Dobies, gets through the doors and locks, and gets the Liberty open, then escapes within the two-minute police response to the alarm in my neighborhood, State Farm will give me enough money to buy some newer, mo better stuff.
Place whichever gun safe you get in a place where it cannot be seen from an exterior window or an open garage door. Texas thieves are good at the “back into the garage door, which folds like cardboard, tie a wrecker chain around the safe and drag the safe down the road at the end of the wrecker hoist, with a tarp wrapped around it for concealment” trick.
It is for some reason extremely difficult to find all of those so-called “honest” men who we need to keep “honest”. Scumbags are usually found in multiples everywhere you travel, and love to sain’t supposed to shoot the scumbags for thieving, but if they have one of my toys in their hands, self-defense rules, since all my toys stay loaded at all times