i do have his phone # my commemt was not to impress anyone it was to make a point he would tell you the same thing a 30 cal is a better choice for elr then a 7mm and as far as the Sherman short mag you cant use the same parent using the same volume running at same pressure limits with the same powder and same barrel and bullets and end up with better performance and still get longer throat life simple facts that cant be denied flame point deflection in not real its a made up story to sale a idea there are pros and cons to long necksI like what I see on paper about the SSs. Everyone loves the SAUMs and the SSs seem to have a slight improvement in performance while based on the SAUM case. I don't know why you would call it BS unless you have some personal beef with Rich Sherman.
I haven't read anything about throat life specifically in the SSs. Most of what I've read about throat life was from articles and discussions between benchrest shooters on accurateshooter.com.
Short necks=short throat life??
I read awhile back in a PS magazine (I think) about an article that was written in regards to short necks equal short throat life. I kind of brushed it off as something I just didn't want to believe in because it sounded too logical and I had several guns with short throats in my safe. But I...www.longrangehunting.com
Google search turns up a lot more, but you get the idea. Also, from reading these you can see that it is not some new theory, but it is pretty well-known that neck length has a significant effect on throat life. The benchrest crowd is arguably the world's most knowledgeable and scientifically-rigorous group of shooters, so if they say short necks = short throat life, I'm more inclined to believe them than they type of fellow who chooses to use the word "badass" in the name of his business.
As for ELR matches beyond 1500 yards, the OP never mentioned intending to shoot ELR matches. Furthermore, the OP's definition of ELR seems to be more consistent with the Hide's definition of ELR than yours since there is a subforum here actually titled "ELR - BEYOND 1000 YARDS".
into this thread titled "Light-recoiling 7mm ELR and proceed to tell the OP that:
-1500 yards isn't ELR (wrong),
-A 7mm-300 Norma improved or 7mm-338 RUM improved would do well (the OP asked for LIGHT-RECOIL and AFFORDABLE),
-He'd be be better off with the same cases in 30 caliber because higher BC projectiles are available than in 7mm (wrong again AND even more recoil),
-And insult people who like 7mm in a thread about 7mm even though the 7mm ballistically outclasses all 30 caliber offerings with the new bullets you mentioned.
If you really do have Litz's home phone number, why would I be impressed? I'm sure Litz has at least one or two stupid friends just like I do.
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