LMT Bolt Carriers

LMT is good to go. I paid 150 for the last one I got, but that was last summer. While I wouldnt LIKE to pay 190, I wouldnt mind for an LMT if thats what was available and I needed it to finish a build.

When you see crap BCG's going for 150+ right now, 190 doesnt look so bad for an excellent quality BCG.
I put a LMT FA in 1 of my AR's, it works, as long as the screws are staked, and a little maintenance every now and then 99% of the BCG are the same, I wouldn't pay a premium for a LMT.
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The LMT DI bcg can be used with any AR-15. The barrel extension and the barrel assembly are proprietary to LMT.
The chamber is standard 556. I've never seen an LMT DI bcg with unstaked screws. LMT non-enhanced DI AR-15 bolt carriers have dry film lube on the inside not hard crome. The metallic composition of the bcg is proprietary to LMT (I asked). I've had my LMT CQB MRP DI for years and love it. The LMT DI bcg is good to go.
The LMT DI bcg can be used with any AR-15. The barrel extension and the barrel assembly are proprietary to LMT.
The chamber is standard 556. I've never seen an LMT DI bcg with unstaked screws. LMT non-enhanced DI AR-15 bolt carriers have dry film lube on the inside not hard crome. The metallic composition of the bcg is proprietary to LMT (I asked). I've had my LMT CQB MRP DI for years and love it. The LMT DI bcg is good to go.

Thanks for the info!
Whats the advantage of the enhanced bolt? My MWS is coated my CQB MRP is plain steel.

I assume some lubricity and easier cleaning, anything else?
A buddy of mine wasn't sure if the bolt was proprietary to the barrel, that's why I ask. Ideally I'd like a Young's Nation Match bolt, but things are slim pickings right now.

Just thought I'd mention, if you happen to find a Young's bcg in stock at Rainier Arms, they stake them before sending them out, as Young's doesn't stake them (and doesn't belive in staking them for some reason).
Just thought I'd mention, if you happen to find a Young's bcg in stock at Rainier Arms, they stake them before sending them out, as Young's doesn't stake them (and doesn't belive in staking them for some reason).

I spoke with an armorer in Virginia about this and he said that Young's uses a drop of lock tight on the gas key screws and they feel it is sufficient. He also said there was a risk of the chrome finish chipping/flaking off of the bcg if the staking is sloppy.