Loading the 6 Creed for the 115DTAC?


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Oct 25, 2011
Central Wis.
Got my 100 BN coated DTACs on saturday, after doing some hard thinking I figured I could pretty much use the same 41.9grs that I use for the 105 Hornadys since the BN coating will lower the pressure. My thinking was this, going from a 105 to a 115 naked bullet Id have to lower my charge 1 grain, is that correct? Then with a BN coated bullet I could bring it back up that 1 grain I lost with a naked 115. Am I thinking right or is it too much dark beer doing the work? LOL
Not giving up on the 105s, I've got a pretty good avg at 300yds with them, just a hair over an inch w/o a couple of fliers, even with the fliers they shoot 1.3". Now if the 115s shoot under an inch on the first try that would look pretty promising to me. Might send David an email and see what he thinks what my charge should be, just to be on the safe side.
Remember that you won't see the pressure drop due to hBN until after the first 10-15 rounds, meaning your first handful of shots will be at max pressure, as if you didn't have a coating. Just play it safe and load a few at progressively lower charges to watch for pressure signs.

That's the theory, anyways. hBN and WS2 (and maybe moly?) work best when both the bore and bullets are coated. If you aren't applying the coating manually to the inside of the bore (ie. via an hBN solution applied with a patch), it will take a few shots before the coating deposits and burnishes sufficiently onto the bore from the bullets. Regardless, there are so many other factors affecting peak chamber pressures that you should work up to the load, anyways. Just to be safe.