Local PD vs 50 cal..

This happened a few miles from my old house, and not to far from some other members on here. The sheriff is a faggot and most of the Deputies in Clark are as well. They fuck with gun owners, write bullshit made up tickets and pull people over and lie about their speed.

They had the chance to elect a great Sheriff (24 years on as a deputy, Consitutionalist, Was going to stop county from fucking with peoples gun purchases and concealed carry) who also happened to be black, but they used the law and media to portray him as something he is not.

.50 BMG M33 Ball will not penetrate a 3/8” AR500 plate.

.50 API/T, MK211, MK263, and SLAP will easily make it through any ballistic glass and through Bearcat or MRAP armor.

.50 ball won’t even make it through a quality Level IV plate at 10 yards.

Moral of the story: If you’re gonna use a Fiddy to FAFO, use real ammo.

If you have a level IV plate on and get hit with a single M33 ball it does not have to penetrant the plate. At 10yds, the 12,000 ft lbs will fuck you up just fine.

That could have been -06 for all we know. Lucky they ran up on a guy with one bullet.