Long range classes near WV?

Several class dates at pigg river and also doing level 3 at Speer Mountain/black bear shooting club facility next year.

Also can reach out to Andy Slade at

This is more private and expensive but it’s awesome coaching.
Try https://razorbacktactical.net/. I haven't attended one of their courses, but plan on attending a 2025 class. I've shot a couple of pistol classes at pgpft mentioned above (Pat Goodale Practical Firearms Training) and would probably attend another class if the scheduling worked out.
Ive seen them. They usually take over the long range of the Beckley WV (whitby or jolo wv) gun range. When they do members are banned from using the long range. You pay 175.00 a year to be banned from the long range on weekends during the summer so non-members can take it over.
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@6x45, is there a chance PGPFT could put some more precision rifle classes on the schedule? I've shot a couple of pistol courses there and would make the drive to attend a rifle class if there were any. According to the schedule, there is only one 2025 precision rifle class, but it was only for LEOs.
There is an open class in March 14-16


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You're right, I need to retake my reading for comprehension course. The boss has already scheduled me for something else that weekend so I must have glanced right over it. However, if there were 2 or 3 more classes offered.......
Here’s the deal, for some reason we can’t populate the precision rifle class like other classes. I don’t think there’s more than three people signed up for that class right now and in order for the class to run we need to have at least six students.
It kinda shocks me sometimes that that class does not get more attention with the amount of great rifles and gear we have on the market today.
The Left Edge Society still has some slots available for their classes at Pigg River. $750 for 2 1/2 days. Evening of classroom on Friday and range all day Saturday and Sunday.

Running their foundational class next month.

And running their next level class in May and July

They are also the only training company in the Northeast fully supported by Kestrel and have a full allotment of loaner 5700 Elites.