Looking for a PEQ 2A

Anyone sellling?

Wrong place for this...First, go introduce yourself in the new members sub-forum....Also, upgrade your account so you can start threads in the PX... then post a WTB thread in the PX-Accessories sub forum
Wrong place for this...First, go introduce yourself in the new members sub-forum....Also, upgrade your account so you can start threads in the PX... then post a WTB thread in the PX-Accessories sub forum
First off, dont tell me what to do... second of all, I have no idea who you are either so why dont you.
Hell Yea!


  • bart popcorn.gif
    bart popcorn.gif
    814.2 KB · Views: 84
I love when retards come in and just shoot themselves in the head in 5 minutes....

Please don't lock this thread until several hours after this genetic defect immolates himself. Herself?

Oh please... this is so much better than Friday Night Cable!


Some one will ban him at some point when this thread runs out of gas.

He lasts as long as y’all do.

No Soup for 'Tard Boys!!!

Damn someone must be seriously delusional while sitting in their parent's basement in a puddle of their own feces while wearing their grandmothers wedding dress and masturbating to Guns N Ammo while wishing they could afford the new release of Doom on Nintendo...

Welcome aboard...

Oh sorry... aren't we supposed to be nice to newbies?

Not funny how Antifa types are now searching for Class IIIB IR lasers capable of causing eye damage. Seriously, this fucker needs a visit from the FBI.
Right... we still have some folks around here who can take a single post and zoom it into a 5 square foot area... along with an entire social media history and someone's birth certificate and hospital footprints. Give it about 15 minutes and this schlong-gobbler is going to have his entire life detailed here for ridicule!

Methinks this OP needs some 'federales' attention!

BTW, who puts a PEQ-2 on an Airsoft to go to some kind of Faery protest where they get dolled up in eBay combat swag and burn down Wendys?? Oh yeah... the OP!!!!

Yes. Send me $$$ I’ll send you product of very good quality. Much perfect device of excellent use. Much money needed. I’m of very important America prince. I’m not joke scam from China. Sen much money. Very happy results good.
Don’t fall for it dude, all I got was Dick pics and tiny ones at that and a burning sensation when I pee.