Gotta throw a hat in here. I'm a prism scope loyalist at this point, and I've tried a lot of them extensively paying particular attention to what is good and bad about them with the goal of finding a favorite and putting it on all my guns (and selling the others). I can say that the only one I didn't like was the Burris. The Primary Arms Glx and the Vortex Spitfire are somewhat comparable. The PA is better in terms of quality, but the PA reticle is not for me and I liked the green reticle in the spitfire. Both are lightweight, have good glass, good eye relief, Vortex cheaped on the attachment hardware and PA didn't. Currently waiting on a repair for the spitfire 1x because the mounting screws were such cheap metal they stripped with 25 inch pounds of torque. Then I will sell it. All said, still a good prism for the money.
The best prism scope and the prism scope that really got me is the Sig Bravo 3 and 5. I honestly put the Bravo up there with any ACOG. The glass is great, the field of view is without a doubt the best of every prism, and it is grossly durable. I would wager it's nearly as indestructible as an ACOG for a fraction of the cost. It is my go-to prism, and I put it on everything now, but it must be said that it is quite heavy and not nearly as compact as the PA or the vortex. The reticle is also very small, and I have seen a number of reviews reporting canted reticles (though I have never had that problem and have several of them, I think they fixed it). It is indeed unobtainium, but I found a dealer last year that had a bunch so I ended up with five or six. I actually have one Bravo 5 with the 5.56/7.62 reticle and no gun to put it on.
Based on OP's needs, the Bravo is king. If you want it to double as a self-defense gun, get the Bravo 3 or get the Bravo 5 and put a micro red dot on the rails on the optic itself.