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Hunting & Fishing Looking for S. Carolina hog/coyote hunting opportunities


May 1, 2019
Like the title says, I am looking for a spot to hunt hogs/coyotes in South Carolina. I am active duty USAF, TDY here at Shaw until November, unless they allow me to extend until April/May. I'd like to get into some night hunting, I have two pulsar thermals that I use (one of which I bought from @Kwilm, thanks again man, I love it.) He can at least attest to my honesty/reliability as far as payment goes. I'd be more than willing to meet up so any land owners could get to know me a little bit before you decide to allow me to hunt, and I would love it if you wanted to accompany me. I even have the extra thermal you could use. I have a couple places that I have permission to hunt in my hometown in Georgia and I could also provide those landowners' contact info if you would like references. I can go back to GA to hunt anytime, but it's a 6 hour drive each way and I only have one day per week off, so a spot to go here in SC would be awesome. I would also be willing to entertain joining a hunt club if anyone has any intel on any that have hogs and would be ok with a new member. Thanks!
I went to Cypress Creek Outfitters in February of last year and while it was fun with the group I was with I’d have been annoyed if I went by myself. Long story short I hunted three nights and didn’t see a single pig, our group of 9 got a total of 4 pigs with two guys missing. Another guy had went 4 times and that was his first time seeing a pig though he did get a deer before.

Part of that was due to a thunderstorm the one night shutting everything down, another part was that flooding had cut us off from the part of the property where most of the pigs lived and the final part of it was that the guy who had signed us up did so for a day hunt despite being told that the pigs are more active that time of night. I personally won’t go back since the money and effort required wasn’t worth it but if I did I would have only night hunted and stayed until well after midnight because the only time anyone saw pigs was when we were getting picked up.
From what I saw on bookyourhunt:
1 hunt for deer and hog in SC
2 for turkey and hog in SC
1 for night hogs in SC
1 for hogs in GA
I guess I forgot to put it in there, but I can't see paying hundreds of dollars for one night of hunting an invasive species. Especially when I can hunt them free, I'd just have to drive 6 hours. I'd be willing to pay a club that I could hunt my entire time here, or a landowner, but not an outfitter.
I went to Cypress Creek Outfitters in February of last year and while it was fun with the group I was with I’d have been annoyed if I went by myself. Long story short I hunted three nights and didn’t see a single pig, our group of 9 got a total of 4 pigs with two guys missing. Another guy had went 4 times and that was his first time seeing a pig though he did get a deer before.

Part of that was due to a thunderstorm the one night shutting everything down, another part was that flooding had cut us off from the part of the property where most of the pigs lived and the final part of it was that the guy who had signed us up did so for a day hunt despite being told that the pigs are more active that time of night. I personally won’t go back since the money and effort required wasn’t worth it but if I did I would have only night hunted and stayed until well after midnight because the only time anyone saw pigs was when we were getting picked up.
The money and effort isn't worth it with an outfitter. Mainly the money. The effort is going to be there no matter what, and it's part of the fun. $250 on the low end, per day... Up to $5...6...7 hundred PER NIGHT? Nah. Having my own thermals, rifles, ammo... I'm just looking for a farmer that wants them gone or a club that I could pay the equivalent of one, two or maybe three times the nightly rate of these outfitters.
The money and effort isn't worth it with an outfitter. Mainly the money. The effort is going to be there no matter what, and it's part of the fun. $250 on the low end, per day... Up to $5...6...7 hundred PER NIGHT? Nah. Having my own thermals, rifles, ammo... I'm just looking for a farmer that wants them gone or a club that I could pay the equivalent of one, two or maybe three times the nightly rate of these outfitters.

Ended up being 400 bucks a night and it definitely wasn’t worth it. We got roped into it, our buddy told us they were going back and that he signed us up to go with so we didn’t really get a say.

I would have much rather went to a place in Texas where you ride around all night with thermal and shoot as many as you want rather than having a three a day limit and not seeing anything the entire time.

Also I should note I’m from PA, we don’t have any hogs here that aren’t in a high fence hunt.
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Ended up being 400 bucks a night and it definitely wasn’t worth it. We got roped into it, our buddy told us they were going back and that he signed us up to go with so we didn’t really get a say.

I would have much rather went to a place in Texas where you ride around all night with thermal and shoot as many as you want rather than having a three a day limit and not seeing anything the entire time.

Also I should note I’m from PA, we don’t have any hogs here that aren’t in a high fence hunt.
Ahh yeah I'm from GA and we have them everywhere. The land I have permission on I just walk around and scan with a thermal until I see some. Almost everytime I see something, coyotes or hogs, and the farmers are in agreement... Kill them all. Which I do. The farmers love it, the deer love it and get huge, the landowners/deer hunters... Like it, but don't love it as much, bc I'll night hunt during deer season. They always seem to think that I'm scaring off their trophy bucks, even though they'll literally bag a trophy after I've killed a whole sounder. And I have video of deer all around while I'm shooting coyotes and they just stick around like they don't care. They sure do like how many fawns are growing up and how less of their corn is getting eaten by hogs.
Yes they are invasive but just like anything in life..If you can make money off of it, they will. Finding free places to hunt anymore isn't that easy
Sorry to hear about the difficulty. I hate to say it, but you may have to start knocking on doors...although I'd only expect about a 10% acceptance rate, and at least a 20% fairly unpleasant response rate.

I made flyers to give perspective landowners until I got established here...but I'm also a landowner and cattleman...so that's a huge benefit. Now I just get referrals.

Sounds like you have the experience...I'd learn how to sell that, and ESPECIALLY invite the landowners out for a night of hunting...but damn if that isn't stressful handing someone $5K plus of equipment that you don't know. 8ve done it a couple times and will avoid it in the future.