Looking for Tikka shooters that load long...

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  • Oct 11, 2013
    Wanting to try a new action, but for that action I wanted to load the 153 bergers and not have half the bullet stuck in the stupid case. I just heard that the Tikkas dont use small and large actions for the different calibers, and the only thing that varies is a bolt stop and a spacer inside the mag. So I'm guessing, all the actions are of the long variety correct?
    So, anyone here choose a long action so that they can load a short action caliber, with large for caliber bullets really long?
    The T3 is made in short at least. The mag fits a COAL of around 2.93"

    My opinion in general about this issue: In the end you kind of choose the 6.5cm because it fits in short action. If you go long, just take some PRC or similar cartridge to go with it.
    The T3 is made in short at least. The mag fits a COAL of around 2.93"

    My opinion in general about this issue: In the end you kind of choose the 6.5cm because it fits in short action. If you go long, just take some PRC or similar cartridge to go with it.

    All Tikka T3/T3x actions that find their way to 🇺🇸 are the same length (long action).

    To answer the OP. Yes you can do exactly what you described.
    I do get that, though I'm already set up for the creedmoor, and honestly couldn't afford the space in my room for another caliber lol. The thing with short action calibers is that the actions/magazines and all of the standards were built around the laymen, shooting factory ammo. They were built for guys that like to experiment and push the limits. That's why you see soo many guys single feeding, because nothing fits when you use high bc bullets loaded long. There has to be a workaround somewhere.
    I know a guy who runs his 65cm TRG so hot he is near 300PRC elevation. He was able to hit excellent beyond mile with 140RDF. The high BC bullets surely do make the 65cm even more alive and he is mag feeding. He trains with mild loads made with scenars and rdfs.
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    I do get that, though I'm already set up for the creedmoor, and honestly couldn't afford the space in my room for another caliber lol. The thing with short action calibers is that the actions/magazines and all of the standards were built around the laymen, shooting factory ammo. They were built for guys that like to experiment and push the limits. That's why you see soo many guys single feeding, because nothing fits when you use high bc bullets loaded long. There has to be a workaround somewhere.

    The Tikka's "mechanical" max coal is ~3.40 and works for everything except 6.5 x 284 win and longer cases.

    Hope this helps.
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    Wanting to try a new action, but for that action I wanted to load the 153 bergers and not have half the bullet stuck in the stupid case. I just heard that the Tikkas dont use small and large actions for the different calibers, and the only thing that varies is a bolt stop and a spacer inside the mag. So I'm guessing, all the actions are of the long variety correct?
    So, anyone here choose a long action so that they can load a short action caliber, with large for caliber bullets really long?
    Yes you are correct. I run a 260 loaded long in a T3 that was originally for 3006 so it had the “long” bolt stop.
    If you want to run a standard diameter bolt face cartridge like a creedmoor and want longer coal than short action calibers get a longer factory mag from a caliber like a 30-06 or one of tikka's medium length magazines. Switch the bolt stop to a medium or a long action bolt stop and your running. I did this for a 7 saum and use 7 rem mag and 300 win mag magazines and it runs flawless.
    See below-
    You can turn it into a long action but then you would have to get new bottom metal(plastic if factory Tikka), new bolt stop, and new magazines.
    Edit to correct: new bottom metal is not required if your keeping the same platform, ie. T3x to t3x. The magazines and bolt stop are the only things that are different.
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    read this thread and ignore some of what’s been posted already.

    FYI- a short action bolt stop can be modified with a file or a dremel.
    The action my .284 Winchester ( Loaded really long ) is built on started out as a 30/06. I use the long bolt stop with the 30/06 length magazine and it feed & functions like it's supposed to, even with the larger case diameter and the rebated rim.
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