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Looks like Aero is going to have to move out of Washington


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Aug 26, 2020
Keller, Texas
Lots of jobs lost, but they will be welcomed in Texas. If you don’t feel like watching the video Washington’s new assault weapons bill bans manufacturing of parts. No official word yet but unless they make some change Aero which is located in Washington will have to move operations, and if the video is correct it’s hundreds of jobs not counting the other peoples jobs indirectly connected.

Oklahoma would welcome them. We're solid red not purple like Texas. 😇
I take offense to that Sir, I would virtually slap you with a glove if I actually messaged enough to know what all the emoji’s meant, with all the different ones I’m sure one is a dueling emoji, pistols at dawn.
I take offense to that Sir, I would virtually slap you with a glove if I actually messaged enough to know what all the emoji’s meant, with all the different ones I’m sure one is a dueling emoji, pistols at dawn.
I tried to find one for you but I think emoji's are woke, no violence.
I saw this yesterday. I hope they do move, but I hope they aren't facing some sort of "Exit Tax" to leave the state. But I do think it's more the issue of what to do with loyal employees and who they may move with them.... or not.
Oklahoma would welcome them. We're solid red not purple like Texas. 😇

I take offense to that Sir, I would virtually slap you with a glove if I actually messaged enough to know what all the emoji’s meant, with all the different ones I’m sure one is a dueling emoji, pistols at dawn.
Gif’s are so much cooler

I take offense to that Sir, I would virtually slap you with a glove if I actually messaged enough to know what all the emoji’s meant, with all the different ones I’m sure one is a dueling emoji, pistols at dawn.
I was just joshing you texans but the fact it, its (almost) true. Sadly its about true for my home state, Virginia. The cities are fucking it up for the rest of us.

2020 race results.



I take offense to that Sir, I would virtually slap you with a glove if I actually messaged enough to know what all the emoji’s meant, with all the different ones I’m sure one is a dueling emoji, pistols at dawn.
He's not wrong though, Texas has some cancer in it. Cancer shows up blue on the maps, and y'alls are letting the cancer grow.

He's not wrong though, Texas has some cancer in it. Cancer shows up blue on the maps, and y'alls are letting the cancer grow.

I know, I don’t like to admit it but while Texas isn’t Purple it’s definitely not as Ruby red as it used to be. I love Texas but the Blue areas of Houston, Austin, and Dallas might be our doom, it’s a shame because almost every other county than those with a few exceptions are still grounded non woke Texans. When we attracted all of the California tech companies to move here we did get allot of jobs, but it might turn out to be a deal with the Devil.
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I would think that it would be unconstitutional for a state to ban manufacturing of firearms, if the facility had the correct FFL license.
The entire bill is unconstitutional, so I don’t think they really care, liberals have come to the conclusion that the constitution is really just a buffet, they pick the ones they like and scream if they think that was violated, and ignore or modify at will the ones they don’t like. The supreme courts existing standard is you can’t ban commonly owned firearms, well just about every gun on in their bill is commonly owned currently. Liberals will ignore any law they deem as wrong, which is why we have a border nightmare here in Texas.
I would think that it would be unconstitutional for a state to ban manufacturing of firearms, if the facility had the correct FFL license.
The state of warshington now has a long history of pulling this kind of shit. It's the "so sue me" mentality/approach. dimslee/turd ferguson know that companies like Aero can't afford to sue the state. I'd be willing to bet that Aero has looked at the cost of a lawsuit (that they risk losing) and the costs of moving and they'll opt for the latter.

It's unfortunate that Aero moved into a much larger facility. I don't follow them closely, so I don't know when they moved or if they are leasing or bought the property. SMDH as to why they did that. I would have just moved and washed my hands of the state.

"Constitutionality" has nothing to do with it with these assholes.
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That's scary (Va)! My niece lives in Chesapeake, Va and has a physical therapy practice in Va Beach. And it's really weird because I had thought the Norfolk/Va Beach area was quite Military (Navy).
It really is weird. Not just navy, theres Ft. Lee, fort Eustis, and others. Largest naval shipyard in the world.

The whole area is kind of fucked up. Years ago it was several nice small cities which have now expanded together into a nightmare. Delays through teh tunnel can be over two hours and thats without an accident. So bad that if I had to go I went out of the way through Petersburg. Much of it very poor and dangerous.
Isn’t that the truth, the founders were an intelligent bunch, they saw this could happen and at least made it to where the house and electoral college provides some shielding.
Boy do we need them now. Rome lasted 500 years, we're only half way there.
Isn't Rainier there too? They keep sending a bunch of blast emails about the impending passage. With the immediate harm, I'd say there is a better than good shot that a TRO and injunction are issued. Either way, shouldn't have to come to that and this should never have been considered due to the clear unconstitutional nature.

Here in MD, Beretta left after the FSA 2013 was passed. he Senator that lived in that district didn't even care. He said something to the effect that if he can vote for the ban knowing Beretta is in his district, everyone can. The leftists are out of control.
How many more Americans must die before Congress will act to protect our communities?

Safe storage of firearms isn't the issue. Background checks already in place are not effective. Gun manufacturers' immunity from liability is no different than an auto manufacturers' immunity from liability where a reckless or drunken driver is involved.

It's long past time that we address the root cause of violence, the individual. It's long past time that we affirm the citizens right to keep and bear arms for self-defense and personal protection within and outside of their home.

The Supreme Court of the United States of America has ruled and yet is being ignored. The citizen's right to keep and bear arms in common use is being openly infringed upon. Criminalizing the lawful gun owning citizens of the United States of America is not the answer.

Although not specifically required by any statute or constitutional provision, you have advised us that it has long been the practice of all legislators, upon assuming office, to take the same oath of office as is prescribed by RCW 43.01.020 for officers of the executive branch of state government. This oath reads, in pertinent part, as follows:

". . . I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the state of Washington, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of (name of office) to the best of my ability."

I am still bound by my oath long after the end of my active service. To the best of my knowledge, it has not been and will never be rescinded.

I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulation and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

As a sitting member of our legislature, you are bound by your oath. You can do no less than interpret the recent SCOTUS decision as the court intended.

The Supreme Court recently declared a new standard for Second Amendment jurisprudence, "text, history, and tradition." Established by the 2022 landmark decision, NYSRPA v. Bruen, the text, history, and tradition test now govern laws restricting the right to keep and bear arms – invalidating any gun laws that fail to meet its standard. Anything less is unconstitutional and a violation of your oath as a sitting member of the Washington State legislature.

I strongly urge you to turn your attentions to the root cause of violence, the individual, rather than the legal, lawful, gun owners of Washington State.

We must put an end to the radical right and left politics of this nation clogging our legislatures and court system. We need to immediately concern ourselves with the survival of this nation and cease fighting among ourselves that others may set upon us. We can and must do these things now.

HB1240 is a direct infringement on the first amendment rights of the citizens of the state of Washington. I vehemently oppose its authors, its supporters, its purpose, and its intent.

I received a form letter from Sen. Claudia Kauffman.
Rep. Debra Entenman and Rep. Chris Sterns didn't even bother.

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It really is weird. Not just navy, theres Ft. Lee, fort Eustis, and others. Largest naval shipyard in the world.

The whole area is kind of fucked up. Years ago it was several nice small cities which have now expanded together into a nightmare. Delays through teh tunnel can be over two hours and thats without an accident. So bad that if I had to go I went out of the way through Petersburg. Much of it very poor and dangerous.
I spent time at Ft. Eustis (useless) back in 2001. The whole area was a traffic disaster back then. I hated the area with a passion. I can't imagine how it could get worse. 😬
The 'all' is unnecessary. Ya'll covers a lot of ground.
Ha, you're not really wrong! It's been a while but I lived in Alabama long enough to theoretically get schooled in "y'all". A quick search confirmed my previous learning:

Urban dictionary: "Y'all is singular. All y'all is plural. All y'all's is plural possessive."
Wiktionary.org explains, "All y'all is used in the Southern United States when a speaker wishes to include everyone being addressed. Y'all may refer to an indefinite set of members of a group, but all y'all definitively includes everyone in the group."

To clarify: "Y'all" refers to two or three people. Example: "Where y'all going?"

"All y'all" refers to more than three people. Example: "Will all y'all fit in there?"

Of course, there could be some usage differences between Texas and Alabama.
Not trying to be the grammar police, but shouldn't that be "all y'all"?

The 'all' is unnecessary. Ya'll covers a lot of ground.

I thought one used Yu’ins as a pleural for y’all.

I may be more hillbilly than others.

I do have an old couch on my front porch and his n her spittoons on either side for me n the woman.
Y'All are missing the point. I think the question we should all be asking is; Who is Jgault?
thr man who turned off the engine to the world because of the communist and liberals. Ayn Rand saw all off this coming 70 years ago, the three books that influenced my thinking the most were the fountainhead, atlas shrugged and the art of war.
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thr man who turned off the engine to the world because of the communist and liberals. Ayn Rand saw all off this coming 70 years ago, the three books that influenced my thinking the most were the fountainhead, atlas shrugged and the art of war.
It was a rhetorical question. But you nailed the answer. You're welcome. 😁
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Moving is the best answer for Aero and anyone else in that kind of situation. However, in the long game that the enemy is running moving plays right into their hands. It's called Balkanization, divide and conquer. The more good people move, the more the enemy dominates in that territory. Eventually we'll have to either surrender it all or stand and fight due to there being nowhere else to go.
Moving is the best answer for Aero and anyone else in that kind of situation. However, in the long game that the enemy is running moving plays right into their hands. It's called Balkanization, divide and conquer. The more good people move, the more the enemy dominates in that territory. Eventually we'll have to either surrender it all or stand and fight due to there being nowhere else to go.
The flip side to that is I don’t want that manufacturing capability behind enemy lines when the shit kicks off.

Truth is most of these companies don’t give two fucks about you and I. Surefire for example. Why they stay in Cali is beyond pale. And then they have the nerve to arm state police and local agencies that are hostile to silencers. Fuck that. I get it that LE sales are big business but fuck. Your condoning their bad behavior.
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