only has to have heard the communications between cops when pulling over a driver they've dealt with before. "...He's a gun owner and one of those Constitutionalists."
Then there's this Calif. douchbag with his $100.00 haircut as he pulls up, draws his weapon and harasses a homeowner in his driveway. At 3:40, when the homeowner stands his ground, he asks him "Are you some kind of Constitutionalist, some crazy guy or something like that?"
Context - was the man making the video a Pot Business Owner?

Rohnert Park, California - Wikipedia
2015 police controversy[edit]
On July 29, 2015, Rohnert Park Public Safety Officer Dave Rodriguez[29] drew his sidearm during an encounter with city resident,[30] while the resident was hitching his boat trailer to his vehicle.[31] The resident recorded the incident and posted it on YouTube.[32][33]Rodriguez was placed on administrative leave while the city conducted an internal investigation into the incident.[34] In August, 2015, the city engaged an independent investigator,[35] who found that Rodriguez's actions were within the law and followed department policy.[36]
A civil rights claim filed on behalf of the resident asserted that Rodriguez was trying to intimidate him.[29] The lawsuit concluded in a settlement.[37]
On November 16, 2018, a civil rights lawsuit was filed[38] against Rohnert Park alleging that Rohnert Park police "conspired to expand the legitimate interdiction mission to one of personal financial gain, and over the years seized thousands of pounds of cannabis and hundreds of thousands of dollars of currency without issuing receipts for the seizures, without making arrests for any crimes, and without any official report of the forfeitures being made".[39] KQED published an investigation[40] in June 2018, quoting complaints by other motorists saying they were "robbed" by the Rohnert Park police, including the officers named in the lawsuit. The police department has since ceased most of its seizure efforts.[39]
In 2020, the city agreed to a $2 Million settlement with the family of Branch Wroth, who died in police custody in 2017, after a $4 Million judgment was vacated on appeal.[41]"