The left really is amazing. MIL in law came down yesterday. At dinner the recent shootings come up. Here we go, I think, knowing she's gonna mention how its the guns fault. She goes on about how the "assault rifles, Blah blah blah." First I ask her what an assault rifle is. Starts with machine gun, when I debunk, then its "ar 15" because that's all she knows. Then I mention some facts about how a VAST majority of school massacres have been done with pistols and how the worst in the US was a bomb and if she'd rather that. I offer to give her sources on all of it. I tell her how murder is already illegal and new laws will only hurt her daughter, who owns an "assault rifle". Then she literally says that she doesn't care about the facts and that its still her opinion we dont need them. I agreed to disagree at that point since she was getting pretty emotional and I knew the old lady wanted me to quit. Fucking amazing. She knows better than to bring that shit up in this house but did it anyway like she's gonna change our mind with her brainwashed opinion when I can bury her in facts, that apparently dont matter. You cannot reason with people are are willing to dismiss facts for opinion. Pretty sure we're fucked.