Use the search and you will find many threads about the GAP-10, REPR, POF, HOGAN, KAC, and LMT.

Is there is anything specific that you are wanting to know about each rifle and how they compare on a certain part?

I am kind of just trying to get an all around knowledge for them. A buddy of mine swears by his REPR but I dont see much about them on here. And the GAP-10 has sparked my interests.

Don't know anything about the REPR, but my GAP-10 is everything the peeps on here said it would be. I received some really good info from the folks around here prior to ordering.

You're asking which is better... Piston VS. DI... and that is a topic that's been beat to death, thrown in a tanning booth to warm the body, then beat some more... lol

Piston vs. DI

Add: I own a GAP-10 in .308 which I wouldn't trade for a REPR, but given the chance I'd love to own a REPR as well

The biggest difference, of course, is that the REPR is a short stroke piston system and the GAP is a direct impingement gas system.

After that, the side-charging handle on the REPR makes manipulation easier (although different from your regular AR) and is suppressor-friendly in that it doesn't have a typical charging handle area that vents gas when suppressed.

The GAP has an excellent reputation for accuracy, but I confess to not having payed much attention to them.

The reports about the REPR are hit or miss, but mostly positive. Some owners see very good accuracy, but a few have reported groups that were not so great. I think part of that may stem from the fact that the REPR is a 1:10 twist (unless you specify a 1:11.25 in the 20 incher) and many folks may be running projectiles that are just too light for the 1:10 twist. At the lightest, they should get 168 grain ammo, and heavier is frequently better from what I've read. Still, there are a few reports that would indicate that groups string as the barrel heats, etc. Such reports are out there for any platform, so I don't know how much weight to put behind them. The majority of owners seem to be very pleased with the REPR, and it is LWRC's second best seller after their base A2 rifle in 5.56.

I love my LWRC A3, SL, and SPR in 5.56, and should be receiving my 16 inch spiral fluted REPR in the next few weeks.

If I were to find that the REPR were not accurate enough to suit me, then I would be ordering a Larue PredatOBR or regular OBR. Their adjustable gas block and forend are similar to the REPR, and reports indicate that a buyer can basically assume that any of them are going to be sub-moa - significantly so, often. And, they are made in Texas.

+1 on the LWRC.

If you have that kind of cash....a Larue, OBR, or a POF might be worth looking at. Keep in mind that the guys above are right, repr is short stroke piston and most of the rest are DI guns.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: WickedClownz</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Looking to see pros and cons of each. </div></div>

Why did you need to start 2 threads when you could have started just one and gotten the same answers? If you don't have the knowledge of which caliber and barrel length are most effective in the platform and why, then you're really going to have a hard time when the piston vs. di argument comes up. 300-1000 yard use is ambiguous. Are you going to be doing matches? Hunting? Just plain target shooting? Are you going to suppress it? Etc... A little info will go along ways with the answers given here...

You are correct there was probably no reason to start a second thread. Just figured they were different questions.

Main purpose at the moment would be plain target shooting. I wouldnt mind eventually doing some matches. Also I do like the idea of suppressing it.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: WickedClownz</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So how does fluting the barrel or putting a muzzle brake on the rifle effects its performance. Or even a suppressor at that. </div></div>

Dude...if you have to ask, you might want to step back from the keyboard and get a little basic firearms education before you drop $3500+ on an AR.

Fluting the barrel, attaching a muzzle brake and suppressor have the effects of making you look cool at the range.

Who cares what it does, the number one rule is to always look cool.

The guy has 6 posts instead of treating him like an asshole why dont you try to help him? Everybody was an expert when they first started??? WTF... its not like hes talking like an idiot.


Well the way I look at it is that I am going to get more knowledge and understanding in a shorter period of time by asking questions here than I will with range time.

I am currently deployed so its not like I have a range to shoot whatever I want at the moment so I felt it was a good idea to start studying up and learn what I can.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SSG3K</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The guy has 6 posts instead of treating him like an asshole why dont you try to help him? Everybody was an expert when they first started??? WTF... its not like hes talking like an idiot.

Rich </div></div>

So then why don't YOU help him? Please share the brilliance.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 19Scout77</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SSG3K</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The guy has 6 posts instead of treating him like an asshole why dont you try to help him? Everybody was an expert when they first started??? WTF... its not like hes talking like an idiot.

Rich </div></div>

So then why don't YOU help him? Please share the brilliance.</div></div>

I have a better idea, if you 'experts' can't help the guy then maybe you shouldn't post anything at all instead being a bunch of assholes. It would be different if the guy was trolling but he isn't so unless you have something constructive to say, take your 'brilliance' and keyboard commando attitude to ARFCOM where you'll fit right in with the rest of the clowns like you. Before you go, maybe you should read the sticky at the top of THIS and EVERY other forum where Rob01 posted DO NOT ATTACK NEW MEMBERS and if you need help comprehending, perhaps YOU are the one who should step back away from the computer and spend some quality time with Hooked On Phonics.

To the OP, fluting the barrel helps with reducing the weight and heat dissipation. If you can't afford a suppressor, a good compensator or muzzle brake is the next best thing for reducing felt recoil.

Killshot, please explain how I "attacked" the OP or anyone else in this thread?

Further explain how spoon-feeding basic firearms information that can be gleaned from elsewhere with a modicum of effort is helping the OP?

OP clearly has no experience shooting any rifle at 1000, let alone a gas gun as he plans to do. If he had such experience, he would have picked up on the benefits etc of fluting and brakes.

In all YOUR infinite wisdom and experience, please explain how a $3000 AR is the right tool to begin shooting 1000 yards???


Killshot is correct and I agree that the response this guy got would have put a pretty bad taste in my mouth for SH as we are all representatives of this forum. Fluting the barrel increases surface area which will dissipate heat and definetely lighten the barrel. I just tested a new 14.5" 5.56 rifle with very heavy fluting behind and in front of the gas block and the weight difference alone was very apprent. I shot 75 grain ASYM and shot a .64" group then shot out to 500y still hiting a 6" steel target.I've worked for HK, LMT and POF and it still surprises me when a company doesn't want to take the time or spend the money to flute a barrel because it hase a significant advantage.
As for the muzzle brakes, pros and cons come with them but most of us shoot with some sort of hearing protection so a brake works. I perfer a flash hider than a brake personally. Most of my suppressed rifles are thread on to cut weight and the cans stay on all the time.
Just my thoughts

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 19Scout77</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Killshot, please explain how I "attacked" the OP or anyone else in this thread?

Further explain how spoon-feeding basic firearms information that can be gleaned from elsewhere with a modicum of effort is helping the OP?

OP clearly has no experience shooting any rifle, let alone a gas gun to 1000 yards as he plans to do.

In all YOUR infinite wisdom and experience, do YOU think a $3000 AR is the right tool to begin shooting 1000 yards???</div></div>

The OP came HERE with questions so why send him somewhere else for answers? If you don't feel like it then simply do not answer. It goes along the same lines of the adage 'if you don't have something good to say the. You shouldn't say anything at all.'

Even if the OP has no experience with a gas gun, or any other rifle, he has come to the Hide to learn as everyone else has. I certainly don't know everything and neither does anyone else and the moment that any of us thinks we know all there is to know about shooting and can't learn anything more, that is the day we really don't know shit.

I have neither shot to a 1000yds, nor had I owned an AR in my life but that didn't keep me from dropping major coin on a POF as my first semi-auto platform.

The point I'm making is, everyone has to start SOMEWHERE and I'd rather inexperienced shooters come to the Hide for answers rather than somewhere like ARFCOM or M4 Carbine.

I'll get it back on track. I have owned a REPR and it was decently accurate. I wouldn't say it was consistently sub moa but for shooting factory rounds it was ok. I have owned KAC and OBR's. I currently own 3 Gap10's in 308, 6.5cm, and 6cm. They all consistently shoot half moa with proper ammo. When I started shooting LR about 25 years ago the big claim was 1 moa. Now, everyone expects their gun to shoot sub half moa.

I don't know why people keep bringing up the cost of these rifles. Last I checked the REPR was somewhere around 3K which is right there with the Gap10 or the OBR. I don't mind spending for accuracy and reliability but it has to be what I like. I like the form, function, and accuracy of the Gap10. I like that George can build me what I want on multiple calibers. I like Bartlien barrels. I appreciate Gaps support at all of the matches I go to. I appreciate the desire of a company to build a great gun each and every time just for me.

In the end, you need to buy what you want. I thought I wanted a REPR. I shot it maybe 500 rounds and I realized it wouldn't compete in the disciplines I shoot. It is a great gun for most applications but not for what I wanted to do with it. This is just my opinion and what I chose to do.

Thanks for the information everyone.

No I have not shot 1000yards and nor do I expect to do that feat any time soon. But I would like to be there someday and have no problem taking a class or two to reach that. But in my mind I dont see a point in looking at something sub par to learn on only to sell later and upgrade.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tomthebaker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I fondled a repr at s local store. It felt like a heavy boat anchor compared to my POF. </div></div>

Yeah, POF was early to the table on the fluted barrel thing. LWRC added a limited run of fluted 16 inch REPRs last year, and it sold so well that it has become part of their normal lineup this year. Nobody has said anything about it, but I wouldn't be surprised if they start offering fluted barrels on the 18 and 20 inchers at some point.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: WickedClownz</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Thanks for the information everyone.

No I have not shot 1000yards and nor do I expect to do that feat any time soon. But I would like to be there someday and have no problem taking a class or two to reach that. But in my mind I dont see a point in looking at something sub par to learn on only to sell later and upgrade. </div></div>

Why not shoot 1000 yards soon? Everything you need to know about making the long shots can be learned here and behind the rifle itself. Goals are good, so don't limit yourself. I also agree with you 100%... Why buy something sub par when you can start out with the right equipment from the beginning.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 19Scout77</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: WickedClownz</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So how does fluting the barrel or putting a muzzle brake on the rifle effects its performance. Or even a suppressor at that. </div></div>

Dude...if you have to ask, you might want to step back from the keyboard and get a little basic firearms education before you drop $3500+ on an AR. </div></div>

I'll take the heat since I'm already disliked lol... What basics firearms course did you ever see or take that went over fluting, brakes, and suppressors? That was an asinine comment man. He asked how it affected performance because most people don't know. Hell... I'll bet 75%+ of Active Military doesn't even know.

I am sorry. I am wrong. Asking lots of elementary shooting questions and being spoon fed cyber-based slop on an internet forum will eliminate the need to actually know WTF you are doing and why. My mistake.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 19Scout77</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I am sorry. I am wrong. Asking lots of elementary shooting questions and being spoon fed cyber-based slop on an internet forum will eliminate the need to actually know WTF you are doing and why. My mistake. </div></div>

So you think people new to shooting shouldn't ask basic questions to start or just shouldn't own nice rifles to start? And that same "spoon fed cyber-based slop" you dislike is what you gave in your OP...


My intentions were not to start a pissing match with you or anybody else. Time and time again people are treated like assholes on here for no reason. If you dont have anything to say why say anything? And as a matter of fact I have alot of experience with semi auto platforms. I could go on for a while about the pros and cons of each. From what I recall I did not quote your post so why attack me?

If you want my opinion on the what he is asking I have no formal experience with the GAP10 but I could buy one and try it out. As far as the REPR goes its a 3000 piece of shit. I had a couple of them and can offer my findings

1. Terrible accuracy for a 3k weapon 1.5 to 2 moa at best with my ammo selections

2. Magazine constantly fell out during firing sessions

3. Switchblock for gas system could not event turn the valve after 50 rounds down range had to get a propane torch to heat it up to move it

4 have to buy extra rails to mount bipod WTF?

5. Destroyed brass could not even attemp to reuse it.


Nice machining and trigger

Other than that, thats what I found and havent been back. Yea maybee I had some of the first few but typically when something comes to market it sould atleast work somewhat.

I am confident that George weapon system will work 100% and he will stand behind his stuff forever with no questions asked.

As far as fluting goes if you want to look cool pay the extra other than that it has minimal effect other than appearance and minimal weight loss.


I have had or have

Larue on order
GAP10 after i pay my taxes

I can also remember a guy that used to be on here and his name was Stacey Blankenship. People would ask the most inexperienced questions about AI products. Not once did he ever belittle anybody for asking basic questions. Maybee there need to be a prerequisite to come to this site... Can you offer any suggestions?


Wicked, feel free to reach out to me offline and we can talk about the GAP 10. It's the only gun out of the list that I know anything about and I can help you get connected with GAP if you have any other questions.

Thanks for your service.

OP, welcome. This forum is a great source of information and experience. As you can see, just like LE/Military, you have a few that give us all a bad name or misrepresent us. Most Snipers Hide members are here to help, buy in the future use the google search function just under the Shout Box.

Let's get to the question at hand. I do not have experience with the GAP 10 and little of the REPR buy fromaprecision standpoint, I think the GAP 10 should fit the bill. If looking for a .75-1 MOA battle gun go with the REPR. Only thing I have ever heard bad is LWRC customer service is so-so.

As far as muzzle brakes and suppressors....well, a muzzle brake usually has baffles/port holes that direct the gasses in certain directions to counter act the force when the bullet leaves the muzzle. They in general are ALOT louder and create more muzzle blast.

Suppressors act as a muzzle break kind of in the same way. The allow gasses to cool and expand but are confined within the suppressor which allow it to work as a brake. In a Semi-Auto platform a suppressor can create more recoil unless you have a switchblock gas adjuster. If you plan on running one and choose the GAP then do the switchblock. If you get the REPR it already has adjustments for suppressor use.

I was in the same position you are currently about a year ago. I had a great
shooting Surgeon but was on the fence on whether to upgrade to a better M1A
or go the the recommended AR 308 direction. After researching the AR platform for about a month, I was down to the OBR, JP-LRP-07, and the Gap AR. Right about that time GAP released their new GAP 10 so on a whim I went that direction.
Well, 1500 rds later I still feel I made the right choice, especially after I had a chance to connect a Surefire suppressor and shoot 1/2 MOA targets at 600 yds.
I cannot speak to the REPR but I already have another upper planned for the GAP in 6 CM in the coming months.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: m14er</div><div class="ubbcode-body">.
I cannot speak to the REPR but I already have another upper planned for the GAP in 6 CM in the coming months. </div></div>

+1 Get you some custom dies and I've heard GA is getting some brass made.

Had the REPR when it first came out. I just wasn't confident in its reliability. For the price tag that of all things should have been a non issue. The side non reciprocating charging handle was really super cool.

I considered a GAP, but ended up with an LMT MWS. It's a sub 1/2 MOA gun which astounds me.

Just wanted to mention for the OP, I have an LWRC and it's a work of art. Very well made and accurate I do not think you would be dissapointed. Seems to be lot's of good choices anymore.

Whatever issues the repr had in the beginning have been resolved. Myself and three other I know have 2 18's and mine is a 20in. Its a sub-moa gun out to 800 with the right ammo and will easily reach 1000 if you ever decide to shoot that far.

You might want to consider a DI gun if you wont be shooting suppressed as one of the biggest advantages besides the side charging handle is that the gas system may be turned off so you can shoot single rounds just like a bolt gun.

No, it isn't cheap but if you want a piston gun they would be one of the manufactures I would reccomend considering....that all they build is piston guns.

You will get every opinion possible from the board so just try to shoot what you want to buy, and no, you do not need a 3K plus rifle to hit at 1000. Everyone on the board pretty much has there own opinion on what works best....keep that in mind. People shoot to 1000 with stock remington 700 bolts and 6.5 creedmore AR's right out of the box (yes - they all know how to shoot).

Good luck