

Mar 22, 2013
I think I posted this originally in the wrong place. FNG mistake!Hello all, this is my first of many questions to come. I have an AWC M91 BDR with a 20" barrel. I am asking for any input on rate of twist and best bullet weight to suit that rate. This is my first " long range" rifle. My father was good friends with Lynn McWilliams when he operated out of Texas, and he has passed this rifle from mr McWilliams down to me. I am indeed very lucky, and would appreciate any input from forum members, that would help maximize the potential of this rifle. Thank you in advance!
Are you asking us what twist your barrel has or are you planning on rebarreling it? From what I can tell these rifles normally come with a 16.5" barrel. Assuming your barrel doesnt have a crazy twist you are likely going to want to look at the 175gr family of bullets. Really we need to know what exactl you are asking as the rate of twist is already set in your gun i would guess its between 1-12 and 1-10 but its hard to say. A little more info would definitely help us out.
Sorry about the confusion or lack of information. I don't know the rate of twist. I was gonna call AWC, but since they are under new management, and no longer produce this rifle I figured I'd check here first. No plans on a rebarrel. Just wanna start enjoying this thing. I am more familiar with rate of twist on 5.56 and the bullet weights that work best in 1:9,1:8 and 1:7. 175gn I have read on here is good starting point for long range. Didn't know if 190 bergers or something else would be better to start with since I plan on working up to 1k shooting.