This discussion has been enlightening (including the thread). I read about the MS and thought it would be the Bee's Knees for use at the public range I go to. Normally have to set up an optical during a cold session.
The one trip I have used it so far was to work up a load with a new powder to take to a 600 match.
I shoot a 22 Nosler, so getting data is sort of limited as there are only 3 or 4 people in the world that shoot this

I've been shooting 88 ELD's with IMR4350. My scores seem to be in line with my skill level but maybe a different bullet or powder would help.
Up pops this new fangled power, Staball 6.5 that has better velocity and a little lower pressure for heavy bullets and a data point for the 22 Nosler. Cool.
Well, sort of cool because it doesn't include the bullet I normally shoot.
So, off to the 100 yard range on the only weekend it's not flooded with some left over 88/IMR loads, some 88/SB6.5 loads, some 90SMK/SB6.5 loads and my brand new second hand MagnetoSpeed Sporter.
Just to verify my scope's zero I pop off 10 shots of 77gr factory ammo at the 100yd plate (as far as that range goes) and yup, 77's hitting about 3/4 MOA below my 88gr zero.
Attach the MS and shoot at little dots. Shock, everything is a little high and groups maybe a little bigger.
Remove the MS at the end of the day and groups closed up and back to zero (or close).
The MS was useful in verifying my SB6.5 guesses would not be overpressure. I go tomorrow to 600.
With a box of Hopeful SB6.5 loads and a box of old standby just in case.
One more trip will be needed to make sure I picked the best load based on groups with the MS.
Now that I know more about the benefits and limitations of the MS I'll use it for everything but final load development.