I have hundreds invested into 10 round AICS mags, some with extensions, some with BR kits, etc... All are AI brand and I have spent hours tuning each of them to feed as smoothly as possible. Once tuned, they feed well..... But. Not as well as Magpul AICS mags. I tried one and it was butter. Ran my 6.5 creedmoor kelbly Black Bear flawlessly and my Defiance 6bra flawlessly. Obviously no mag kits for the br, but they feed so well I’m wondering why a guy spends so much working the metal AICS mags.
Now, let me just say, knowing these mags are smooth and I have never had an issue on the range, or running dry fire practice with dummy rounds, I have yet to run the magpuls in competition. I’m hung up on the idea that they are too good to be true and once I get on the clock, the magpul will fail.
Does anyone run the magpul AICS in comps and trust them? I never see them in a match.