I got my DT PR in today and played around with it a little bit this evening. Weight wise, it's nice, 10.8 oz out of the box and with the 1/2" CTR riser it's 12.3 oz, this the same weight as the BCM stock w/ a home brew cheek riser that it's replacing. It's also the same overall length and height as the BCM stock too so there's neligible changes required to optic set up or LOP setting. I've never used the CTR risers, I'd heard about guys having to do some mods to get their risers on the stock but mine clipped right on, easy peasy.
Now, how tight is it on the buffer tube? I compared the tightness of the Magpul CTR, SL, SL-S, and DT PR plus the BCM stock on the same receiver extension and they were all pretty good. The CTR locked up tight with no perceptible movement but the other four had some small level of movement. I did my best to mainly measure how much movement there was between the BCM and DT PR stock by using a pencil mark at the extreme ends of the forward and aft movement plus side to side. The measurement isn't perfect but I'd say the DT PR has about 50% less movement than the BCM stock on my receiver extension.
I still need to send some rounds downrange with it but for a brief table top evaluation I'm pretty happy with it.