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Making a SUB 1/2 MOA AR (Group Pics Up For The Fans)


Golden Shellback
Full Member
  • May 19, 2013
    Southern Idaho
    I'm going to put together a Step by Step Thread instructing in detail how to build a SUB 1/2 MOA AR showing every technique that makes for an absolute tack driver, and this is where im starting. The Proof will be for all to see.. Stay Tuned

    Below are some pics of the foundation it's a Falkor AR15 matched upper and lower set, every aspect of this is completely ambidextrous. The upper lower fit is seamless, and tighter than a Nuns nasty.. [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/BywwIF8.jpg"}[/IMG2]

    Here is a 6x5 I shot the other day with a upper I put together for a friend, and as you can see my skill my be lacking, but the Accuracy is there, and this is with ZERO! Load development, I used the Same ammo that I've developed for MY AR, this target was shot with a completely different style/brand of Barrel. [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/tIRPogd.jpg"}[/IMG2]
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    95% Of the Parts are Shipping their way to me as of now. Monday my barrel blank will be at Compass Lake Eng for 3-4 weeks where it will be chambered, contoured, threaded and fluted. Below is the parts I've decided to go with.

    Falkor Matched upper/lower set.

    Battle arms Ambi Safety.

    Raptor CH.

    G SSA-E Trigger or AR Gold

    YHM EZ Pull Take Down Pins

    Ergo Deluxe Grip.


    JP GEN2 SCS.

    Luth MBA-1 Stock.

    WOPA Custom Barrel Extension

    18" Bartlein 1-7.7 5R, CLE .223 Match Chamber,Modified SPR Contour, 9/16x24 Treads, intermediate gas, Fluted in front and rear of Gasport.

    SLR Sentry 7 AGB.

    SLR 15" HeLix Hand guard M-Loc.

    APA Gen 2 Micro Bastard MB.
    Before I assemble the upper I wanted to point out some of the key features of the Falkor Defense lower receivers, and what sets it apart from others.

    As you can see in the pictures absolutely everything is ambidextrous even the takedown pins. The ambidextrous controls are mirrored making it extremely easy to navigate without looking so no more dumping your mag when you're just trying to release your Bolt. [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/xZ2CHAD.jpg"}[/IMG2]

    The lower also has a tensioning screw adjustment for keeping the Upper and Lower fit tight, and another adjustment so you can also adjust you're triggers Sear engagement. [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/fn1byNw.jpg"}[/IMG2]


    Finished Lower...............................
    Falkor Ambi Lower
    Geissele SSA-E with JP Springs
    Battle Arms Ambi Safety
    Luth MBA1 Stock
    JP Gen 2 SCS
    Ergo Deluxe Grip
    YHM EZ Pull Take Down Pins


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    > **padom wrote:**
    > I also haven't had any need to true my Mega or BCM uppers. As posted in many build threads of mine they shoot half moa and better. The real accuracy comes from the barrel in my opinion.

    I agree that the barrel is a huge part of the AR's accuracy, but when I do a build I make sure that every aspect is as perfect as it can be no matter how small.

    Just remember everybody that an AR isn't a rifle it's a machine and to get the best performance you have to make sure all parts link up perfectly.

    Doing little things like truing the receiver probably isn't going to make much of a difference by it's self, but when you do every little detail it will definitely make a difference.

    Truing the receiver, using a oversized Match Barrel extension that has been polished, proper gas tube alignment, Thermo fitting, bedding, seasoning the threads, blending feed ramps. Do all these and it will make a difference..

    one of the biggest mistakes I see people make is failure to properly aligne the gas tube, if your Gas Tube is binding in the Gas Key of your BCG or touching the wall of the upper receiver, you no longer have a free-floating barrel.
    > **Boozer1 wrote:**
    > Since we're on the subject and waiting on your receiver to come back, I'll ask this one. I've used a receiver face lapping tool in the past to "true up" cheaper $50-$100, receivers. In my experience all of them require several hundred rotations with fine lapping compound before you start to see an even polish all the way around the face, indicating that it was most certinely NOT true perpendicular with the centerline of the receiver. Now a professional gunsmith likely would not use a $25 lapping tool to accomplish this, but I would estimate that my el cheapo receiver is significantly better off than it was, but likely not as a quality off the shelf Falkor, vltor, etc. Has anyone tried a lapping tool before and had the means to test the final product with precision measurements? I do not have the equipment to measure.

    In regards to that hand lapping tool I've heard of people more often than not actually causing more damage than they do good. my gunsmith has special Jig set-up that he uses on the lathe.. I would highly recommend you have a professional true your receiver if you send it to Lee Wells at accurateandreliablerifle.com it's $25 [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/yrX21HS.jpg"}[/IMG2]

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    So the Upper receiver has been completely checked by Lee Wells, and it turns out she was almost perfect. [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/kRSJg1s.jpg"}[/IMG2]

    .0006 OUT OF SQUARE



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    Always enjoy AR build threads, but when I saw the title of "sub 1/2 moa" I had to check this out, then I saw your name to it Jake and realized it was going to be a fun read. That is some shooting with 223! Very impressive, if I ever tire of my large frame 6.5CM I may follow your lead on this one.

    Penny for your thoughts on the SSA-E or AR Gold triggers. I should say I have had the SSA-E and really liked it, so curious what you think of the AR Gold in comparison.
    Always enjoy AR build threads, but when I saw the title of "sub 1/2 moa" I had to check this out, then I saw your name to it Jake and realized it was going to be a fun read. That is some shooting with 223! Very impressive, if I ever tire of my large frame 6.5CM I may follow your lead on this one.

    Penny for your thoughts on the SSA-E or AR Gold triggers. I should say I have had the SSA-E and really liked it, so curious what you think of the AR Gold in comparison.

    The AR Gold is about as good as it gets.... Every semi I own besides this build and my Les Baer have the AR Gold triggers.. I think a lot of people just get used to the feel of the Geissele's and don't give the AR Gold trigger enough time, mine are set at 2lbs and they brake exactly at 2lbs every time, the Geissele's not so much.
    JUST A TEASER....... [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/8U7Izw4.jpg"}[/IMG2]



    PARTS LIST................................

    Falkor Matched upper/lower set.

    Battle arms Ambi Safety.

    Raptor CH.

    G SSA-E Trigger

    YHM EZ Pull Take Down Pins

    Ergo Deluxe Grip.


    JP GEN2 SCS.

    Luth MBA-1 Stock.

    WOPA Custom Barrel Extension

    18" Bartlein 1-7.7 5R, CLE .223 Match Chamber,Modified SPR Contour, 9/16x24 Treads, intermediate gas, Fluted in front and rear of Gasport.

    SLR Sentry 7 AGB.

    SLR 15" HeLix Handguard.

    APA Gen 2 Micro Bastard MB.
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    So here are some final build pictures, and some final thoughts I wanted to Express about the key elements of building an accurate AR.

    #1 I would say the most important is to find yourself a quality Barrel I prefer to use Bartlein or Kriegers, in my experience those barrels seem to be among the most consistent on the market. [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/s0x9Snp.jpg"}[/IMG2]

    #2 Properly headspace your bolt to your Barrel.

    #3 Use a quality Barrel extension that is slightly oversized for your upper receiver so that you can utilize the thermo fitting technique. Here are some pictures of a standard Barrel extension and the match grade Barrel extensions I used that are oversize and the design difference as well. [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/L5xHjKu.jpg"}[/IMG2]


    #4 Gas tube alignment, if your gas tube/gas block is touching anything inside your handguard, upper receiver or binding up in the gas key you will no longer have a free-floating barrel this is something that is seriously overlooked by many. Here's a picture of how to test for proper gas tube alignment. [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/KEGJzW8.jpg"}[/IMG2]


    Lay your complete upper upside down so what the bolt carrier group is facing upwards, you want to do this because when your bolt carrier group is riding back and forth during your firing sequence it is going to have upward pressure from beneath it lifting slightly from the loaded magazine. Now gently slide your bolt carrier group back and forth, in and out of battery you should hear absolutely nothing until your lugs lock into full battery if you are hearing any sort of metal on metal contact before your bolt is even inside the barrel extension your gas tube is not properly aligned to your gas key.

    #5 Make sure the face of your upper receiver is perfectly Square, this is critical because you want everything from the buffer system to the bolt carrier group completely perpendicular to the center line of the bore.

    #6 Buy a Quality upper and lower receiver set, there are several out on the market that are quality but that also will not break the bank, it's also extremely critical to have an upper receiver that does not have a lot of slop inside where the bolt carrier group rides.

    #7 Spend the money and buy a quality trigger.

    #8 Utilize an adjustable gas block and play with the bolt carrier group and buffer weight ratios to achieve proper dwell time, that along with a smooth shooting rifle will significantly decrease the size of your groups and make your rifle an absolute pleasure to shoot.

    This last part doesn't really apply to the rifle specifically, but when trying to conduct precision shooting with your AR get comfortable!! I see people time and time again who are just struggling behind the rifle because their body is not relaxed or they are in a uncomfortable position. If your body is properly position behind your rifle, every shot you take your crosshairs should automatically come back to the resting position and almost perfectly on target to where you only need to make a slight adjustment by squeezing your rear bag.

    if you follow the above steps and take the time to do some proper handloading there is no doubt in my mind that you can accomplish shooting 1/2 MOA or less with your AR.

    I just got hammered again what about 8 to 10 inches of snow once the weather clears I'll start doing handloads and conduct a proper range report.

    Below is a target that I shot during break in last week with some cheap 55 grain Black Hills Ammo and to say the least I am very optimistic that this rifle will no doubt consistently shoot 1/2 MOA or less.. [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/gZSgo0J.jpg"}[/IMG2]

    In case your wondering why the Buck shot pattern in the center, i was breaking in 3 different new rifles that day. [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/kO652WY.jpg"}[/IMG2]

    Thanks again for reading, stand by for Full Range Report.

    I also wanted to give a big Thanks to Lee Wells for the Receiver work, and to Compass Lake Eng for the Outstanding barrel work.
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    Looking good Jake!

    Hey can you give advice on what to do to align the gas tube with the gas key??? If the two are touching should the tube be shortened or the key. Shims in the gas tube hole in the receiver or???

    I'm suspicious that this is the problem with my 6mmFatRat because after two barrels not shooting the best there must be something else wrong. I had the gas tube replaced with a new one but that didn't help.
    No don't shorten it or use shims or anything like that. To be honest it just takes a lot of patience and a little bit of time. Once you know your gas block and gas tube are perfectly lined up and you're just getting a little bit of interference between the gas tube and the gas key, you then take gas block/tube off and start tweaking the tube so that it's perfectly lined up. It will definitely try your patience but just take your time and make little adjustments as needed when you're finished and your Gas Block and Tube are reinstalled, the tip of the gas tube inside upper receiver should just float in the very center so if you were to touch it you would be able to move it a thousands or two in any direction.

    And another tip..... When you see that there is a lot of carbon build up in the area where the gas tube enters the upper receiver DON'T clean that shit out that carbon acts as a natural centering aid.
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    Nice thread. Which JP spring(s) did you swap on the G SSA-E? I have both triggers with extra springs, but never experimented with swapping them around. Just wondering which setup and why. Thanks
    No don't shorten it or use shims or anything like that. To be honest it just takes a lot of patience and a little bit of time. Once you know your gas block and gas tube are perfectly lined up and you're just getting a little bit of interference between the gas tube and the gas key, you then take gas block/tube off and start tweaking the tube so that it's perfectly lined up. It will definitely try your patience but just take your time and make little adjustments as needed when you're finished and your Gas Block and Tube are reinstalled, the tip of the gas tube inside upper receiver should just float in the very center so if you were to touch it you would be able to move it a thousands or two in any direction.

    And another tip..... When you see that there is a lot of carbon build up in the area where the gas tube enters the upper receiver DON'T clean that shit out that carbon acts as a natural centering aid.

    Thanks, I'll get to work on it.
    Nice thread. Which JP spring(s) did you swap on the G SSA-E? I have both triggers with extra springs, but never experimented with swapping them around. Just wondering which setup and why. Thanks

    Get the JP Spring kit with the yellow springs.. keep the sear spring that came with the SSA-E, but remove two coils from the top, then take you're trigger spring and bend the legs upwards to reduce the first stage weight.

    You will have to play with the adjustments (bending) of the trigger spring to find the sweat spot, if you make it to light it won't reset... You can also adjust the hammer spring to give you more power if you are worried of reliable primer strikes with mil spec ammo, but I have not had any issues with light primer strikes.
    Could you elaborate on what is the "thermo fitting technique"?

    First off you want to buy a quality upper receiver that has tight tolerances to begin with, when you have your barrel spun up you want to get a barrel extension that is .001 larger than standard spec. Keep you barrel is a cool place, Then using a heat gun you want to heat the face of your upper receiver this will cause it to expand. You want to heat the face your upper receiver and have it pointing up towards the ceiling. Apply a liberal amount of Rocksett or Loctite to the barrel extension. Slide the barrel into the upper receiver and tighten the barrel nut to proper torque. I usually let mine sit overnight or at least 4 hours, while the upper receiver is cooling down it will shrink around your Barrel Extension, kind of like shrink wrap on steroids, and the Rocksett or Loctite will fill any and all voids.

    NOTE: make sure to wipe away any excess Loctite or Rocksett immediately after inserting your barrel and torquing it down, inside your receiver and out.

    Also in some circumstances you may also need to cool the barrel in your freezer before inserting it, causing the steel to shrink and the aluminum to expand via the heat gun is how thermal fitting is done.

    Hope this helps...

    I took her out yesterday when I was breaking in my new LaRue Grendel, and she's stacking them in one hole I'll get a 6x5 put up as soon as I can. I didn't do it yesterday cuz my target was shot to shit with Grendel holes, and I refuse to post cherry picker groups.
    I took her out yesterday when I was breaking in my new LaRue Grendel, and she's stacking them in one hole I'll get a 6x5 put up as soon as I can. I didn't do it yesterday cuz my target was shot to shit with Grendel holes, and I refuse to post cherry picker groups.

    Nice build. Are you planning to handload for her or just run diff factory loads/black hill?
    I just want to see what you and the gun can do!

    The problem right now is me, couple weeks ago I sustained a pretty serious injury and im on some serious medication (Padom can vouch for me he seen my medical report). If you're following the LaRue Grendel thread you'll see what I'm talking about I keep throwing a round or two because I can't stay in one position too long due to the pain, and I get impatient and screw up my groups, Plus Dilaudid and Ketamine makes your vision blurry. Shooting a perfect SUB 1/2 MOA 6x5 is probably not going to happen soon but I will get something on paper soon so you all can take a look.

    I've got some groups from the week before when I Shot the new LaRue Grendel that have some groups on it I'll did it up and post it.
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    Intravenous ketamine will do a lot more than make your vision blurry!

    It Sucks!!! My body has a really high resistance to opiate-based pain medications, and my pain doc has been trying new treatment options. I've had Special K quite a few times in the military but always in a slow IV, the other week when I was in the hospital they gave me a straight shot of it.. Holly Fucking Shit!!

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