Man shot over texting in movie a retired cop..WTF

Turn off your frakking phone. Sad as it is both are getting what they deserve.

Wow...seems a little harsh. I think there is a lot of detail that'll come out so I'll hold off on judgement for now...but your statement suggests that texting during commercials deserves a death sentence?

I'm all for correction of rudeness and increased civility...but that's extreme.
As many have said. The details of this story will surface but for fucks sake what don't people understand about "Stand your Ground". It's fucking simple, don't approach me with anger, if you do, don't get withing arms length+ of me, if you have a serious issue that demands attention call 911, or security, or the manager and let them handle it. We need to grow up and start acting civilized and that's what "Stand your Ground" is trying to do. If you act like a Neanderthal you'll be shot and killed, end of story.

Also would like to revise the story to have a different ending........Popcorn gets thrown in the old mans face, old man reacts by raising his arms in a defensive reaction tapping the guys face, guy reacts with a right cross straight to the chest of the old man, old man falling and later dying of cardiac arrest(????because his pacemaker failed on impact of the punch?????). Everyone would be saying if he had a gun he would not have died. Sooooo damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Point is, why even get to that point. You're in a theater and you're not alone, behave yourself, respect others as you would have them respect you. Someone approaches you about doing something you know is wrong, admit your wrong, STFU and enjoy the movie........or be a douche and get killed over it. Think of it like this........"Everyone" is carrying, so your MMA training, Golden Glove boxing, Brazilian JiuJitsu competing ego is only going to get you killed!!!!
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Would you feel the same way if it was your kid that was killed cause he was texting his/her buddies while waiting for the movie to start?

A bad cop getting what he deserves? I would hope my kid would not be that stupid.

"Texting" his 3 year old kid? Wow kids are getting phones very early these days. Well I guess if I had a three year old who can read and operate a phone I guess.

Also running your suck can really bite you in the ass.


I wonder what the "after" shot is like? :eek:
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We have moved from a period in history where honor was formost and admitting you were wrong and apologizing.... to a point where society is justified defending bad behavior regardless of how wrong one is. The problem with old guys is; they still remember the "good old days" when being right prevailed and being wrong meant admitting it. The " old guys " followed the rules and they think everyone else should also. Only after "that" generation dies will there be left all the assholes to stand there and say bad things about each other's mother and call each other all kinds of vile crap and nothing resolved and still no enforcement of any of the useless rules and or laws. In other words, anarchy. Big generation gap and they don't mix!!!!!
We have moved from a period in history where honor was formost and admitting you were wrong and apologizing.... to a point where society is justified defending bad behavior regardless of how wrong one is. The problem with old guys is; they still remember the "good old days" when being right prevailed and being wrong meant admitting it. The " old guys " followed the rules and they think everyone else should also. Only after "that" generation dies will there be left all the assholes to stand there and say bad things about each other's mother and call each other all kinds of vile crap and nothing resolved and still no enforcement of any of the useless rules and or laws. In other words, anarchy. Big generation gap and they don't mix!!!!!

We have moved from a period in history where honor was formost and admitting you were wrong and apologizing.... to a point where society is justified defending bad behavior regardless of how wrong one is. The problem with old guys is; they still remember the "good old days" when being right prevailed and being wrong meant admitting it. The " old guys " followed the rules and they think everyone else should also. Only after "that" generation dies will there be left all the assholes to stand there and say bad things about each other's mother and call each other all kinds of vile crap and nothing resolved and still no enforcement of any of the useless rules and or laws. In other words, anarchy. Big generation gap and they don't mix!!!!!
We have moved from a period in history where honor was formost and admitting you were wrong and apologizing.... to a point where society is justified defending bad behavior regardless of how wrong one is. The problem with old guys is; they still remember the "good old days" when being right prevailed and being wrong meant admitting it. The " old guys " followed the rules and they think everyone else should also. Only after "that" generation dies will there be left all the assholes to stand there and say bad things about each other's mother and call each other all kinds of vile crap and nothing resolved and still no enforcement of any of the useless rules and or laws. In other words, anarchy. Big generation gap and they don't mix!!!!!

I understand you and you are right, to a point. It is our responsibility to make sure that generation does "NOT" die with us. My children will know right from wrong. They will learn the meaning of respect, honor and courage. I don't believe there is just Old and young, black or white, Christian or Muslim.......there is only Good and Evil and with every generation it is passed down to the next. My father taught me this and I will teach my children this and they theirs. We dictate our own fate and what becomes of us.
I nominate this for the dumbest post of the week!
Hey Did not mean to confront you on that Post I usually DO place --> ( insert sarcasm here ) <-- into Post's when I think it's needed so as not to confuse the minority .

I though it was pretty obvious though, & the .( .380 sarcasm ). in my post ( I thought) plays well to all the past site Threads over the years of useless argument by longwinded people on there testimony of the proper CCW cal. that must be carried to be a responsible in self protection . But everyone knows if it's not a .45 , -->( insert sarcasm here ) . Then your not serious .
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Man shot over texting in movie a retired cop..WTF

As many have said. The details of this story will surface but for fucks sake what don't people understand about "Stand your Ground". It's fucking simple, don't approach me with anger, if you do, don't get withing arms length+ of me, if you have a serious issue that demands attention call 911, or security, or the manager and let them handle it. We need to grow up and start acting civilized and that's what "Stand your Ground" is trying to do. If you act like a Neanderthal you'll be shot and killed, end of story.

No, stand your ground is NOT trying to get people to start "acting civilized".

Its about somebody who believes physical harm is imminent to not have to retreat before utilizing force to protect themselves.

Sorry man, but thrown popcorn doesn't justify pulling a trigger.

"In the good old days"...people who earned an asswhoopin' took their asswhoopin' without lawsuits or shooting people over stupid bullshit - like a phone (texting!!!) in a movie theater.
We have moved from a period in history where honor was formost and admitting you were wrong and apologizing.... to a point where society is justified defending bad behavior regardless of how wrong one is. The problem with old guys is; they still remember the "good old days" when being right prevailed and being wrong meant admitting it. The " old guys " followed the rules and they think everyone else should also. Only after "that" generation dies will there be left all the assholes to stand there and say bad things about each other's mother and call each other all kinds of vile crap and nothing resolved and still no enforcement of any of the useless rules and or laws. In other words, anarchy. Big generation gap and they don't mix!!!!!

Oddly enough, I don't see any data on it being acceptable to kill over noise in theaters in the old days.
That is a interesting thought. A little birdie told me that there are 32 surveillance cameras in that particular theater complex. The equipment is all very high quality and capable of capturing any event in any lighting condition. This type of system is light years ahead of the normal convenience store set up you see on the news. One of their cameras costs much more than many whole 4 camera convenient store systems.

I do not see where he could have gone to "get a gun" Suppose he went to his car he would have had to buy another ticket to get back in right? This just sounds so preposterous that I think it unlikely. I think he went to complain to management, they were busy with another customer, rather than wait he just returned to his seat.

It wouldn't be unprecedented for someone to go get a gun, and would explain somewhat why the argument re-ignited upon his return (the phone was most likely put away by then). He says he didn't complain to the manager because he was busy, but he apparently didn't take the time to complain to any other employee either. In my neck of the woods, it's not too hard to exit a movie theater and re-enter with a ticket stub, or by the same ticket taker who let you out - might be different in other parts of the country.

It's just speculation and an idea, but I'll keep half an eye on this to see how it plays out.
We have moved from a period in history where honor was formost and admitting you were wrong and apologizing.... to a point where society is justified defending bad behavior regardless of how wrong one is. The problem with old guys is; they still remember the "good old days" when being right prevailed and being wrong meant admitting it. The " old guys " followed the rules and they think everyone else should also. Only after "that" generation dies will there be left all the assholes to stand there and say bad things about each other's mother and call each other all kinds of vile crap and nothing resolved and still no enforcement of any of the useless rules and or laws. In other words, anarchy. Big generation gap and they don't mix!!!!!

I think you might be confused with movies.
in the "good old days" it was just about never okay to murdering someone because they didn't "respect" your wishes or you didn't like what they said.
in the "good old days" you were very likely to get executed for killing someone without a good reason. (and popcorn or fisticuffs were just about never a good reason).
It sounds like you are advocating gang culture & killing people because they didn't "respect" you or you didn't like what they said.
Just because someone is old, it doesn't mean what they do is right, they may just care a lot less about consequences because they will be gone soon anyways.
in the "good old days" proper honor meant not going around being a self important ass and not getting all bent out of shape because something annoyed you.
In the ancient days yes you could challenge someone to a fair duel, but that is a world apart from pulling out a gun and shooting someone suddenly because you didn't like what they said.

If you honestly think that someone who goes around harassing, threatening and stalking people he feels are annoying him and murdered someone who was sending a text to someone during commercials / previews because that person suggested he do a few things to his own self important ass, was perfectly justified & the victim had it coming, then you are exactly the kind of person those who hate the 2nd amendment love, because situations like these provide them the excuses they desperately want to show why they should be allowed to take away our rights.
Anyone that even suggest that the shooter can successfully use or even offer the 'stand your ground defense' , in this tragedy is obviously Trolling .
The 71 year old Shooter is going to finish-out his last years of life in Prison . The prosecution will go for 'murder' and if prosecution does offer Down Plea for a 'lesser admission of guilt', I will be surprised .
No, stand your ground is NOT trying to get people to start "acting civilized".

Its about somebody who believes physical harm is imminent to not have to retreat before utilizing force to protect themselves.

Sorry man, but thrown popcorn doesn't justify pulling a trigger.

"In the good old days"...people who earned an asswhoopin' took their asswhoopin' without lawsuits or shooting people over stupid bullshit - like a phone (texting!!!) in a movie theater.

This should not have happened........The George Zimmerman/ Trayvon Martin death should not have happened. Do you think people can't die from a single punch.......or paralyzed from the neck down by being thrown down a flight of stairs. I grew up boxing until I was 26 years old and In my heart I will challenge any man with no fear(except for one) that disrespects me or my family, but I don't, because I fear that they will pull out a gun and kill me and be vindicated for it because "I" challenged him, even though he was in the wrong. So in essence I feel this is what "Stand your Ground" is trying to accomplish, avoid the confrontation in whole. Your description is also correct, I'm just trying to look at it in a different way.
Olive said:
In my heart I will challenge any man with no fear(except for one) that disrespects me or my family, but I don't, because I fear that they will pull out a gun and kill me and be vindicated for it because "I" challenged him

Why would you give any fucks about somebody "disrespecting" you or your family?

Is this Goodfellas?

I'm not advocating being completely passive, but sometimes a guy needs to whoop somebody's ass and other times he needs to bite his tongue, swallow hard, and walk away.

Somebody acts threatening to your family - lay the effer out or use any other means necessary to protect them or you. But "disrespecting" you leading to a "challenge", that I won't ever get.
Why would you give any fucks about somebody "disrespecting" you or your family?

Is this Goodfellas?

I'm not advocating being completely passive, but sometimes a guy needs to whoop somebody's ass and other times he needs to bite his tongue, swallow hard, and walk away.

Somebody acts threatening to your family - lay the effer out or use any other means necessary to protect them or you. But "disrespecting" you leading to a "challenge", that I won't ever get.

Example.......What would you do?............In a theater: Movie is about to begin, a guy in the row in front of you is texting on his phone, you politely ask him to turn off the phone when the movie starts, he hears you but he ignores you. The movie starts, you wait a minute to give him a chance to close his phone but seems to be in a heated texting discussion with his again politely ask him to close the phone because the movie started......he turns around looks at you and your wife and tells you "To go fuck yourself"........What would you do?

That's what I mean about disrespecting.
Example.......What would you do?............In a theater: Movie is about to begin, a guy in the row in front of you is texting on his phone, you politely ask him to turn off the phone when the movie starts, he hears you but he ignores you. The movie starts, you wait a minute to give him a chance to close his phone but seems to be in a heated texting discussion with his again politely ask him to close the phone because the movie started......he turns around looks at you and your wife and tells you "To go fuck yourself"........What would you do?

That's what I mean about disrespecting.

A guy texting in front of me during a movie wouldn't faze me in the least.

But lets say in the hypothetical, his volume was 11 and all I heard were clicks which we all find annoying as hell. I'd probably ask him to turn the volume down, and if I got a "Go fuck yourself" I'd probably lob a few four-letter words right back his way.

And I'd probably change seats, and find an employee and tell them they have a douche in theater x ___.

And if he asked "Did you go tattle on me?" he'd probably get some colorful combination of words meaning "yes".

But "Go fuck yourself" leading to me instigating a physical altercation? Nah. Not worth it, not over bullshit like that.

I was taught to respect others, but also not to get all butthurt over somebody cussing me.
Geez you're stupid

Yeah, that must be it. It's far more logical to take the side of the dumbass who decided popcorn throwing was a killing offense. You know, the dumbass who has a past history of getting bent out of shape in theaters?

Of course, maybe you can rationalize the below as a killing offense, worthy of taking a life:

In a dimly lit Florida theater, Curtis Reeves got into an argument with another moviegoer over texting. The two men exchanged words that gradually became more heated and Reeves felt something hit his face.
Reeves, who minutes earlier had gone to seek a manager's help to stop the texting, this time reached into a pocket in his pants for, police say, a pistol.
He later told police he feared the man was going to attack him.
A guy texting in front of me during a movie wouldn't faze me in the least.

But lets say in the hypothetical, his volume was 11 and all I heard were clicks which we all find annoying as hell. I'd probably ask him to turn the volume down, and if I got a "Go fuck yourself" I'd probably lob a few four-letter words right back his way.

And I'd probably change seats, and find an employee and tell them they have a douche in theater x ___.

And if he asked "Did you go tattle on me?" he'd probably get some colorful combination of words meaning "yes".

But "Go fuck yourself" leading to me instigating a physical altercation? Nah. Not worth it, not over bullshit like that.

I was taught to respect others, but also not to get all butthurt over somebody cussing me.

I never said physical altercation, I said challenge, and you did challenge by giving him a few four letter words yourself. It can easily escalate from there with him getting off his seat and coming towards you, you getting up, him swinging......etc, etc.....Don't take things I say out of context I'm not the bad guy here, just trying to give my 2 cents which is probably what it's worth. I'm for doing the right thing, and while I'm raising 5 year old twins, doing the right thing is the most important thing to me. I value life, my family and their future and we all want the same thing but it starts by working together. If he didn't have a gun , nothing would have happened, if he had closed his phone nothing would have happened. I think we can all agree that the victims here are the Wife, daughter and Ex cops family who I believe will be along time, if ever again, before they can ever enjoy Thanksgiving together. There's a lot of assholes out there and they can't all be taught a lesson, the ones that get away with being taught a lesson Karma will take care of.
Ive been traveling since I first posted this.

Kind of embarrassed the way it went.

Looks to me that there is no conceivable justification for this shooting. Popcorn in the face...Bwahahahahahaha.

In the movie they were about to watch, 4 men who were trained killers, made the decision to spare the lives of innocent men even though it meant some of them would likely die.

Popcorn in the face as justification for murder?

Fuck You.
Looks to me that there is no conceivable justification for this shooting. Popcorn in the face...Bwahahahahahaha.

In the movie they were about to watch, 4 men who were trained killers, made the decision to spare the lives of "innocent" men even though it meant some of them would likely die.

Popcorn in the face as justification for murder?

Fuck You.

Well said Maggot!
Ive been traveling since I first posted this.

Kind of embarrassed the way it went.

Looks to me that there is no conceivable justification for this shooting. Popcorn in the face...Bwahahahahahaha.

In the movie they were about to watch, 4 men who were trained killers, made the decision to spare the lives of innocent men even though it meant some of them would likely die.

Popcorn in the face as justification for murder?

Fuck You.

I hate rude people! but the guy sending the text was not being rude.. I'm a father as well and I will text at the beginning of the previews to my kids " previews are starting if you need any thing tell me in the next 5 min. don't call or text unless it is an emergency" than I dim the screen on my phone and set it to vibrate. A good parent is not and should not turn there phone OFF! that would just be stupid. If you have a hot temper and you don't deal well with crowds wait a few weeks and than see the move during the day.

I feel so bad for the family that just lost there husband and father..

I want to see a time line and the text/ texts that were sent...

time: previews started
time: first text was sent to who and what did it say
time: first altercation
time: any other texts were sent
time: second altercation / shooting
time: movie actually started
When I go to the theater with my wife, both our phones are on silent mode and I keep mine between the legs that way the light will not disturb anyone. If a call or text comes in and it is not important, ignore. If it's important I go outside and conduct my business accordingly without disturbing anyone. Again, what happened should not have happened and is very, very sad especially when you think of that beautiful little girl having to grow up without a loving father.

Claims of a woman coming forward with her own story about the Ex cop:

At one point, prosecutor Manny Garcia told the judge that after Monday's shooting, a woman had come forward to describe an incident at the same movie house in the town of Wesley Chapel last month.

“She was at the Cobb movie theater when she was confronted by the defendant for texting,” Garcia reported.

Garcia said that the 6-foot-1, 275 pound Reeves had even trailed the woman when she went to the ladies room in the midst of the movie.

“He was glaring at her the entire time,” Garcia reported to the judge.
I don't believe anyone that has responded to this has justified homicide because of a confrontation over a distraction. Including myself in my answer. But life is difficult, especially in todays time. We need to know that life is cheap, and it's getting cheaper by the month. We are so diversified in our culture and our perceptions of tolerance. There was a time when I might glance at someone in another vehicle that was doing something stupid. today, you stand a chance of getting hot lead slung your way by looking at an idiot acting stupid on the road. People are way too uptight over everything. No, I was not approving homicide in the case of popcorn being thrown. What I was trying to get across is the vast difference of people's tolerance as a result of their life's experiences and expectations. I, myself would try to avoid a public confrontation mainly because I might be the one getting shot by an angry radical. It's your life. You need to know that life is precious and it can end quickly over nothing. But we don't behave as if we know that. Don't expect everyone to have the same level of judgment as you do. If I call someone out it's going to be for something a lot worse than texting, and I had better be prepared for the worst when I do.