And you're assuming that I'm wrong without any information on your own. Everyone on SH in the cop hater threads is a legal scholar. Crazy all these legal minds are wasted on arguing about shit like this when they could be doing something useful.
Conflating “cop hating” and seeing policing as an area that is rife with abuse, DEI and outrageously poor training, is just intellectually dishonest.
It is our DUTY as AMERICAN CITIZENS to monitor and hold our public paid professional servants, accountable. And that’s what they are public servants. The work for us.
The very closest person in the world to me, my best friend, hunting buddy, on each others nfa trusts, etc. is a career cop. Over the years I have done more ride-alongs than I can remember, with him and others. I have trained along side LEO and taught firearms classes as a co- instructor along side LEO. I met my best friend in a class in 2007.
Make no mistake however I am a “law and order” civil libertarian. I believe the adage that without law and order you can’t have freedom. My friend and I, joke that he is Wyatt and me Doc. We have amazing debates about police work and more often than not, we find ourselves in agreement. I have learned from seeing his side and he learns from seeing mine. I will say, to me he is the model of the damn near perfect police officer.
I may criticize cops, but I also advocate for police.
- I believe that a lot of issues actually boil down to poor training and policy. (This story as well)
- I argue that cities should come to believe that investing in their police is cheaper than paying lawsuits
- I am firmly against DEI in policing
- I personally believe there should be two police per car.
I’ll stop there, but I could go on.
If you think that you need a law degree for the very basic legal “opinion” that I’ve put forward, somethings wrong. I was born with a “reasonable” IQ, I’m almost 62 years old and I am able to read.
You don’t need to be a brain surgeon for what I put forward. These are not advanced legal theories, and yes you are free to rebut them with your own understanding of law. If I ever found myself in trouble, I would not try to use my rudimentary understanding of the law to defend myself. I would hire a professional..
Finally, this is a forum. People post and debate ideas. If you think it’s such a waste of time, why are you here?