Civilian club I belong to gets access to the local mil range via the CMP.
Sometimes we shoot the 400 yard army Combat Target course....
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Stop checking out my ass and note the pop up Ivans......
Better is the 900 Meter Saw Range....
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Of course the military being anal retentive couldnt have just dispersed targets at any range they have to be in line 100M, 200M, 300M etc. but still its good fun.
If a bunch of civilians can utilize these ranges with no DOD oversight why cant Troops under the watchful eye of a suitably attired
@MarinePMI ....
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Have access to a range on their own time?
I would have paid for my own ammo to been able to draw a rifle and head to the range. If you want to nanny it than get a bus, have it meet at the armory, use it to take all enthusiasts to the range than have it take them back to the armory at the end of the day.
Trigger time.....Nice thing about the 900M range they added some steel on concrete bases spread amongst the "Rainbow Warrior" Ivans. These are UKD until you mil them out and find they are at the half mark between two 100M lines so this is 5 shots at the 550M steel...
That complex contains my nirvana of shooting experiences. A place called Curry Range. I intend to be able to shoot it at some point. It is 20 steel plates at "Unknown" distances out to about 1000Y. I want to shoot that range with one box of FGMM and nothing but scope milling. Ill spend a good hour or two drawing a range card before even unpacking the ammo. A perfect day will be twenty shots and twenty hits.
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