Rifle Scopes Mark 6 3x18 question


Full Member
Jun 28, 2012
Castle rock, CO
I've read all the older reviews on this scope and I'm thinking it's the one. I'm just wondering if anyone has any updates on this since it's been out a while now. Any problems arise? I'm assuming not since I have yet to read about it. Just wondering if guys that bought this scope a year ago still love it?
I love both of mine, may even get a third one. Only downsides is elevation turret is a hair mushy (not really a big deal) and with a 44mm objective low light stuff can get dark quick, but it does extremely well in low light considering the objective size. Glass quality and weight is what makes it a winner for me.

Both Mhuff and I go over ours in this thread. As to answer your question no, no problems it's a great optic, though if i had to do over again i would get the new M5C2 knobs because there is some play in the M5B2 knob when it's locked down. Took a while to get it to where my knob lines up properly when dialing elevation. That will probably get messed up again when i actually zero the thing.

For the size and features it's packing it's sort of in it's own class, as Punisher notes. Your not going to find a scope of that magnification range, that size/weight, and features for under 2000$ granted it doesn't sell for under 2000$ usually but Scott has them on sale right now for 1800$ i'd give him a call or order. I got mine for 1750$. That's 200$ more than a bushy HDMR retail and about the same price as the ERS, it's a hell of a deal.
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I just ordered the version with the M5C2 knobs and the illuminated TMR reticle.

Everything I was looking for in an optic in a very modern form factor. Small and light.
The TMR is cool, has a VERY small dot at center, don't even see it < 6x, very visible by 9x, gives a very fine aim point at the high end. The hash marks are illuminated for the first 3 mils. To me, this is better than only having a "t" in the center illuminated, you can range in dim light, pull lead, very well thought out reticle.

Bright glass. Perfect for an AR platform.

23.6 ounces, very small.

If you want a dedicated bench/target scope, 5-25x, this may not be your scope, go S&B, Kahles, Steiner, etc.

At 15-16x, mine is incredible. I'm a picky fucker, never thought that I would pay this much for a Leupold, I'm happy. Gave $2700 for a NIB illuminated TMR, don't mind the pinch elevation set up, the M5C2 looks the shit, if I get another one, will be those knobs.

Say, it would be great on a JP LRP-07.

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I feel there is some inconsistency with the side focus / parallax adjustment with this model scope. My Horus reticle one feels to be nearing the end of its adjustment range at just 350 yards. The two TMRs still had adjustment left at 420 yards but different amounts remaing. I'm not talking about the knob markings not being accurate to their respective distances, which you can change by loosening the turret screw. What I'm referring to is that the three scope I've owned had different minimum and maximum focus distances. Everything else was set equal, such as eyepiece focus, 18x magnification, being near the center of the scope turret travel. Unless you sat down and looked through multiple samples of this scope you probably won't notice it.
I'll be using this for a hunting/1000 yard bolt gun. I hunt in the mountains and need the weight reduction in this scope. I also like the 3x18 power. I own a 6.5x20 now and I don't think I'll miss the 2x at the top end.
I'll be using this for a hunting/1000 yard bolt gun. I hunt in the mountains and need the weight reduction in this scope. I also like the 3x18 power. I own a 6.5x20 now and I don't think I'll miss the 2x at the top end.

It is so light weight, would be great on a hunting bolt rifle.

With the short overall length, would work well with a NV clip-on also.
Still love the Mk 6 and think it's a great value for the overall size, weight, and glass quality if you can find it at a good price. If you are MIL / LE you would be a fool to not pick one up to try through their discount program. If you don't like it you could always sell it for what you purchased it for and it'll be gone quick. The glass quality is approaching that of my S&B PM II, though it is not as bright during lower light situations (which is to be expected due to the objective size). I will likely pick up another one here in the future for a rifle where I need a smaller package.
I feel there is some inconsistency with the side focus / parallax adjustment with this model scope. My Horus reticle one feels to be nearing the end of its adjustment range at just 350 yards. The two TMRs still had adjustment left at 420 yards but different amounts remaing. I'm not talking about the knob markings not being accurate to their respective distances, which you can change by loosening the turret screw. What I'm referring to is that the three scope I've owned had different minimum and maximum focus distances. Everything else was set equal, such as eyepiece focus, 18x magnification, being near the center of the scope turret travel. Unless you sat down and looked through multiple samples of this scope you probably won't notice it.

I too was having adjustment issues with my H58, I sent it back to leupold and they corrected the issue (the parallax was clicking through the adjustment) also I complained that the scope was not clear and sharp like other TMR versions I had looked at. Leupold fixed the parallax issue BUT the scope is still hazy. in my opinion the mk 6 I have is less clear than my 16x42 SWFA SS. And compared next to a buddies TMR mk 6, Im not a happy camper with the glass in my scope but the glass in the TMR is Great!.
My glass is pretty clear in each of the three I owned, minute differences. These scopes have a moderate bit of chromatic abberation, but when looking thru the center of the eyebox most of the CA goes away. However since the eyebox isn't all that big to begin with, this can be somewhat challenging to do at higher magnification.

I too was having adjustment issues with my H58, I sent it back to leupold and they corrected the issue (the parallax was clicking through the adjustment) also I complained that the scope was not clear and sharp like other TMR versions I had looked at. Leupold fixed the parallax issue BUT the scope is still hazy. in my opinion the mk 6 I have is less clear than my 16x42 SWFA SS. And compared next to a buddies TMR mk 6, Im not a happy camper with the glass in my scope but the glass in the TMR is Great!.
I had given this scope some serious consideration until I just watched the tracking test in this section on the nf f1. If you follow the link you can see his test on the mark 6 and a mark 4 which both fail the test miserably. The mark 6 was off .5 mil at 15 mil I think. That's absolutely unacceptable and ridiculous. I would check your scopes those of you that have them. I wanted to give leuppy a fair shake these days with their new line of optics but after seeing that no thanks.
I had given this scope some serious consideration until I just watched the tracking test in this section on the nf f1. If you follow the link you can see his test on the mark 6 and a mark 4 which both fail the test miserably. The mark 6 was off .5 mil at 15 mil I think. That's absolutely unacceptable and ridiculous. I would check your scopes those of you that have them. I wanted to give leuppy a fair shake these days with their new line of optics but after seeing that no thanks.

Every optic I sport gets ran threw a box test (accomplished on a 3'x5' plywood board @ 100m).... That said, I had no issues with my MK6.
I had given this scope some serious consideration until I just watched the tracking test in this section on the nf f1. If you follow the link you can see his test on the mark 6 and a mark 4 which both fail the test miserably. The mark 6 was off .5 mil at 15 mil I think. That's absolutely unacceptable and ridiculous. I would check your scopes those of you that have them. I wanted to give leuppy a fair shake these days with their new line of optics but after seeing that no thanks.


I did those videos and am sad to say the 2 Mk6's I had did not track, and that's after sending them back to Leupold to get fixed. My Mk4 6.5-20 M5A2 did not track when I received it, sent it back twice for that reason, after getting it back the second time it was perfect up to 20mils. Now a year later, it's not so perfect and if you watch the video the reticle jumps when dialing. which is a shame because I really liked that scope, it'll be going back a third time to Leupold. I'm not a hater by a long shot, I own 3 other Mk4's and their rock solid and have been for years but the new stuff doesn't seem to be as reliable. I really only have 3 criteria a scope must meet, reliable, durable, and it must track accurately, I can deal with other shortcomings as nothing is perfect but come up short in one of those areas and that scope will have to find another home. My Mk6's found other homes.

I did those videos and am sad to say the 2 Mk6's I had did not track, and that's after sending them back to Leupold to get fixed. My Mk4 6.5-20 M5A2 did not track when I received it, sent it back twice for that reason, after getting it back the second time it was perfect up to 20mils. Now a year later, it's not so perfect and if you watch the video the reticle jumps when dialing. which is a shame because I really liked that scope, it'll be going back a third time to Leupold. I'm not a hater by a long shot, I own 3 other Mk4's and their rock solid and have been for years but the new stuff doesn't seem to be as reliable. I really only have 3 criteria a scope must meet, reliable, durable, and it must track accurately, I can deal with other shortcomings as nothing is perfect but come up short in one of those areas and that scope will have to find another home. My Mk6's found other homes.

It'd be interesting to see what Leupold would say if you sent them those videos.... Prior to doing so, I'd take a video verifying your box table with a measuring tape (or the like). I'd love to hear their response then. We as consumers should keep the manufactures honest.
Mark 6 3x18 question

One video of a scope not tracking properly doesn't sum up every mark 6 out there. It would be naive to think similar scopes haven't had similar problems. I'm not saying that the video was in anyway false. I'm just of the camp that believes mistakes happen and to expect a product to be perfect 24/7 is unrealistic.

That said I haven't had time to test mine, though I'm not expecting any problems. Ryan (diesalgeek) hasn't had a problem with his. I haven't seen too many people with problems with them. If I run into one with mine I will certainly make note of it. It will be how leupy handles it that leaves it's final impression though. I've only ever dealt with their CS once and it was great.

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He tested 2 mark 6 and a mark 4. All failed pretty badly in my opinion. If you haven't ran a tracking test as in depth as runamuk's I'd say you don't know for sure what your scope is doing
Mark 6 3x18 question

He tested 2 mark 6 and a mark 4. All failed pretty badly in my opinion. If you haven't ran a tracking test as in depth as runamuk's I'd say you don't know for sure what your scope is doing

As I just stated, I've yet to test mine. I've seen Ryan run his to 1300yds I'm sure he tested his upon getting it. Just as he did his bushnell. I'm just saying it's not necessarily out of the ordinary for there to be some lemons. Should there be in a 2000$+ scope? no I agree there shouldn't. But it just doesn't work that way. I didn't see the video but if two failed that is something. As I said I'll have to test mine when I get some time. I've been ridiculously busy these past couple of months so it will be a while.

Maybe it's a bad run of scopes? I haven't seen too many complaints on the mark 6. The mark 4 is a different story.

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He tested 2 mark 6 and a mark 4. All failed pretty badly in my opinion. If you haven't ran a tracking test as in depth as runamuk's I'd say you don't know for sure what your scope is doing

I have tested and tested my MK6's and they work flawlessly.

I have seen many scopes fail tests but that just means that particular scope failed. My MK6's work as they should.
I'm sure there are good Mk6's out there. Before I tested my first one I used it in a local match on a new to me rifle and enjoyed it. Glass was decent enough, I dig the TMR and it's a great size and weight, (mushy elevation turret). But mine didn't track and sending it off to Leupold didn't help in my case.

K-4c....I've spoke with the VP of leupold's tactical dept and told him about my testing method prior to sending my Mk4 back the second time. Can't remember his name right now but he was really interested with my issue and seem honestly concerned about the product, all around great guy to talk to and he got my scope working like it should. Unfortunately I plan on talking to him again very soon about the same Mk4. The prob with the mk4 may very well be my fault as I had it on a 40moa base and left it zero'd while in the safe, I don't really know if that messed it up or could have messed it up but I'll be asking him about that.
You can kill just about any scope leaving the knobs cranked down on a 40mo base. Many of us on US Team found this problem when we set our high magnification scopes at 100 yard zeros and left them there. Over time the springs on every brand scope go weaker and when we dialed to 1000 plus yards we had weird shots. Since most of us went to leaving the scopes on 600-1000 yards when not in use these problems went away. I talked with a scope maker and he told me he had seen this in every brand as well.

It all comes down to this. If you crank a spring all the way down and leave it there it will take a set. Then when you take pressure off it wont go back to its original length and strength at that length. So in short the adjustments will bounce around.

Now in the old days of flat bases and leaving the scopes basically centered in travel I did not see it but now we try and get every bit of performance from the equipment and like racing it takes its toll on the parts
Tactical Tks for that, I read another thread about this same problem a week or so ago (maybe from you?) where someone brought this up. Makes a lot of sense which is why I'm thinking the problem with my Mk4 may be my fault. Either way here's hoping Leupold will get it fixed up...