Building a target camera using parts from a video. Camera draws 200mW, pretty small draw. going to power it from a car battery. 12v 650cca, amp hours on most car batteries is not listed but I do see 40-65 ah is what most are acording to JD power. Most battery draw calculators wont match such a small load with such a big bettery. I'm guessing the camera should stay on for a day or so? I only need a few hours so should be way more than good.
Also I am going to order an android tablet to watch the video on. But is there an app where I can watch it on my iPhone for now? Seems FPV apps are not really popular for iOs.
Thanks in advance.
Also I am going to order an android tablet to watch the video on. But is there an app where I can watch it on my iPhone for now? Seems FPV apps are not really popular for iOs.
Thanks in advance.