Shooters meeting set for 0800, $25 entry fee, $100 cash purse available. 40rds COF, 100% of the entry
fee goes to NSSF and we will be at the Ashfork location. Distance from the muzzle to 1100ish. All stages will be some form of prone, we will not have any weird stage requirements. The only thing that will induce stress is the
time limit. See you guys in 1 week. Please email or call with questions and email if you plan to attend, so that I know how many people to look for. Call if you are running late so that we dont start shooting. (928) 308-8093.
fee goes to NSSF and we will be at the Ashfork location. Distance from the muzzle to 1100ish. All stages will be some form of prone, we will not have any weird stage requirements. The only thing that will induce stress is the
time limit. See you guys in 1 week. Please email or call with questions and email if you plan to attend, so that I know how many people to look for. Call if you are running late so that we dont start shooting. (928) 308-8093.