Double bar in Navy is Lt. Commander. Equivalent of an Army Captain. Navy Captain is a bird col. in "other branch" ranks.'
Again, service needs no embellishment. But if he did, that's a strike. Moreover, folks like John Kerry have demonstrated that there are folks who serve for self-serving reasons. To create a resume entry. I'll give Buttjizz the benefit of the doubt.
But service does not excuse a willingness to subvert his oath... his attacks on 2A and the fact that his whole "Don't ask Don't Tell" service is suspect to begin with....
Again, I give him credit for showing up in the Green Zone and driving some routes. Lots did not.
So add that to his Plus column. He earned that. Now to his negative column... he is a turd-burgler. He is a commie. He has few qualifications. He sucks dicks. He is mayor of a worthless town. He is a peter puffer. He is a socialist. He was happy with the Green New Deal. He wants to bring in millions of illegals. He wants to eliminate the Bill or Rights... at least the first two articles. All that cancels out a few weeks in Rhode Island and a Navy Commission that even a schling-gobbler can "Don't ask don't tell" his way into.
My math says that this little sh*t stabber is a worthless human being. But we can't base that assessment on his service because, well, he served. No war hero. But at least he was a 90 day wonder.
Well, there ya go.
Pardon my being a dick here.
OK, now tell us how you really feel.