This is true. Quick story...One year we had a late season cow elk hunt that was instituted by the FWP. We had about 800 head of elk on our place and we wanted to help people fill their freezers and get a few. We also didn't want a bunch of fudds driving around and fucking things up. What ensued was this really weird game of "hunting dodgeball" where we would sort of de facto "guide" hunters who showed up at our place to try and get a cow. We kind of "picked teams" and set off with them to help them get an elk. Up until that point,I had assumed that most hunters were sort of like me and had a fairly firm grasp on not only the basics of hunting, but of general marksmanship and "riflery" if you will. Holy shit, was I wrong. Unfortunately, out of the 30 or so folks we had, I would say 5 knew what the hell they were doing. The others couldn't shoot, couldn't hike, couldn't see, couldn't track, basically helpless. Most were actually so out of shape they quit less than 200 yards from the vehicle. If it did come down to shooting, that was even more pathetic.Bottom line is most hunters, yes most , are not "gun people". They look at it the same way as a lawn mower. Looks like the lawn needs to be mowed get the lawn tractor. here comes hunting season... get the rifle.
I was both surprised and incredibly disappointed. If you use that rough cross section of knowledge and apply it to the general hunting public, you start to make some sobering conclusions. Not only do you realize most hunters are not gun people, most hunters aren't really hunters.