With the New production, research and development Facility being built I am eager to see what shot show 2025 has in store. Of course the Meostar R series was released last year but I'm still not seeing it for sale on this side of the pond. Would love to have the 4-24x56imm personally.
Also have noticed a huge new line of optics called the Meoforce DF series for tactical/military application including three prism scopes, red dots, and five scopes that i can't even find pricing for. Visually the look like revamped meostar ZD and TAC scopes of which I own a ZD 4-16x44imm which is an INCREDIBLE optics for $1500 retail. Personally did not pay close to that haha. In the force DF line is a 5-30x56imm that is 100% new in terms of Specs and Visuals, being their most powerfull and heavy
Scope to date. Looks veeery appetizing.
If anyone has more "in the know" information i would love to hear about it.
Also have noticed a huge new line of optics called the Meoforce DF series for tactical/military application including three prism scopes, red dots, and five scopes that i can't even find pricing for. Visually the look like revamped meostar ZD and TAC scopes of which I own a ZD 4-16x44imm which is an INCREDIBLE optics for $1500 retail. Personally did not pay close to that haha. In the force DF line is a 5-30x56imm that is 100% new in terms of Specs and Visuals, being their most powerfull and heavy
Scope to date. Looks veeery appetizing.
If anyone has more "in the know" information i would love to hear about it.