Mexican Cartels are in Montana, flooding Indian Reservations with Fentanyl

Biden intentionally opened the borders to a superhighway of trafficking- drug, sex, and human types. We'll be lucky to ever get it under control.
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Nothing new or newsworthy here. When was the last time you were in Browning or the Rocky Boy Res?

The same thing is happening at the Wind River and Pine Ridge reservations. I hope when the BIA or reservation cops catch them they treat them the same way the Paiute cops treat protestors that block the road to Burning Man.
So MO around small town W. WA is cartels buy a house in some meth town and get the users to run deliveries onto the Rez and other small towns. Just had two kids (20'ish) OD and die in our small town. Dealer was picked up and back home selling again within the week. Smfh.
Look at cocaine and all the other drugs that have been coming into this country in quantity since the 70's. The "war on drugs" is/was a fkng joke because the border has always been more porous than a sponge. Until the border is totally secured, drugs , human and sex trafficking will continue without pause.
Good, I hope they flood every democrat held area with all the dope they can truck up here from Mexico and kill as many of these fuckers as humanly possible. The more dead the better. They voted for it, they fought for it and they are fucking the entire country to get it. They deserve to bury their friends and family in droves. It is what they demanded, let them reap it.
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Is it possible there is a problem in the interior of the country and the media isn't telling us about it and Joe Biden hasn't already resolved it? How could this happen?
So MO around small town W. WA is cartels buy a house in some meth town and get the users to run deliveries onto the Rez and other small towns. Just had two kids (20'ish) OD and die in our small town. Dealer was picked up and back home selling again within the week. Smfh.

About 800,000 Americans have died in the last 10 years from drug overdoses.

If a terrorist group based in some shithole country had killed 80,000 Americans in one year and 800,000 over 10 years, we would have already gone to war over it.

Nothing much is being done about the cartels and nothing much will be done.
Been a thing here in eastern MT for awhile. Upticks in trafficking of all sorts geared up following the cartel's expansion into CO following the legalization of weed and just kept going north. The I90/I94 intersection in Yellowstone County is their perfect East/West distribution corridor.