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Mile High sponsored Tactical .22LR match - Denver August 18th (Saturday)


Full Member
Oct 29, 2008
Denver CO
Mile High Shooting has agreed to sponsor a Denver local area .22LR tactical match to be held this coming Saturday at Green Mill Sportsman club in Erie CO. All precision shooters in the Denver Front Range who have a .22LR and would like to take it out to distance (35 -211 yards) come join us this Saturday.

Schedule: 8:00am – 8:45am: Registration
8:45am: Safety Briefing
9:00am: Match Start
2:00pm -3:00pm: (Estimated) match end

Location: Green Mill sportsman’s range, Erie CO (25 min North of Denver)

Google Maps for directions:

Directions From Denver:
  • I-25 north to Exit #232 (Erie Parkway)
  • West on Erie Parkway past County Roads 7 & 5
  • Left (south) on Bonanza Drive (past Erie Fire Station on S.W. corner)
  • Left on first dirt road (just past Fire station and Longs Peak Rd)
  • Follow dirt road (Green mill Rd) for ¾ mile to GreenMill range gate and continue to parking lot.
Entry Fee: $20.00 - Cash Only at registration

Who may shoot:
This match is open to all shooters 18 years or older. Youths may shoot if a parent or legal guardian accompanies them.

Firearm Requirements:
This match is limited to .22LR rimfire rifles only. Rifles may be semi-auto loading or bolt action but for safety purposes, all eligible firearms MUST be equipped with a detachable box magazine – no exceptions.

Required Equipment:
  • A front bi-pod
  • Two magazines
  • 100 rounds of ammo
Shooting Divisions:
  • Tactical Class – any .22LR rifle with exposed elevation knobs on their scopes or a tactical style reticle with numerical markings on it.
  • Hunting Class - any .22LR rifle requiring “Kentucky Windage” (e.g. scopes without exposed turrets or numerical markings on the reticle).

Course of Fire:
This competition simulates shooting in field (hunting) conditions. It stresses shooting from supported and unsupported positions (e.g. standing, sitting, kneeling, barricades etc.) under time pressure as well as wind doping skills and requires a good knowledge of your rifle and its ballistics in order to make first rounds hits.

The match will consist of eight stages shooting 8 to 12 rounds under time pressure (60-120 seconds) at targets from 35 yards to 211 yards.

Each stage will have specific rules of engagement. For example, a stage might require that all targets at 100 yards must be hit before they can move on to engage 200 yards targets.

Shooters with disabilities:
Shooters that are not able to shoot prone will be allowed to shoot from a bench off a bi-pod. Shooters that cannot shoot sitting or kneeling will be allowed to shoot from a chair with shooting sticks.

Reservation: Contact Roy Wirthlin ( [email protected]) to reserve a spot – limit first 64 shooters

What to bring:
  • Firearm: Eligible firearms are 22LR rifles that MUST include a detachable box magazine for safety purposes – no blind magazines allowed. You should strive to bring a rifle with ammo that you are confident will shoot a ½” or better five shot groups at 50 yards.
  • Bi-Pod: Bring a detachable front bi-pod
  • Other supports: Shooting sticks, Rear bags, Slings, are also very useful for those long shots at small targets.
  • Magazines: Bring at least two detachable box magazines. Some stages will require a mag change.
  • Shooting mats: Those that already shoot NRA Smallbore or High Power will have these. Please bring them and be prepared to share, as it’s a lot better than laying on the bare concrete for prone stages.
  • Safety Equipment: Ear and eye protection required.
  • Suppressors: Are invited and encouraged but not required.
Many thanks to Mile High Shooting Accessories for providing some equipment (PRS tri-pod) some coaches for new shooters and prizes.

Thanks to Austin Angus of of AA Targets for creating some really fun steel targets for this match. = [email protected]

Contact Roy Wirthlin - [email protected] for more information or registration.
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We will have a wide range of shooters at the match, some VERY accomplished long range shooters as well as some new shooters. The goal is to make it fun for all which means it must be challenging for the experienced shooters as well encouraging for the new shooters (we want to grow the sport don't we?). The targets range from 2" down to 1/4" at 45 (KYL) and 4 MOA down to 1 MOA at 110 yards and 4 MOA down to 1/2 MOA at 210 yards.

On average the targets are 1.5 - 3.0 MOA depending on the distance

Here is a detailed description of the course of fire:

Green Mill match Layout and Format

(Small bore Range 45yds - 111 yards)​

Stage 1 – "Standing Silhouettes" (Standing offhand, 8 shots / 12 possible points)

Time limit: 2 minutes (120 seconds)

Shooting Position – Standing offhand - no support allowed other than a sling attached to the rifle.
  • Shooters with Physical Disabilities can shoot from a chair no support other than a sling.
Target(s): Hanging silhouettes (chickens, pig, turkeys and rams)

Gear Restrictions: Limited to rifle and sling only.

Course of fire:

46 yds. - 2 shots chicken (1 pt.)
66 yds. - 2 shots pig (1 pt.)
84 yds. - 2 shots on WEST facing big turkey (1 pt.) or SMALL turkey (2 pts.)
110 yds. - 2 shots on WEST facing big ram (1 pt.) or SMALL ram (2 pts.)

  • 1 point per hit
  • 2 points per hit on the small turkey or ram. If the shooter elects to shoot at the small animals at 84 yards or 110 yards for extra points the shooter MUST tell the Spotter/Scorer they are going for the small target BEFORE they shoot in order to qualify for the bonus points, otherwise it is counted as a miss.

Stage 2 – “Know Your Limits” (Prone 10 shots / 14 possible points)

Time limit: 2 minutes (120 seconds)

Shooting Position: Prone.
  • Shooters with Physical Disabilities: can shoot from the bench w/a bi-pod rear bag
Target(s): (1) KYL rack of 8 round spinners (45 yards) 2” circles down to ¼”
(1) 1” diamond at 111 yards

Gear Restrictions: Limited to rifle, sling, bi-pod, & rear bag only

  • The shooter shall start shooting targets on the KYL rack at 45 yards from left to right.
  • The shooter is awarded one point per hit.
  • If the shooter hits all eight round swingers on this stage they are then eligible to take 2 additional shots at a 1” diamond at 111 yards.
  • 1 point per hit on the 45 yard KYL rack
  • 2 points per hit on the 1” diamond at 111 yards.
  • Be careful! If the shooter misses any shot, their turn is over and they forfeit all points!!!
  • Remember: “A good man know's his limitations. A man’s got to know his limitations.” – Dirty Harry, Magnum Force

Stage 3 - “Rapid Fire ” (Standing w/bench support 10 shots / 10 points)

Time limit: 1 minute (60 seconds)

Gear Restrictions: Rifle, bi-pod, & rear bag only

Shooting Position:
  • All shots shall be made standing behind a bench and using it for support.
Target(s): 1 3” diamond (mover) at 67 yards

Gear Restrictions: Rifle, bi-pod and rear bag only.

  • This stage requires a mag change – shooter may not place more than 8 rounds in any one magazine.
  • 1 point per hit.
Stage 4 - “Shooting Sticks” (Shot sitting with sling and or sticks 10 shots / 10 points):

Time limit: 2 minutes (120 seconds)

Shooting Position: Sitting position with or without shooting sticks – sling OK.
  • Shooters with Physical Disabilities: can shoot from a chair with the provided shooting sticks.
Target(s): Prairie dogs at 68 yds. (1), 86 yds. (2), 110 yds. (1) and 112yds. (1)

Gear Restrictions: Rifle, sling and provided shooting sticks only. Shooters can opt not to use the provided sticks.

  • The shooter shall shoot 2 shots at each prairie dog from a sitting position with the provided shooting sticks from right to left at the east end of the berms starting at 68 yards (1), 86 yards (2) and then 110 yards (1), 114 (1).
  • 1 point per hit.
Stage 5 – Strong side / weak side “Barricade” (86 yards, 8 shots / 8 possible points)

Time limit: 2 minutes (120 seconds)

Shooting Position: Gun rested on each of four barricade positions.
  • Shooters with Physical Disabilities: can shoot from a chair w/provided shooting sticks
Target(s): (1) 2” diamond at 86 yards

Gear Restrictions: Rifle, sling and unlimited bags – no tripods.

  • The shooter shall shoot 2 shots from each position starting from position #1 proceeding in order to position #4 (right to left movement).
  • From positions #1 an #2 (right side) the shooter must shoulder the rifle in his/her right shoulder. From positions #3 and #4 the shooter must shoulder the rifle in his/her left shoulder.
  • The shooter is awarded one point per hit.
  • Each shooter MUST open the bolt (bolt action rifles) or engage safety on semi-auto rifles before moving the rifle from position to position.

Green Mill match Layout and Format

(L.E. Rifle Range 110 yards - 211 yards)​

Stage 6 – “Hostages” (10 shots / 18 possible points)

Time limit: 2 minutes (120 seconds)

Shooting Position: Prone.
  • Shooters with Physical Disabilities: can shoot from a chair w/shooting sticks
Target(s): Four position hostage rack at 110 yards.

IPSC hostage target at 200 yards.

Gear Restrictions: Limited to rifle, sling, bi-pod, & rear bag only.

  • Shooter shoots one shot at each “bad guy” (right of each hostage) from left to right (largest to smallest) at the 110 yard rack.
  • If the shooter hits any hostage at 110 yards they lose their points and get to start over (again left to right) until they have hit all "bad guy" targets on the rack.
  • After the shooter has successfully hit all bad guys at 110 yards they can shoot their remaining shots at the 2”x2” “flapper” (“bad guy” next to the head of the IPSC hostage) at 200 yards.
  • 1 point per hit at 110 yards
  • 2 points per hit at 200 yards – Shooter must swing the flapper to the opposite side to get points.
  • There is no loss of points if you hit the hostage @ 200 yards.

Stage 7 – “Wind Meister”: (209 yards, 10 shots / 20 possible points)

Time limit: 2 minutes (120 seconds)

Shooting Position: Prone.
  • Shooters with Physical Disabilities: can shoot from a chair w/shooting sticks
Target(s): 8 1" (½ MOA) “wind-chime” strips in a rack at 209 yards.

Gear Restrictions: Limited to rifle, sling, bi-pod, & rear bag only.

  • Shooter shoots 10 shots at the “wind chime” rack at 209 yards.
  • 1 point for any shot that moves any of the white or red strips in the center of the rack (3/4 - 1.5 MOA wind doping).
  • 2 points for any shot that spins the red strip all the way around (1/2 MOA wind doping)
  • Hint: if you hit the red strip (1" wide) on the lower portion it will spin around at least 3-4 times and prove that you can dope wind to 1/2 MOA ... good on you!

Stage 8 – “Dogging with tripods”: (110 and 209 yards, 10 shots /16 possible points)

Time limit: 2 minutes (120 seconds)

Shooting Position: Standing and using a Mile High RRS tripod w/hog saddle for support.
  • Shooters with Physical Disabilities: can shoot sitting off a chair using the provided tri-pod

Gear Restrictions: Shooters much use the provided RRS tripod with hog saddle. No other bags or slings allowed.

  • Shooter shoots 2 shots at each dog target at 110 yards from left to right (largest to smallest) and then from left to right (largest to smallest) at 209 yards starting with the large ground hog target.
  • 1 point for each hit at 110 yards
  • 2 points for each hit at 209 yards
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The match was a lot of fun. Roy and crew put a lot of time and effort (a really lot) and it showed. The stages were well designed and super entertaining. They had a couple of target set ups I’d not seen before that were fun and challenging.

The range was very nice. Flush toilets and running water were a nice change of pace from the usual.

Organization was good, and the match ran smoothly. There were some target failures due to the awesome kinetic energy of .22 target ammo, but that’s just sorting out what works and what doesn’t.

I hope this match catches on. It seems like a super group of guys.

Thanks to Roy, all the ROs, and to Mile High for sponsoring the day!
You Colorado guys have it goin' on with Hoser's 22RF PR matches down south, and now these up north. Would really enjoy making it out to shoot with you, just have a heckuva hard time getting away from the farm during the summer months with irrigation wells & sprinklers running, and no help to check on them so I can drive out to shoot. It was Hoser's posts here & over on AccurateShooter.com that motivated me to have jelrod convert a couple of my CMP 40Xs into repeaters after I'd built myself a copy of the EuroOptics Stiller 2500XR trainer - which I later sold to finance the build of another repeater on a V-22 action. I'll be 67 in less than a month - doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that I'd better be finding some younger guy to hire to help out next summer so I can get away to do some shooting - before I'm too darned old to enjoy the challenges of 22RF PR shooting...

We would love to have you join us - life is too short to be "schlepping pipe". Hoser and his crew are animals. Hard core, great shooters and they know their stuff. It was really fun to have them out. I think we did OK for a first time match. It wasn't perfect, we had some target failures but I learned a lot and will look at ways to make it better. The club opens up to the public in two weeks for hunter sight-which closes in November so we lose access to the 210 yard ranges. I am looking to start up again after that. I will put out more notice on the next ones. One of the BoD members came up to me and suggested that we do a reduced course in the mean-time during sight-in - we will see.

- R
Is there a possibility you could share the stages. We are starting a local non nrl22 match and are looking for various ideas. Ran our first match this weekend. Geared toward the new to the sport shooters and went great but always looking for new and fun stages.
No Problemo. We had *very* experienced hard-core shooters as well as brand new shooters. This course seemed to challenge the experienced shooters as well as encourage the new shooters ... all had fun.

- R
The GreenMill range opens up to the public this Sat for Hunter Sight-in and that runs through Nov. I have been told that we cannot use the longer LE range during this time for matches as it's the overflow range on the weekends. Some have suggested a "reduced" match on the smallbore range only before it gets too cold. The intention is to start up again after sight-in.

- R
The GreenMill range opens up to the public this Sat for Hunter Sight-in and that runs through Nov. I have been told that we cannot use the longer LE range during this time for matches as it's the overflow range on the weekends. Some have suggested a "reduced" match on the smallbore range only before it gets too cold. The intention is to start up again after sight-in.

- R

Sounds good. I wouldn't shoot the "reduced" match anyway, as I love the challenge at 200, and I also don't mind the cold!